Global Competencies of Slovenian Students: Relatedness of Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes, and Values


  • Urška Štremfel Educational Research Institute, Slovenia
  • Klaudija Šterman Ivančič Educational Research Institute, Slovenia



global competencies, PISA, Slovenia, assessment, policy framework


The aim of the article is to explicate, compared to the OECD average, lower perceived global competencies of Slovenian 15-year-olds in PISA 2018. The results demonstrate the relatedness of different domains of global competencies. Based on the results, the article exposes the importance of establishing an appropriate national framework, which would strengthen students’ knowledge as a basis for cultivating all other virtues (skills, attitudes, and values) of modern global citizens.

Author Biography

Klaudija Šterman Ivančič , Educational Research Institute, Slovenia

Urška Štremfel, PhD., is a research fellow at the Educational Research Institute in Ljubljana and a part-time research fellow at the Centre for Political Science Research at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. Her research interests include the European aspects of policy analysis, especially new modes of governance in the EU. In that framework, she has paid special attention to its role in the development of Slovenian education policies and practices and the development of evidence-based education. She has been actively involved in the research of students’ knowledge and attitudes towards the EU as well.




How to Cite

Štremfel, U., & Šterman Ivančič , K. (2023). Global Competencies of Slovenian Students: Relatedness of Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes, and Values. Pedagogika / Pedagogy, 148(4), 167–183.