Forming, surface plastic deformation, hydropulse, vibropress hammer, hydropressure vibration exciter.Abstract
Modern trends in mechanical engineering require the introduction into production of methods and tools that ensure greater reliability of parts and products as a whole, while reducing production costs.
The reliability of vehicle parts depends primarily on their strength, wear resistance, vibration resistance, heat resistance, etc. These criteria of reliability of vehicle parts are met in various ways and with various measures in their production, such as: Selection of material and various methods to increase strength and wear resistance - thermal processing, processing of various physical methods, surface details and zones of concentration stresses, etc.
The article includes the description of forming metal powders as a technological operation that leads to the formation of a powder molding. The equipment for vibratory pressing of blanks from powder materials is considered and compared. The main vibration and shock vibration technological processes are presented.
Schemes and methods of carrying out vibration forming of powder materials are justified. Classification of vibration forming processes according to the properties of vibration and shock modes is analyzed.
Determination of the main advantages and disadvantages of electromagnetic vibration exciters in comparison with others.
It is proposed to replace the first stage of hydro inertial presses by an electromagnet controlled from the control unit, which allows to clearly reproduce the necessary technological parameters, to simplify the process of readjustment and to carry out the automation of the equipment.
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