New Aspects of the History of the Vilnius Calvary Road of the Cross
Vilnius, Calvary, Road of the Cross, J. Bialozor, J. Tiškevičius, G. J. Tyzenhauzas, Aleksandras SapiegaAbstract
The aim and purpose of the article is to reveal the origin of the practice of the 35-station of Vilnius Calvary Road of the Cross, based on new aspects of the Church’s history science. The obtained results revealed that the origins of the 35-station of Vilnius Calvary Road of the Cross is the result of geopolitical and religious events, which had primarily influenced J. Tiškevičius, then the bishops J. Bialozor, G. J. Tyzenhauz and A. Sapiega activities.
The city of Vilnius is famous for its religious cultural expression. Since ancient times, the city of Vilnius has been called the North Jerusalem. The symbol of Jerusalem’s temple is located in the residential area of Vilnius, called Jerusalem or the Calvary. The symbolism of the Church of Kalvarija is revealed at the beginning of the 17th century by the complex 35-building (chapels, gates) or stations / places Road of the Cross, established in the vicinity of Verkiai. Today, this sanctuary is located in the city of Vilnius and is called Vilnius Calvary Road of the Cross. It is one of the places in Lithuania where people’s devotional practices are practiced. Today, the history of the 35-station Vilnius Calvary Road of the Cross is investigated quite thoroughly. One common proposition of researchers is that it was founded by the bishop of Vilnius, Jurgis Bialozor. The author of this article, based on new sources of collected data, disagrees with this statement. Therefore, in accordance with the directives of science, the author selected the de votional practice of the 35-station Vilnius Calvary Road of the Cross a dan object of the study, in order to reveal the problem of disclosing the devotional origins based on new historical data. The aim and task of the analysis is to reveal the origin of the practice of the 35-station Vilnius Calvary Road of the Cross, based on new aspects of the Church’s history science.
The planned research has formed the scientific hypothesis that the origins of the 35-station of Vilnius Calvary Road of the Cross is the result of geopolitical and religious events, which had primarily influenced J.Tiškevičius, then the bishops J. Bialozor, G. J. Tyzenhauz and A. Sapiega activities.
The research denies former statement that the 35-station of Vilnius Calvary Road of the Cross was founded by the bishop Jurgis Tiškevičius and justified the hypothesis that its origins are the result of geopolitical and religious events, which had primarily influenced J. Tiškevičius, then the bishops J. Bialozor, G. J. Tyzenhauz and A. Sapiega activities.