Anthropological Challenges of Postmodern Societies Conception of Personal Love for Young People at the Beginning of XXI Century


  • Dominyka - Violeta Slepikaitė Vytautas Magnus University
  • Rimas Skinkaitis Vytautas Magnus University



Values, young people, anthropological challenges, God, faith


A particular historical situation in Lithuania had a great impact on the formation of youth values. Prior to this situation, an integral person's education was inextricably linked with spiritual values. Today in our society different processes can be observed. Our understanding of values is based on the criteria of economical world – “useful means good”, where person chooses to meet only those needs that are pleasant to him. The consequences of education under the communist regime caused various negative phenomenon such as the lack of responsibility, mistrust and fear in the personal as well as in the social life. Due to this education experience a great number of young people encounter divorces in their families. The lack of strong moral values influences an early beginning of sexual life and positive attitude towards relationships de facto. An experience of instability in the area of love and self giving causes deprivation of guidilines and basis regarding the conception of love. In spite of these negative facts, positive signs can be noticed. Questions what it means to be a person, what is love, meaning of the life, God and faith are newly raised. These questions are discussed in this article.





Pastoral Theology