. S.V. Korotkevich, Structural-Scale Levels of Deformation and Properties of Section Boundaries in Metals, avtoreferat of highest degree, BGU, Minsk, 2021, 52 p.
. 2. Handbook of Nanomaterials Properties, B. Bushan, D. Luo, S.P. Schricker, W. Sigmund, S. Zausher (Eds.), Springer, 2014, 1464 p.
. 3. S.V. Korotkevich, I.A. Buyanovsky, Invariants in Tribology and Material Science, Proceedings of the XIIIth International Scientific and Technical Conference "Tribology to Machine Building", Moscow, October 14–16, 2020, p. 131–135.
. 4.Handbook of Nanomaterials Properties, B. Bushan, D. Luo, S.P. Schricker, W. Sigmund, S. Zausher (Eds.), Springer, 2014, 1464 p.
. S. Korotkevich, V. Pinchuk, O. Holodilov, V. Sholoh, Search of the Invariants in Tribology, Balttrib 2007: proc. of International Conference, Kaunas, 21–23 ноября 2007, p. 269–271.
. S.V. Korotkevich, Hamilton’s Principle for to Search of Invariants at Creation, Evolution and Destruction of Nanomaterials, International Journal of Engineering Research and Science, 2018, Vol. 4, issue 6, p. 31–41.
. S.V. Korotkevich, The Principle of Least Action and Invariants, Scientific Research of the SCO Countries: Synergy and Integration: proc. of International Conference, Beijing, PRC, China, 31 March 2022. – Part 2: Participants, reports in English, p. 34–42, DOI 10.34660/INF.2022.59.57.004, ISBN 978-5-905695-82-7.
. S.V. Korotkevich, Physics of Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Deformation Processes in the Nickel Surface Layer, International Journal of Engineering Research and Science, 2020, Vol. 6, issue 9, p. 9–17.
. S.V. Korotkevich, Multiscaling of Lattice Curvature of the Nickel, Scientific Research of the SCO Countries: Synergy and Integration: proc. of International Conference, Beijing, PRC, China, 20 April 2022, Part 1: Participants, reports in English, p. 174–182, DOI 10.34660/INF.2022.65.80.136.
. V.G. Pinchuk, S.V. Korotkevich, V.V. Sviridova, Microstructure and Destruction of Metals at Friction, Gomel: Gomel State University, 2009, 152 p.
. V.G. Pinchuk, S.V. Korotkevich, Kinetics of Hardening and Fracture of Metal Surfaces under Friction, Saarbrǔcken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014, 180 p.
. S.V. Korotkevich, V.G. Pinchuk, V.V. Kravchenko, Diagnostics of Rolling and Sliding Supports According to the State of Interface Surface of Mating Bodies by Physical Methods, Saarbrǔcken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2016, 267 p.
. S.V. Korotkevich, V.G. Pinchuk, S.О. Bobovich. Wear Resistance of Metals under Boundary Friction, Gomel: Gomel State University, 2011, 240 p.
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. 19. V.G. Pinchuk, S.V. Korotkevich, Cyclic Plasticity and Microstructure of Nickel with Friction, Balttrib 2013: proc. of International Conference, Kaunas, 14–15 november 2013, p. 182–187.
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. 21. A.A. Novikov, S.V. Korotkevich, N.F. Solovey, Sliding Bearing Diagnostics, Balttrib 2017: proc. 9th International Conference, Kaunas, 16–17 november 2017, p. 140–145.
. 22. H. Yoshida, S. Kaneko, H. Taura, Analysis of Design Parameters for Low Current Electrical Sliding Contacts, World Tribology Congress, Japanese Society of Tribology, Kyoto, Japan, 6–11 september, 2009, Vol. IV, p. 861.
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. 24. S.V. Korotkevich, Scale of Deformation and Fracture of the Nickel Surface under Tribological Loading, Current Strength Problems: proc. of the International Scientific Conference, Vitebsk, 23-27 May 2022, p. 382 – 384.
. 25. Current Strength Problems, А.V. Alifanov [et al.], Chapter 5, Scale Levels of Deformation and Fracture of Nickel Surface Layer under Localized External Effects, S.V. Korotkevich, S.V. Panin, p. 58–72, ed. V.V. Rubanik, Minsk: UE "Data-processing Center of the Ministry of Finance", 2022, 540 p., ISBN 978-985-880-240-0.