The Experiences of Parents in Preparation of Their Child With Autism Spectrum Disorder to Attend Primary School


  • Rita Raudeliūnaitė Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania
  • Vida Gudžinskienė Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania



child with autism spectrum disorder, inclusive education, primary school, experiences of parents


The article presents a qualitative study that attempts to reveal the experiences of parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in preparing their child to begin to attend the school of general education. The study identified dilemmas arising for parents when choosing a school: not all schools accept children with ASD; anxiety concerning the behavioural difficulties of their child; the sense of uneasiness that their child will cause additional problems for the school; concern regarding whether the child will have access to the assistance of specialists due to the lack of them and their heavy workload. Also, they are concerned about whether teachers and other professionals exercise competences to work with a child with ASD and how the child will interact at school; whether he/she will be subjected to bullying and negatively reacted to by
parents of other children in the class.
The study revealed the criteria of selection for the schools: the openness of the school to the inclusion of children with ASD; the smallest possible number of children; a positive attitude of teachers towards the education of ASD child; cooperation with his/her parents; and the availability of quality assistance from educational support specialists. Moreover, establishing a collaborative relationship with the school is important when preparing a child with ASD to attend primary school. Parents should assist the child in developing basic self-management and
appropriate behaviour skills, also familiarising the child with the school premises, and meeting
with the teacher.



How to Cite

Raudeliūnaitė, R., & Gudžinskienė, V. . (2023). The Experiences of Parents in Preparation of Their Child With Autism Spectrum Disorder to Attend Primary School. Pedagogika / Pedagogy, 147(3), 164–182.