Let Me Tell You: Experiences with Silent Books in a Framework of Early Literacy





early childhood, literacy, silent books, self-managed reading, qualitative methodology


This paper focuses on an experiment with Silent Books with 27 Spanish kindergarten children. Through a qualitative ethnographic methodology based on a multimodal analysis, we study the response to the self-managed reading of Silent Books given by a class group and, specifically, by five students, both in the classroom and at home. The analysis of the results highlights a drastic increase in the motivation towards books and the activation of a series of cognitive precursors.

Author Biographies

Elena Guichot-Muñoz, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

Elena Guichot Muñoz holds a degree and a doctorate in Hispanic Philology from the University of Seville. She is a professor in the area of Didactics of Language and Literature and Integrated Philologies at the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Seville. Her most recent lines of research focus on the analysis of communication, literature and culture as an instrument of socio-educational mediation. It also studies interdisciplinary artistic relations as a way of integrating the humanistic sphere into the school. He participates in state and European competitiveness research projects, such as: "Literacy as social practice in Infant and Primary Education (5-7 years): Research and design of intervention in children at risk of social exclusion in urban contexts", or the European Project QUAMMELOT / Qualification for Minor Migrants education and Learning Open access. She has published in prestigious publishing editorials such as Octaedro, Síntesis or the Dyckinson. She has carried out research stays in Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), in the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Lima), in the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana de Cuenca (Ecuador) and in Palacky University Olomouc.


Giulia De Sarlo, University of Seville, Spain

PHD in Hispanic Philology from the University of Seville, Extraordinary Doctorate Award 2013, Giulia De Sarlo is a lecturer at the same University, in the Department of Language Didactics and Integrated Philologies of the Faculty of Education Sciences. Her most recent lines of research include animation for reading in infancy and primary school, the linguistic and emotional development of childhood, the history of the illustrated album, early literacy and attention to diversity in the didactics of language and literature. She has published numerous studies in volumes and scientific journals and has participated in several international congresses. His monograph En la piel de las mujeres. Reescrituras de la dictadura trujillista en la ficción dominicana de los años 90 has been awarded with the Nuestra América Award 2014.

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Elena Ledesma Gobea, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

Elena Ledesma Gobea has a degree in Early Childhood Education and is currently studying for a Master's and Doctorate in Educational Psychology at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Seville. Her main lines of research are the processes of literacy in the infantile phase, and the relations between schooling and reading animation. He also researches literacy in family contexts.




How to Cite

Guichot-Muñoz, E., De Sarlo, G., & Ledesma Gobea, E. (2020). Let Me Tell You: Experiences with Silent Books in a Framework of Early Literacy. Pedagogika / Pedagogy, 137(1), 176–192. https://doi.org/10.15823/p.2020.137.10


