Links between the Factors in Selecting Pedagogical Studies and Students’ Further Professional Road
pedagogue, pedagogical studies, selecting profession, factors in selecting profession, motivationAbstract
Competence of the pedagogues, their individual qualities, motivation, creativity, the desire to constantly develop their skills and grow, and the ability to share the best practices are the main factors of success in education. In view of this, assistance to a young teacher is given great importance, as well as favourable conditions for a career-building. According to the Lithuanian and foreign research, major and sustainable changes in the area of education are possible only when teachers themselves are engaged in the implementation of changes (Ingersoll, Smith, 2004; Kennedy, 2008; Tatto, 2007; Review of the Lithuanian Education System, 2013). It means, that teacher’s profession requiring high level responsibility and altruism is the central axis in creating well-being of the country (Watt, 2012; Taylor, 2006). Yet, in Lithuania, as well as in the entire Europe, there is still a problem of ageing teachers, and it becomes more and more topical, since the number of young people selecting profession of a pedagogue is continuously decreasing. Thus, we have to solve a complicated task – to motivate young people to select profession of a teacher.
The Article analyses the factors in selecting pedagogical studies and their links with further selection of a profession. In pursuance of these goals, the research applied the methods of the literature and document analysis, a questionnaire survey and mathematical statistics.
Quantitative research and questionnaire survey were carried out in March-April 2014. The research involved 117 respondents from 4 Lithuanian universities. The respondents were 2nd–4th year students: social pedagogues, special pedagogues and career education pedagogues.
Pursuant to the research findings, selection of pedagogical studies was determined by the internal factors (interests, predisposition, values), the perceived value of social services, the possibility to be useful for the society), understanding of own teaching abilities depending on the acquired experience (e.g. delivered lessons, taking care of small children). The majority of respondents intended to relate their life to the selected profession of a pedagogue. Mainly these were the persons who have selected the studies as the first or one of the first priorities; selected the studies individually, inspired by this profession as calling and after gaining experience in school. The motives fostering connection of the career with the selected profession are also very important, e.g. desire to grow and take care of other people, quest for independence at work, used pedagogical practices, an interesting profession meeting the expectations and a desire to ensure successful future.