High-quality studies - vision of students of pedagogy


  • Gintautė Žibėnienė Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania
  • Marijona Barkauskaitė Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Lithuania




higher education, study quality, high quality studies, first-year student, student’s of pedagogy


The development of national study quality assurance systems, discussions about study quality is an important step towards the implementation of lifelong learning and Bologna process targets, priorities. Students of the Higher Education are important element in study quality assurance
system. It is written in the Republic of Lithuania Law on Science and Studies (2009) 41 paragraph: that „any high school must continuously update website and use other social media sites to update precise quantitative and qualitative information about <...> attitude of students, graduate students and other interested parts on quality of studies”. The twenty-first century universities emphasize the attention on students, quality of studies which became an asset and are associated with competitiveness and expectations of successful future.
The aim is to present the first-year student’s of pedagogy opinion, vision about high quality studies. The research instrument is the questionnaire in writing from with open and closed questions. The research was with 198 first-year students of pedagogy (2012–2013) from Lithuanian University of Educational sciences and students of pedagogy from Vilnius Pedagogical College.
First-year students of pedagogy were chosen because their expectations do not rely yet on the prior learning experience. The survey was taken of the general methodological guidelines, voluntary participation, participants selected a convenient time and the fundamental principles of the survey. To participate in the survey was available in two ways: remote and writing at university.



How to Cite

Žibėnienė, G. ., & Barkauskaitė, M. . (2014). High-quality studies - vision of students of pedagogy. Pedagogika / Pedagogy, 113(1), 58–75. https://doi.org/10.15823/p.2014.1751


