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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Requirements for the articles

Articles are published in Lithuanian and English.

Articles should not exceed 40,000 characters in length, while reviews should be at least 10,000 characters in length. Articles exceeding, or reviews falling short of, the recommended length should be discussed beforehand with the Editorial Board. Texts must be submitted in A4 format, “Times New Roman” 12-pt. font, and be one-and-a-half spaced (1,5).

Articles must meet standard academic requirements. These include a statement of the research purpose; an indication of the overall state of research with respect to the problem under analysis; a statement of the conclusions reached; and a disclosure of the sources and of the literature used. The text must include summaries (from 600 to 1,000 characters long) and keywords in both English and Lithuanian.

Footnotes consecutively numbered must be placed at the bottom of the page. The article must end with a bibliography.

Quotations are to be placed within double quotation marks without changing the font. In Lithuanian texts, non-Lithuanian personal names are written in the original language in accordance with the established rules for grammatically rendering foreign names (http:// On the first occasion of use in a text, the whole of a person’s name and surname is given. In Lithuanian texts, frequently used place names about which information is readily available in standard encyclopedias are to be rendered traditionally according to the way they are pronounced, whereas rare place names not having a transliteration are to be written in their original language.

At the end of the article the author(s) must indicate his, her, or their name(s) and surname(s), institution(s), academic degree(s), electronic address(es), and telephone number(s).

Notes and bibliography follow “The Chicago Manual of Style”.

Sample footnotes

Book: one author

Surname, Name, Title and subtitle (if any). Place of publication: Publisher, year, page(s) cited.

¹   Kiaupa, Zigmantas, Lietuvos valstybės istorija, 2-asis leid. Vilnius: Baltos lankos, 2006, 150–151.

²   Augustinas, Mano motina Monika, iš lotynų kalbos vertė E. Ulčinaitė. Vilnius: Katalikų pasaulis, 1998, 99.

³   Shakespeare, William, The Merchant of Venice, ed. A. R. Braunmuller. New York: Penguin Books, 2000, 69.

⁴   Tatarkiewicz, Wladyslaw, Filosofijos istorija, 3 t. Vilnius: Alma littera, 2003.

If in the same text this source is cited again, a brief bibliographic description in the footnote suffices: Author’s surname: shortened title (up to 4 words), page(s) cited.

⁵   Kiaupa, Lietuvos valstybės istorija, 64–65.

⁶   Ibid., 67.

⁷   Ibid.

Book: two or three authors

Surname1, Name1 and Surname2, Name2, Title and subtitle (if any), edition. Place of publication: Publisher, year, page(s) cited.

¹   Vilpišauskas, Ramūnas ir Nakrošis, Vitalis, Politikos įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje ir Europos Sąjungos įtaka. Vilnius: Eugrimas, 2003, 180–181.

Book: four or more authors

¹   Almond, Gabriel A. et al., Comparative Politics: A Theoretical Framework, 3rd ed. New York: Longman, 2001, 24.

Book: part, section, chapter

Surname, Name, “Title of book part, section, chapter: subtitle”, in Book title and subtitle. Place of publication: Publisher, year, page(s) cited.

¹   Berenis, Vytautas, „Egodokumentų tyrimai: ištakos, metodai, perspektyvos“, in Egodokumentai ir privati Lietuvos erdvė XVI–XX amžiuje. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2013, 14.


Surname, Name, “Title of article”, Name of journal (year), page(s) cited.

¹   Avinaitė, Eva, „Lietuva viduramžių Europos žemėlapiuose“, Naujasis židinys-Aidai 7 (2013), 501.

²   Bielinis, Lauras, „Mediatizuota politika – nauja tvarka, nauji veikėjai, nauja galia“, Agora 4 (2016), 30, http://dx.doi. org/10.7220/2424-3663.2016.4.2.

