"Editorial board sends a strong message of support to our partners and authors from Ukraine. We are standing for peace, freedom, and justice".
Vol. 46 No. 4 (2024)
This issue consist of 15 articles related to various type of research topics. The most relevand research discussions are presented in the topics of: Government-Funded Agribusinesses: Empirical Evidence to What Extent is Farming Supported in Lithuania; Innovative Management of Eco-Projects of Quality And Sustainable Development of the Entrepreneurial Potential of Integrated Structures in Smart Technologies of the Information Bio-Economy; Cooperation in Forming the Social and Economic Welfare of Rural Territorial Communities; Management of Cluster Development of Agricultural Enterprises in Conditions of Digitalization, Legal Risks, Innovative Education and Smart Economy; etc.
Vol. 46 No. 3 (2024)
This issue consist of 15 articles related to various type of research topics. The most relevand research discussions are presented in the topics of: Analysis of smart solutions and behavioral nudges: strategies for increasing public involvement in European biodiversity conservation; Circular economy as a determinant of strategic management; Financial and security design of management accounting of innovative agricultural enterprises in conditions of digitalization and migration risks; Assessment of the influence of socio-economic factors on the level of agro-food products; Food security management in the system of the agriculture sustainable development; The role of short food supply chain stakeholders in implementing the model “business - to - goverment”; etc.
Vol. 46 No. 2 (2024)
This issue consist of 14 articles related to various type of research topics. The most relevand research discussions are presented in the topics of: Organizational and economic principles of activation of the attraction of investment resources in the development of economic systems; Person - organisation value congruence: the same values, different priorities; Evaluation of public projects in the light of sustainability; The concept of accounting and reporting on the exploration and assessment of mineral reserves in the conditions of the formation of a circular economy; etc.
Vol. 46 No. 1 (2024)
This issue consist of 12 articles related to various type of research topics. The most relevand research discussions are presented in the topics of: Food security in the Baltic states; Tools of the state business support in the context of sustainable development; Innovative development of economic systems in the digitalization conditions; Application of circular economy principles in the tourism sector; The mechanism of the branding development of agrarian regions in the conditions of the European integration; The impact of digital transformation on the innovative development of economic systems; etc.
Vol. 45 No. 4 (2023)
This issue consist of 14 articles related to various type of research topics. The most relevand research discussions are presented in the topics of: The financial vulnerability of European households; Innovation-investment mechanism; Technological management of cluster innovations; Leading research areas of personal, organizational values; Financial strategy of management for marketing; Effects of regional smart transformation; Investigation of the relationship between tourism and economic growth; Host-related factors influencing airbnb prices in rural areas; Financial strategy of management for marketing; etc.
Vol. 45 No. 3 (2023)
This issue consist of 11 articles related to various type of research topics. The most relevand research discussions are presented in the topics of: Innovative Development of Enterprises In The Context of Digital Transformations of The Institutional Environment Of the National Economy; Organisational and Management Design of Financial and Human Resource Support for Innovative Agribusiness: The Security Aspect; The Role of Digital Marketing and Logistics in the Optimization of Business Processes of Agricultural Enterprises; etc.
Vol. 45 No. 2 (2023)
This issue consist of 10 articles related to various type of research topics. The most relevand research discussions are presented in the topics of: Technological Management of Innovations in Logistics; Modeling the Influence of Intellectual And Innovative Determinants on The Economic Systems' Development in the Conditions of the Creative Economy Formation; Serving Rural Market Via E-Commerce: A Study for Consumer Durables; etc.
Vol. 45 No. 1 (2023)
This issue consist of 10 articles related to various type of research topics. The most relevand research discussions are presented in the topics of: Opportunities for Digitisation of Agricultural and Rural Development Solutions, Determinants of Performance Indicators of Agricultural Enterprises, Global Experience of Applying the Circular Economy Model in Light Industry, Management of the Rural Tourism Cluster Based on Cash Flows’ Economic-Mathematical Mode, Assessment of Export Capacity of Agricultural Sector in the Context of International Competitiveness, etc.
Vol. 44 No. 4 (2022)
This issue consist of 10 articles related to various type of research topics. The most relevand research discussions are presented in the topics of: Climate Change, Youth Attitudes to Nature, Development of Smart Cities, Algorithmic Approach to the Development of the use of Bioenergy Resources, Monetary Policy Ensuring Macro-Financial Stability of the State, etc.
Vol. 44 No. 3 (2022)
This issue consist of 15 articles related to various type of research topics. The most relevand research discussions are presented in the topics of: Green tourism as a component of sustainable development of the region, The impact of environmental taxes on mitigation of pollution in agriculture: The theoretical approach. The economic role of tourism in european countries’ sustainable development, Taxation of individual activity in Europe, etc.
Vol. 44 No. 2 (2022)
This issue consist of 12 articles related to various type of research topics. The most relevand research discussions are presented in the topics of: financial framework for sustainable development of the EU rural areas: towards the new priorities, green investment opportunities for sustainable agriculture, green marketing impact on perceived brand value in different generations, social psychological elements and buying intention of rural buyer, etc.
