The world in the eyes of thinking people: a masterpiece of popular science


  • Mykolas Jurgis Drunga Vytautas Magnus University



Christopher S. Baird, Lina Basel-Salmon, Bodhi Dhama Zendži, Viktorija Daujotytė-Pakerienė, Mykolas Drunga, David Grossman, Kamyar Hedayat, Nomeda Kazlaus, Holger Lahayne, Gabija Laubner, Cvi Lešem, Alan Lightman, Vladimir Maikov, Spyros Makridakis, Glenn H. Mullin, Victor de Munck, Artūras Petronis, Osvaldas Rukšėnas, Džampa Tinlėjus


In this deliberately provocative book the business executive, medical doctor, and gentleman scholar Ignas Staškevičius carries on remarkable conversations with 22 local and international luminaries from various intellectual fields on topics of his and / or their choos­ing. These include astrophysics, high energy physics, the fundamentals of physics, Tibetan Buddhism, Tantric meditation, Zen Buddhism, Hebrew mysticism, Reformed Christianity, Transpersonal psychology, anthropology, philosophy, music, broadcasting, novel writing, lit­erature in Israel and other countries, forecasting the future, endobiogenic medicine, genetics, molecular biology, neuroeconomics, biochemistry, and reanimatology. The book ends with a lively dispute about whether we can see into the past.


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How to Cite

Drunga, M. J. (2023). The world in the eyes of thinking people: a masterpiece of popular science. Deeds and Days / Darbai Ir Dienos, 78, 153–196.