Supported Decision Making Model as a Tool and Form for Socialization of People with Psychosocial Disabilities: Legal and Social Education Challenges in Lithuania
persons with disability, social integration, rights of disabled, equal recognition before the law, supported decision makingAbstract
The aim of this article is to introduce the new concept of supported decision making model. Supported decision making model (SDM) as a tool for proper implementation of the rights of persons with disabilities is foreseen in the newest international human rights treaty – Convention on the rights of people with disabilities (CRPD). As a new concept SDM raises number of challenges both of legal, social and educational aspects how to introduce and implement this model in practice in order to safeguard rights and ensure social integration and socialization of the most vulnerable persons with psychosocial disabilities in the society.
Specific objectives of the study carried out were: to review new legal requirements of art. 12 of CRPD for ensuring equality before the law for all persons with disabilities, to critically analyze Lithuanian legal guardianship system for its compliance / noncompliance to those international requirements; to review and analyze supported decision making models existing in other countries; based on the comparative analysis of the supported decision making models, to make recommendations for Lithuanian legislation, legal and social practice on possible supported decision making model.