Modes of price regulation, price parity, price survey, price volatility, self-regulatory organizations, State regulation of pricesAbstract
The means of state regulation of procurement prices for agricultural products that were applied in Ukraine over the past years of reform, did not ensure the overcoming the price disparity and high price volatility. Due to the high price volatility, funds are not invested in areas of agriculture with a long payback period. Bank loans are not attracted to develop these industries. Given the current level and price ratio, direct government support does not have the proper stimulating effect on agricultural development. The purpose of the article is to analyze the means of state regulation of prices for agricultural products, their effectiveness, justification of the possibility and feasibility of pricing at self-regulatory organizations created by business entities. To achieve the goal, the following research methods were used: analytical method, abstract-logical method, graphical method.
It has been suggested that state support of agriculture should be steered on the creation of self-regulatory organizations. Such organizations would form prices that are acceptable to market participants. The scope of direct market regulation would expand, the list of pricing tasks that need to be addressed by means of direct state regulatory influence would be reduced.