Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines
All articles of Istorija have to comply with the standard of scientific publications. Articles are being printed in both Lithuanian and in English. The article should begin with the article title, a full name and surname of the author, an abstract of up to 600 characters and a list of 3–6 keywords in Lithuanian and English languages. The abstract should describe the research topic, question or problem, methods and findings, their scientific and/or practical significance. A summary written in a thorough and clear manner (up to 1,600 characters) should be provided at the end of the article. It should specify the main propositions of the article: research problem, context, object, research aim, methods, and conclusions. The summary should be in English; however if the article is written in English, the summary should be in Lithuanian.
The article should be divided into chapters. The introductory chapter should determine the aim of the research and define the object, state research methods, and the extent of available research and novelty of the topic under analysis, discuss the historiography of the topic. The article should end with the conclusions on the basis of the questions brought forward in the introduction. Chapters and conclusions of the article should not be numbered.
Each article should include brief information on the author. It includes the degree of the author, pedagogical name, institution, current position, institution address, author’s e-mail in Lithuanian and English.
Ethics of Authors
By assuming responsibility, authors shall guarantee that:
- the article is their original work, which does not violate intellectual property and other people’s rights;
- the article is void of plagiarism or self-plagiarism; references are not dominated by personal articles;
- all authors are listed and they all agree to the order in which they are listed;
- the article is not submitted to other journals at the same time;
- citations are appropriately used; the works of other authors and their conclusions on the problem in question are mentioned. Sources which are not mentioned in the text are not included; self citations are avoided.
- all sources of funding and support are openly declared;
- the findings of the same research which are expanded, marginally supplemented and expressed by different sentences are not included in the article.
Bibliographic requirements for the list of references
The sources and literature used in the article should be provided at the end of the article following the standards of bibliographic references (ISO 690: 2010 (E) Numeric Method). The scope of the article should approximately be 1 quire (40,000 characters with spaces). The text should be typed using Microsoft Word for Windows text editor.
The cited publications of literature and sources should be listed at the end of the article in an alphabetical order arranged by author or by the first word in the title of the publication. The list of sources should precede the list of literature. The list of unpublished sources must include the location of the document (name of the archive), the name and number of the fund, the list number and the file number. There is no need to provide additional sheet numbers and document titles.
Examples for the list of sources:
Lithuanian Central State Archives. Riflemen Union. F. 561, ap. 2, b. 2, 25, 856.
Kaunas County Archives. Social Security Division. F. 59, ap. 4, b. 67, 91.
Lietuvos aidas. 1933 m., Nr. 1, 15, 64; 1938 m., Nr. 8, 21, 25.
As for the list of references, the author’s surname and name, publication title, title of a book (or journal), volume (or issue), place of publishing, publishing house, year of publishing, pages should be specified. The title of a book or a journal should be written in italics. There is no need to specify the magazine publishing place and the publishing house. Links are inserted at the appropriate place in the text, at the bottom of the page (footnote), and the numbering of the links is continuous throughout the whole text.
Reference to a book:
AUTHOR’S SURNAME, name. Title. Edition. Place of publishing: publishing house, year, pages.
KARVELIS, Deimantas. Iš Radvilų giminės istorijos: Biržų kunigaikštystė ir jos visuomenė 1547–1655 metais. Vilnius: Lietuvos edukologijos universiteto leidykla, 2015. 612 p.
TAMOŠAITIS, Mindaugas; SVARAUSKAS, Artūras. Nuo Kazio Griniaus iki Antano Smetonos. Valdžios ir opozicijos santykiai Lietuvoje 1926–1940 metais. Vilnius: Gimtasis žodis, 2014. 263 p.
Kryžiaus karų epocha Baltijos regiono tautų istorinėje sąmonėje: mokslinių straipsnių rinkinys. Sudarė R. R. Trimonienė, R. Jurgaitis. Šiauliai: Saulės delta, 2007. 328 p.
Link referencing examples
Reference to an article (part of a document):
ARTICLE AUTHOR’S SURNAME, name. Title of the article. Title of the source. Edition. Place of publishing, year, place in the source.
RAGAUSKIENĖ, Raimonda. Rusėniška XV a. pab. – XVI a. Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės moterų – valdovių ir didikių – korespondencija. Istorija, 2009, t. 76, Nr. 4, p. 18–29.
NEFAS, Mindaugas. Šauliški Antano Smetonos istorijos puslapiai. Trimitas, 2019, Nr. 4, p. 22–25.
Kada bus įsteigtas Vilniuje Lietuvos konsulatas. Aidas, 1939, kovo 4, Nr. 27, p. 6.
Reference to an electronic document:
AUTHOR’S SURNAME, name. Title [type of electronic medium]. Edition. Place of publishing: publisher, year [date of citation]. Availability and access.
Lietuva iki Mindaugo [CD-ROM]. Vilnius: Elektroninės leidybos namai, 1999.
GIRDZIJAUSKAS, Juozapas. Ankstyvasis periodas (iki XIX a. pabaigos). Iš: Klasikinė lietuvių literatūra: antologija [interaktyvus]. Vilnius: Mokslininkų sąjungos institutas, 2002 [žiūrėta 2002 04 26]. Prieiga per internetą: <>.
Kodėl šauliai yra šauliai, o ne sakalai arba ereliai? Prieiga per internetą:, žiūrėta 2019 10 27
Reference to an archival document:
Date, document type (letter, pro memoria, report, act), addresser, addressee. ARCHIVE TITLE, fund number, digest number, file number, page number.
1745 08 18 Magdalenos Kulčickos skundas prieš Kauno pavieto vėliavininkaitį Mykolą Skorulskį, Lietuvos Brastos pavieto vaiskį Joną Bielskį, 1745 m. Vilniaus pavieto pilies teismo knyga. Lietuvos valstybės istorijos archyvas (later in text – LVIA), SA, b. 4758, l. 768–768v.
1773 r. Regestr całej psiarni Karola Stanisława Radziwiłła, Panie Kochanku. Archiwum Glówne Akt Dawnych w Warszawie (later in text – AGAD), AR, dz. XI, nr. 170, s. 148.
1939 09 11 URM įsakymas Nr. 338. Lietuvos centrinis valstybės archyvas (later in text – LCVA), f. 383, ap. 2, b. 596, l. 170.
Requirements for illustrations
Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals. Table number and title has to be written above the table on the right margin of the page in a new paragraph, for example:
Table 4. Distribution of City, Town and Village Residents by Nationality. Composed in reference of Lietuvos gyventojai: pirmojo 1923 m. rugsėjo 17 d. visuotinio gyventojų surašymo duomenys. Kaunas: Central Statistical Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania, 1923, p. XXXVII
Nationality |
City |
Small city |
Country |
Lithuanians |
172 803 |
111 374 |
1 417 686 |
Jewish |
97 618 |
48 087 |
8 038 |
Polish |
8 883 |
2 596 |
54 120 |
Russian |
7 458 |
1 623 |
41 379 |
German |
10 132 |
2 104 |
16 995 |
Latvian |
1 594 |
732 |
12 557 |
Belarusian |
430 |
184 |
3 807 |
Other |
322 |
351 |
919 |
Foreigners |
3 694 |
598 |
2 887 |
Schemes, diagrams, images, photographs and other illustrations should be numbered in Arabic numerals. The number and title should be specified under the scheme, diagram, photograph or other illustration on the right margin of the page, for example:
8 illus. Pasirengimą ginti tėvynę pašiepianti karikatūra. Trimitas, 1938, Nr. 2, p. 48.
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.