legal framework, sustainable development, components of sustainable development, environmental factors, state regulation, quality and safety of human life, legal supportAbstract
The article discusses the essence of sustainable socio-economic development, the principles and components of sustainable development. A critical analysis of the scientific works, the normative legal acts and international standards was carried out. It was determined that harmonization of economic, social, and also ecological subsystems of the country’s and region’s reconstruction and development is intended to find the ways of its transition to a model of sustainable development, which will provide an opportunity to meet the needs of not only modern but also future generations, preserving and restoring the environment. The current solution to the problems of legislative regulation of the ecological component of sustainable development is very relevant. Protection and restoration of the environment as a general system of human life support is turning into a task of paramount importance in terms of preserving the gene pool of the people of Ukraine, as well as the prospects of economic and social development. In this regard, the state policy of sustainable development, based on the possible use of international experience, should be based: The basis for effective state development is the regulatory framework, which is based on a set of laws necessary for regulating activities and creating favorable conditions for its development. In the aspect of sustainable development of the state, in our opinion, the content of the laws and regulations of the regulatory framework should be considered, depending on their effective implementation. The problems of its legal maintenance in general and in particular of the legal provision of the ecological component of sustainable development are determined. The directions of achievement of sustainable development in the ecological sphere are proposed due to improvement of the requirements of normative legal acts concerning the sustainable development. Ecologization of the economy, the social sphere (education, education, science, culture, health), the conduct of competent geopolitics and the protection of national environmental interests, requires coordinated interrelated actions by the state, business, civic organizations and the community. as Ukraine's economy is on the way of shaping and prioritizing future perspective directions of its development, measures aimed at forming the principles of sustainable socio-economic ecological safety development will bring our state closer to harmonious sustainable development.