Educational Opportunities of Natural Science Motivation for Students with Special Educational Needs: the Viewpoint of Natural Science Teachers


  • Agata Augustinovič Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania



students with special education needs, natural science education, motivation, teachers of nature study


The article discusses how (in what ways) natural science educations teachers motivate students with special educational needs in order to encourage students’ motivation to learn. Researches reveal that students with learning needs have experienced a variety of learning difficulties, which often causes the loss of their learning motivation and even willingness to attend school. In nowadays school, which aim is to ensure proper education for each pupil, the teacher has to pay special attention to developing pupils’ learning motivation. The article presents a study aimed at finding out how to effectively educate children with special educational needs in general education schools. In the survey participated 146 teachers of nature study, who have experience in working with students with special educational needs. The results of the study revealed that teachers rely on the provisions of the Teachers’ Ethics Code to encourage students to work independently and persistently. This is a very new insight, as the Teachers’ Ethics Code was approved only on 11 June 2018 by order No. V-561 of the Minister of Education and Science. From the teachers’ point of view, for students with special educational needs to increase learning motivation teachers use interesting innovation teaching methods, practical work, use of ICT, creation of educational environments, oral and written honors, gratitude. Also, they use fair evaluation, better marks for progress, even if it is small, adopted tasks, create the conditions for success, pursuit to raise interest, attention, encouragement, communication, cooperation.



How to Cite

Augustinovič, A. (2019). Educational Opportunities of Natural Science Motivation for Students with Special Educational Needs: the Viewpoint of Natural Science Teachers. Pedagogika, 136(4), 141–152.


