About the Journal
eISSN2345–0916, ISSN 1822–3230, DOI 10.15544/RD
Rural Development: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference (hereinafter referred to as Rural Development) is an international, peer-reviewed scientific journal published on the basis of the conference proceedings by Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (formerly Aleksandras Stulginskis University) since 2003. Since 2015, the journal has been available exclusively in electronic format.
The journal aims to provide a comprehensive platform for empirical and theoretical studies and analyses in the fields of Agro-innovations and Food Technologies, Biosystems Engineering and Environmental Integrity, Sustainable Use of Natural Bio-Resources, and Social Innovations for Rural Development. It encompasses a wide range of interdisciplinary research areas in agriculture, science, technology, and social sciences.
Frequency. Journal is published once per two years.
Language of the article. Articles are published in English language.
Indexing. The journal is indexed by the international databases, Scientific search systems or engines: Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Core Collection (2009-2017 with affiliation Aleksandras Stulginskis University), Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCO), Lituanistika, Crossref, Google Scholar, BASE, CORE, Dimensions, OpenAlex, ScienceGate, Scilit, etc.
Persistent identifiiers. Journal provides DOI (Digital Object Identifier) from 2009 and handle (Persistent identifier) from 2021 to each published article.
Originality. Presented articles must be original, not published elsewhere, and should correspond with the aims and scope of the journal. The originality of the submitted articles are checked using Plagiarism Detection Softwares to identify any similarities or use of artificial intelligence.
Peer Review. The Double-Blind Peer Review is used. In case of reviewers disagreement a paper is sent to the third reviewer or final decision concerning publication is taken by the editor-in-chief.
Publication Fee: A portion of the conference participation fee is allocated to cover article processing charges (APC).
Open Access Policy. It is an Open Access journal using the platform of Open Journal Systems for journal management and publishing. Its authors retain their copyright. Articles published in the journal are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) license. This licence requiring attribution ("attribution" of the work to the author(s) allowing unrestricted use of the work, including copying, modification, commercial and non-commercial use.
Archiving. The long-term preservation of the journal archive is ensured in the Vytautas Magnus University Research Management System (VDU CRIS).
Publication ethics and publication statement. Rural Development committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards. Our ethical statements are based on COPE’s Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.