Global innovative space, innovations, model of development R&D.Abstract
Relevance of the article is due to the dynamic processes of the formation of a global innova-tion space (GIS), which links the intellectual activity of the countries of the world into a single sys-tem and expands the possibilities for international cooperation. The purpose of the article is to iden-tify the main trends in the formation of the GIS and to determine, on this basis, key areas for the effective entry into it of each country. In the article used the methodology of comparative analysis and assessment of the dynamics of key indicators of innovation activity of the leading countries of the world (2007–2017). Results: the main trends in the development of the GIS were revealed; the directions of effective participation of each country in the ISU are substantiated taking into account the requirements of world ratings, intensification of competition for achievement of leadership posi-tions at the global level.