About the Journal

eISSN 2335–0551, ISSN 1392–0340, DOI 10.15823/p
First Published: 1962–
Frequency: Quartely
Languages: English, Lithuanian
Subjects: The general issues of education and training, education policy and education management, Curriculum, Methods and Environments, Learners' Competencies and Achievements, General and Subject Didactic, Inclusive Education, Information Technology and Media in Education, Teachers Training, Education Psychology, Andragogy, The Methodology of Educational Research, Current Problems of Education and Training
Metrics: Scopus: CiteScore 0.9, SJR 0.171, SNIP 0.246; Q3 (2023)
Fees: No Publication Fees
Open Access: CC BY

Current Issue

Vol. 156 No. 4 (2024): Pedagogika
					View Vol. 156 No. 4 (2024): Pedagogika
Published: 2025-01-15

Front Matter

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ISSN 1392-0340
E-ISSN 2029-0551

"Pedagogika" ("Pedagogy") is an international periodical peer-reviewed journal of research papers. Outstanding scientists of Education science from Lithuania and abroad publish their works in the journal. The articles focus on the issues of education system, developmental processes, the analysis of the impact of changes in Education science and teaching practice as well as dissemination of survey results based on the data of the empirical research cases. "Pedagogy" is one of the first research publications that have been presenting topical issues in the field of education since 1962. From the date of its launch till 1980 the journal was entitled as "Pedagogy and Psychology", since 1980-s it has been called "Pedagogy".

The journal articles can be submitted in Lithuanian and English languages. 4 volumes of the journal are issued every year. The journal encompasses not only research articles but reviews of monographs, defended PhD theses and conference proceedings as well. The volumes of the journal also include memoirs by the  university honorary scientists and public figures of Education science, there appear articles stimulating discussions.

The journal does not charge article processing charges (APCs) or submission charges.

Volumes published before year 2013 can be accessed here

In 2008 the journal was awarded an international standard number of an electronic serial. Since 2004 it has been abstracted and indexed by:

This is an Open Access journal. All works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)