³  Zykas, Aurelijus, „The Transforming Aims of Japan’s Post-Cold War Cultural Diplomacy“, Regioninės studijos 7 (2013), 123–124.

⁴   Grinius, Antanas, „Sėkmingas Balfo seimas Detroite“, Dirva, 1981 lapkričio 5, nr. 43, 8.


Archival source

Name, Archives (full name at first, short version on later occasions), collection name or no., folder no., file no., page(s) cited:

¹   1943 03 15 VDU Medicinos fakulteto liudijimas nr. 1065, Lietuvos centrinis valstybės archyvas (toliau – LCVA), f. 631, ap. 7, b. 1043, l. 1.

²   1935 12 05 LR KAM Karo stovio reikalams referento plk. V. Braziulevičiaus slaptas raštas nr. 874 apskričių karo komendantams, LCVA, f. 384, ap. 2, b. 502, l. 12.

³   1960 05 11 J. Budrio laiškas LDT šefui S. Lozoraičiui, VDU S. ir S. Lozoraičių muziejus, f. 2, ap. 1, b. 5, l. 183–184.

⁴   1954 11 26–27 BALF’o jubiliejinio seimo, vykusio Hotel Cleveland, protokolas, LTSC / PLA, BALF fondas, d. 5, b. 7, l. 50.


Web page

Surname, Name, “Name of web page”, Name of web site, “Title of book part, section, chapter: subtitle”, Date of publication, renewal or last perusal, internet address:

¹   Hand, Becky, “All about Artificial Sweeteners: The Lowdown on Zero-Calorie Sugar Substitutes”, SparkPeople, paskelbta 2004 rugsėjo 29, resource/nutrition_articles.asp?id=289.

²   „Bibliografinės nuorodos ir literatūros sąrašai“, Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto biblioteka, atnaujinta 2017 vasario 14,

³   “Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide”, The Chicago Manual of Style Online, žiūrėta 2017 kovo 10, http://www.



The bibliography lists the authors by surnames in alphabetical order (without numbering). If there are no authors, the works are listed by their titles; if the title begins with an article (a, an, the, der, etc.), the titles are ordered by their second word.

Adamkus, Valdas, Penkeri darbo metai: kalbos, interviu, laiškai. Vilnius: Baltos lankos, 2001.

The American Educator Encyclopedia, a Thoroughly Modern Work Designed to Meet the Needs of Every Age, ed. H. O. Gillet. Lake Bluff: United Educators, 1954.

Anglų-lietuvių kalbų specialiojo ugdymo žodynas. Šiauliai: Šiaulių universiteto leidykla, 2005.

Books Abroad: A Look at Baltic Letters Today, Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma, 1973, vol. 47, no. 4, žiūrėta 2016 birželio 11,

Ilgiewicz, Henryka, „Lenkų visuomenės pastangos įamžinti Vilniuje iškilių asmenybių atminimą XIX a. pabaigoje – XX a. pradžioje“, Kultūrologija 18 (2010), 242–257.

 Ivask, Ivar, „Baltų egzilio literatūra. Šimtmečio ketvirčio apžvalga“, Aidai, žiūrėta 2016 birželio 6, http://

Kačkutė, Eglė, „Apie kultūrinį (ne)priklausymą“, Šiaurės Atėnai, 2013 gruodžio 13, žiūrėta 2016 birželio 6,

 Lietuvos ir Lenkijos diplomatiniai santykiai 1938–1940 metais: dokumentų rinkinys, sud. A. Kasparavičius ir P. Libera. Vilnius: Lietuvos istorijos instituto leidykla, 2013.

“The Occupation and Annexation of Latvia: 1939–1940”, in Documents and Materials, eds. I. Grava-Kreituse et al. Riga: Libro, 1995, 8–29.

Olney, James, “Autobiography and the Cultural Moment”, in Autobiography: Essays Theoretical and Critical. London: Penguin, 1991, 40–112

Redakcijos kolegija. Turinys. Apie autorius.

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