The Effectiveness of Primary Teaching Swimming Programme for 6–7 Year-old Children


  • Martynas Čižas Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Lithuania
  • Kazys Milašius Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Lithuania



children, programme, teaching to swim, primary skills


There is little information in literary sources about the programme’s content of formation of primary swimming skills, the choice of exercises on land and water as well as the common effectiveness of their compilation programme relating to 6–7 year-old children. This question is hardly analysed even in various papers analyzing primary training of young swimmers in Lithuania.

Hypothesis: it is likely that children who will complete the primary teaching swimming programme which consists of 16 trainings will acquire such primary swimming skills that will be needed for learning their further swimming techniques as well as they will become physically stronger.

The aim of the work: to prepare 6–7 year-old children teaching swimming programme consisting of 16 trainings by developing their primary swimming skills and evaluate its effectiveness.

By summarizing all the results of this research, we have examined that our primary teaching swimming programme of five skills has been considered effective: the majority of children analyzed improved their primary swimming skills. It can be established that our hypothesis was supported. Children that completed our designed primary teaching swimming programme have gained primary swimming skills that are needed to learn other swimming techniques in their further learning process. Finally, by having the ability to complete various tasks, they have become physically stronger.




How to Cite

Čižas, M. ., & Milašius, K. (2017). The Effectiveness of Primary Teaching Swimming Programme for 6–7 Year-old Children. Pedagogika / Pedagogy, 126(2), 155–167.


