Aggression among Athletic and Non-athletic Senior Pupils


  • Rolandas Jančiauskas Klaipėda University, Lithuania



aggression, athletic and non-athletic senior pupils


The aggression of pupils in Lithuanian schools has become one of the most relevant problems in contemporary society. Students do not feel safe at school or in their environment and constantly experience aggression from peers or even teachers. The purpose of our research was to analyze the aggression of athletic and non-athletic senior pupils. The objectives of the research were formulated as follows: 1. to determine aggression among athletic and non-athletic pupils. 2. To compare and analyze the aggression among athletic and non-athletic senior pupils. Methods used during the research: theoretical (scientific literature analysis), empirical (written interview using the ASEBA questionnaire) and statistical data analysis. A hypothesis has been raised that aggression among athletic senior pupils is more common as compared with non-athletic senior pupils. The sample consisted of N = 68 senior pupils of “Žemyna” gymnasium in Klaipeda City.

Our hypothesis has not been confirmed as more aggressive behaviour was noted among non-athletic senior pupils. Athletic senior girls tended to quarrel with others more often, were ruder while communicating, demanded more attention to themselves than their non-athletic peers (p < 0.05). Athletic male pupils were more likely to engage in fights than their non-athletic peers (p < 0.05). Non-athletic male pupils were more likely to quarrel with others than their peers and were ruder while communicating with others as well as disobedient at school (p < 0.05). Non-athletic female pupils experienced sudden changes in mood and feelings more often than their athletic peers (p < 0.05). Non-athletic male and female pupils were more likely to threaten other people (p < 0.05).

Author Biography

Rolandas Jančiauskas, Klaipėda University, Lithuania

Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physical Education, Klaipėda University, Lithuania



How to Cite

Jančiauskas, R. (2018). Aggression among Athletic and Non-athletic Senior Pupils. Pedagogika / Pedagogy, 131(3), 153–171.