Vol. 44 No. 1 (2022)
This issue consist of 12 articles related to various type of research topics. The most relevand research discussions are presented in the topics of European Investment In the Baltic States, the impact of the state of the ecosystem, organizational change, the role of environmental taxes In Bioeconomy, circular economy formation, etc.
Vol. 43 No. 4 (2021)
This issue consist of 13 articles related to various type of research topics. The most relevand research discussions are presented in the topics of sustainable regional tourism development, trust management, digital transformations in agriculture, institutional infrastructure development and youth empowernment in rural areas, etc.
Vol. 43 No. 3 (2021)
This issue consist of 11 articles related to various type of research topics. The most relevand research discussions are presented in the topics of: Ensuring Food Security In the Context of the Sustainable Development of Agriculture, Territorial Dimension for Sustainable Development of Infrastructure Enterprises, Impact of Brand Equity on Purchase Intentions Buying Food Products, Management in Business Processes of Agricultural Enterprises, etc.
Vol. 43 No. 2 (2021)
This issue consist of 14 articles related to various type of research topics. The most relevand research discussions are presented in the topics of: Glocalization of Regional Innovation Development, Diagnostics and Making Decision in Conflict Management at the Enterprise, Challenges and Opportunities for Digital Innovative Hubs Development in Europe, Modeling and Forecasting of the Integrated Index of Innovation Activity of Regions, etc.
Vol. 43 No. 1 (2021)
Collaboration with SCIENDO will ensure better visibility of authors publications as well as will help to reach a higher citation index and positions in highly recognised scientific databases.
This issue consist of 14 articles related to various type of research topics. The most relevand research discussions are presented in the topics of: Influence of Insurance on Competitiveness of Food Enterprises, The Role of United Territorial Communities in the Functioning of Agricultural Enterprises, Economic Mechanism of Optimizing the Innovation Investment Program of the Development of Agro-Industrial Production, etc.
SCIENDO Volume 43 (2021) Issue 1 (March 2021)
Vol. 42 No. 4 (2020)
This issue of the scientific journal is the last this year. It consists of eighteen scientific articles prepared by scientists from around the world. The main topics of the articles are issues related to the development of the bioeconomy, innovations in agriculture and rural development, human resources and farm sustainability, alternative businesses in rural areas and the challenges they face. The articles present unique research methodologies.
Vol. 42 No. 3 (2020)
This issue of the journal contains 19 scientific articles written by researchers from Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Spain and Italy, Ukraine, Malaysia, India and the United States.
Moreover, this issue publishes an overview of the upcoming scientific conference "Accounting and Finance: Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Bioeconomy and Rural Development", which will take place on 19-20th November 2020 at Vytautas Magnus University. We invite you to get acquainted with the conference topics and participate in it.
* The Editorial Board apologizes for the technical glitches in the journal system that have delayed the release of the regular issue of the journal.
Vol. 42 No. 1 (2020)
The edition of this scientific journal consists of ten scientific articles. In this regular journal number, has been published the research which explains the socially responsible behavior in Tourism, The influence of market risks upon agribusiness value, re-urbanization as a solution of socioenvironmental and economic problems, financial support of digital rural hubs in Europe and other important research findings.
Vol. 41 No. 4 (2019)
This issue consist of twelve scientific publications which presents research results such as assumptions for short food supply chains organisation, challenges of greeting the supply chain, monitoring of food security at regional level, structure and concentration of domestic market of raw milk in Lithuania, modeling the system of social stability through the food safetyparadigm and other actual research results.
Vol. 41 No. 3 (2019)
This journal consist of 11 scientific publications. The research topics are broad and have scientific and practical value. Authors are presenting the research results which describes influence of infrastructure development on economic growth; problems and perspectives of economic security; opportunities for organic production development; public and private partnership and etc.
Vol. 41 No. 2 (2019)
This regular journal number consists of twelve scientific articles. Presented research topics are very broad and include today's scientific discussions and practical issues regarding good governance, green technologies, logistics quality management problems and perspectives, efficiency of the innovative use of waste, waste management and other important issues. The scientific publications are significant due to new theoretical scientific insights and the practical application of research results in local and global context.
Vol. 41 No. 1 (2019)
This journal number consist of 12 scientific articles which are presented by researchers from UK, Norway, Switzerland, Cyprus, Jordan, Ukraine, Slovakia, Russia, Poland and Lithuania.
Scientists have analyzed economic security enhancement relations, investment in high technologies, opportunities for improving product competitiveness, a cost-effectiveness issues in agricultural supply chain marketing, barriers and opportunities for small business development in rural areas,and other topical scientific and practical issues of today.
Vol. 40 No. 4 (2018)
The last journal number of 2018 consist of fourteen scientific articles. The editorial board are proud to announce that the geographical scope of researchers is growing. Published articles has been prepared by scientists not only from Baltic countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland, but also Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Ukraine, China, Malaysia as well as Central Europe: Italy and Germany, United States.
In this journal number are published a highly important research results related to such topics as bioeconomy development potential from the perspective of innovation economics in European regions; presented the world trends of organic production and consumption; presented model for ensuring the economic security in the agrarian sector, analyzed the concept of research on Logistics management and public networks as well as other research topics.