About the Journal

ISSN 2345-0355 (Online)

Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development is the international, peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (former name Aleksandras Stulginskis University) the leading institution of research in agricultural & rural business management and bioeconomics in Lithuania.

The aim of the journal is to promote exchange in scientific knowledge by publishing scientific articles in social sciences areas: management and administration, business studies, public administration, economic, as well as application oriented, practically and / or theoretically associated with the countryside, agriculture and its infrastructure. There could be also published theoretical articles in the previous mentioned fields.

The journal provides a platform to share papers for scientists, academicians and professionals of scientific institutions from around the world.


  • Frequency. Journal is published quarterly, in March, June, September and December.
  • Language of the article. Articles are published in English language. 
  • Indexing. The journal is indexed by the international databases: Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Core Collection, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), EBSCO, Business Source Complete, CAB Abstracts, Ulrich’s, DOAJ, OAJI, IndexCopernicus, ERIH PLUS, AcademicKeys.com, Google Scholar.
  • Journal provides DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to each published article.
  • Originality. Presented articles must be original, not published elsewhere, and should correspond with the aims and scope of the journal. The originality of the submitted articles will be verified initially through an AI detector, followed by a secondary check using trusted iThenticate Plagiarism Detection Software to identify any similarities.

         Peer Review. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed by two experts, a double-blind review system is applied.

  • Publication fee. The fee for 8 pages publication (16 000 characters without spaces) - 200 EUR (excluding VAT) (Please note that from 2025 the price has increased from EUR 150.00 to EUR 200.00).  Each additional paper of submitted publication - 20 EUR (2000 characters without spaces) (excluding VAT).
  • The articles are published according to the author's originals. However, in order to ensure the scientific English standards of the journal publications, manuscripts are submitted for revision to the management/economics language specialists.