Changes of physical Development of learners (11–17 Year Old), their Physical and Functional Fitness Indicators and Reference Scales


  • Audronius Vilkas Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Lithuania
  • Rimantas Mėlinis Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Lithuania



physical development, physical and functional fitness, teenagers, boys, reference scales


The age of adolescence (11–17 years of age) is characterized by the most intensive development of all organism functions and systems. The greatest heterochronicity of physical development and different functional systems of an organism is noted in this period. Therefore, it is of top significance to explore the changes of learners‘ physical and functional fitness at this age and determine tentative referential scales of their indicators. The aim of the research is to investigate physical development of teenagers (boys) of different age groups, their physical and functional fitness, as well as to design referential scales of the obtained indicators. The object of the research is physical development as well as physical and functional fitness of 5–10th form teenage boys (11–17 year old).

Physical development (height (cm), weight (kg)) and physical fitness of the boys (205 boys of 5–10th forms) were determined in terms of EUROFIT fitness tests (2002).

The results of physical development research and their comparative analysis showed that a substantial growth in height and weight was observed in forms 7 and 9. The height of 5–10 form boys changed insignificantly throughout the decade and approximated the average: however, the average of the body mass considerably increased and was higher than provided in EUROFIT (2002) or designed height and mass charts of child growth (Tutkuvienė, 1995). Hence, it is assumed that such an increase in the aforesaid indicator results was determined by the processes incurred in the period of the most intensive development.

The research findings in physical fitness demonstrated that the results of 10 × 5 meter Shuttle Run most significantly increased in form 8 and complied with the results achieved by boys, who were two years older. However, later the results were stabilized and changed insignificantly, whereas the dissemination of results was rather low. Explosive leg power (Standing Broad Jump) and the results of hand dynamometry increased in form 7. The results of both explosive and static hand power were similar or insignificantly higher in comparison with the ones of EUROFIT (2002). The results of the endurance of abdominal muscles (Sit-ups test) improved in forms 7 and 9; the results in all surveyed forms appeared to exceed or equal the ones of EUROFIT (2002). The boys’ balance (Flamingo Balance test) and flexibility (Sit- and-Reach test) decreased in form 7 and increased in form 9. However, the research results showed that the data on the balance and flexibility of the surveyed boys approximated or insignificantly exceeded the ones provided in EUROFIT (2002).

The greatest increase in the test results of physical development and fitness were observed in forms 7 and 9. However, these results approximated or insignificantly surpassed the results of EUROFIT (2002), with an exception of the growth in body mass and improvement in balance and shuttle run. Presumably, such results were obtained due to the most intensive puberty processes and their conditioned discrepancies, such as acceleration and retardation outcomes, between biological and calendar age.

The investigated physical development, physical and functional fitness, their changes in the period of adolescence, as well as the design referential scales enable teachers and sports couches to accurately assess physical and functional conditions, as well as improve the process of (self-) development in pursuance for greater results of physical education.



How to Cite

Vilkas, A., & Mėlinis, R. . (2014). Changes of physical Development of learners (11–17 Year Old), their Physical and Functional Fitness Indicators and Reference Scales. Pedagogika / Pedagogy, 115(3), 105–121.


