Teaching of Official Language in Jewish Gymnasiums and Progymnasiums in Lithuania, 1919–1940
Jews, Lithuanian, gymnasium, progymnasium, Ministry of Education, lessonAbstract
The article sets out to investigate the teaching of the official Lithuanian language in Jewish gymnasiums and progymnasiums in Lithuania between 1919 and 1940. It analyses the decisions of the Ministry of Education establishing the requirement for the pupils in non- Lithuanian schools to learn the official Lithuanian language. The article also specifies the requirements of the official language that were applied to teachers at that time. It reviews the results and evaluations of inspections focusing on the knowledge of the Lithuanian language of Jewish pupils which were carried out by the individuals authorised by the Ministry of Education. They reveal that the opinion was often expressed that Jewish pupils were not sufficiently fluent in the official Lithuanian language. It is analysed what measures were applied in the abovementioned schools to improve the teaching of Lithuanian during classes and after-school activities.