"Editorial board sends a strong message of support to our partners and authors from Ukraine. We are standing for peace, freedom, and justice".
About the Journal
eISSN 2345–0355, DOI 10.15544/mts
First Published: 1999–
Frequency: Quartely
Languages: English
Subjects: Business and Economics, Business Management, Management, Organization, Corporate Governance, Business Development, Change Management, Cooperation, Industries, Agribusiness, Food Industry
Metrics: WoS: JIF 1.4 (2022); Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
Fees: The publication fee/ article processing charge (APC) depends on the length of the publication. More about the APC.
Open Access: CC BY NC
Current Issue

This issue consist of 15 articles related to various type of research topics. The most relevand research discussions are presented in the topics of: Government-Funded Agribusinesses: Empirical Evidence to What Extent is Farming Supported in Lithuania; Innovative Management of Eco-Projects of Quality And Sustainable Development of the Entrepreneurial Potential of Integrated Structures in Smart Technologies of the Information Bio-Economy; Cooperation in Forming the Social and Economic Welfare of Rural Territorial Communities; Management of Cluster Development of Agricultural Enterprises in Conditions of Digitalization, Legal Risks, Innovative Education and Smart Economy; etc.