Meeting of Lithuanian Diplomats in the USA on October 25–26 1943 in Washington


  • Juozas Skirius Vytautas Magnus University



Washington, consuls, Lithuanian diplomats, Povilas Žadeikis, Jonas Budrys, Petras Daužvardis, Gerald L. P. Grant-Suttie, Juozas Kajeckas, meeting, Lithuanian exiles, Lithuanians in the USA


Abstract. A confidential meeting of Lithuanian diplomats in the USA took place in Washington on October 25–26 1943, at the time when the foreign ministers of the allied countries – the USA, Great Britain and the USSR – were meeting at the Moscow Conference. The Lithuanian diplomats discussed the general international situation, the challenges facing Lithuania, the uncertain fate of the diplomatic institutions themselves, and preparations to help Lithuanian refugees in Europe and exiles in Siberia. Decisions were made. Traditionally, attention was also paid to cooperation with Lithuanian organizations in the United States, with which it was sought to act in harmony. The representatives of Lithuania in America undertook to cooperate and consult with Lithuanian political organizations in the United States.


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How to Cite

Skirius, J. 2022. Meeting of Lithuanian Diplomats in the USA on October 25–26 1943 in Washington. History / Istorija. 126, 2 (Dec. 2022), 76–86. DOI:



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