About the Journal
eISSN 2335–8769, ISSN 1392–0588, DOI 10.7220/2335-8769
First Published: 1930–1940, 1995–
Frequency: Half Yearly
Languages: English, Lithuanian, French, German
Subjects: Humanities and Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary Interaction of These and Other Sciences, Lithuanian Studies
Fees: No Publication Fees
Open Access: CC BY
Deeds and Daysis an interdisciplinary biannual peer-reviewed journal in Humanities and Social Sciences, named after the poem by Ancient Greek author Hesiod. It has been published by Vytautas Magnus University in the pre-war period of 1930–1940. After reopening of the university in 1989 the journal reappeared in 1995 and has been published up to now (more about its history).
Recently it has been published in both electronic (see journal website) and paper format. It is an Open Access journal using the platform of (Open Journal Systems) without any paper processing charges, its authors retain their copyright. Readers are allowed to download, print, copy, and share without asking prior permission of the publisher or the author. Digital copies of all previous issues can be obtained from CRIS repositorium at Vytautas Magnus University CRIS Vytautas Magnus University Research Management System (VDU CRIS). Articles published in the journal are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY SA 4.0) license.
Aims and Scope
The objective of Deeds and Days is to provide an appropriate platform for conceptual discussions, theoretical developments and specific findings in a wide range of disciplines in the fields of Humanities, Social sciences or any other interdisciplinary related research areas. It fosters modern methodological approach that allows a deep reflection on topics of paramount importance for state and society.
Deeds and Days aims at papers of Lithuanian and foreign authors that provide novel and original research valuable for its insights and results for a wide research community. Interdisciplinary research is highly prefered.
Reviewing Policy
The main criteria of article evaluation are provided in the template together with one of the conclusions: the paper may be accepted without revisions, with minor or major revisions, or if it should be rejected. Reviewers have a posibility to prepare their reviews using a template or to make remarks in the text of the manuscript. The aim of the latter is to anchor specific criticisms and suggestions to the specific points in the paper and in this way to provide authors with clear feedback that might help them to improve their work. Comments in the texts are mostly welcome if the reviewer‘s verdict is to make minor or major revisions.
Most papers are reviewed by external reviewers. Individual papers, however, may be reviewed by the members of the editorial board, editor-in-chief included. Each paper is reviewed double-blind by two reviewers. In case of their disagreement a paper is sent to the third reviewer. To speed up the process of reviewing authors are asked to provide anonymised manuscripts without any traces of their identity. Complains and appeals can be provided by the authors in the Open Journal System. Final decision concerning publication is taken by the editor-in-chief. Average time interval from acceptance to publication of a paper is approximately 3-5 months.
Ethical Issues
We follow guidance from the Commission on Publication Ethics (COPE) in our policy and observe all the standards of academic integrity in the process of submission, reviewing and publishing. Editors comply with the standards of academic ethics. Authors are required to provide original unpublished and unsubmitted research based on accurate data and authorship. Significant contribution must have been made by each and every researcher included in the list of the authors in preparing the manuscript, authors share collective responsibility and accountability for the results.
Authors while submitting a work, must declare any potential conflict of interests to the Editor. The journal follows a policy of the editors and reviewers not being involved in any kind of interaction such as previous recent co-authorship, participation in the same project, personal relationship, direct competition or advice for the improvement of the manuscript. If a conflict of interest is revealed during the peer-review stage, the journal may initiate rejection. If the paper has already been published, the retraction procedure may be initiated.
The editor-in-chief does not publish in the journal, the number of papers submitted by the members of the editorial board as well as reseachers affiliated to Vytautas Magnus University is balanced in respect to external authors. We ask authors to provide information about financial support for the research or paper, if any. Acknowledgements for non-financial support are also welcome.
If a paper is based on a set data we invite authors to deposit the data in the repository of Vytautas Magnus University or anywhere else and to provide a persistent identifier to the archived data set. We comply with the General Data protection Regulation and protect sensitive personal data. Authors must obtain all the necessary consent from the participants of polls and experiments prior to submitting their paper.
Crossref members use Similarity Check which gives their editors reduced-rate access to Turnitin’s iThenticate system for plagiarism checking.
Overall Structure and Genres
The journal has a trinomial structure. It is made up of a special topic section that deals with one major topic, problem or phenomenon per issue. Papers of that section form a kind of monograph and are thematically related. The section of topic unrelated research papers can include any paper within the scope of the journal. The third part is mean for publication of previously unpublished archives or any other materials that can serve as a source for future research. It can also include review articles, position papers, overviews, discussions, interviews, memoirs, archive materials, short polemic and essay type of papers related to the Humanities and Social Sciences in general and Lithuanian studies in particular.
Lithuanian, English, German and French are full-text publication languages, keywords and abstracts have to be written both in the language of a full-paper and English. Writing in other languages can be negotiated with the editorial board.
The journal is archived in VDU CRIS repositorium.
Abstracting & Indexing
- LITUANISTIKA – from 2001
- Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) –from 2004
- Central & Eastern European Academic Source (EBSCO) – from 2007
- TOC Premier (EBSCO) – from 2008
- European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)
- Sherpa/RoMEO
Vytautas Magnus University
Donelaičio str. 58, 44248 Kaunas, Lithuania
El. paštas info@vdu.lt