Ecological stability, landscape, coefficientAbstract
In the course of this study, the aim was to quantify ecological changes in the territory of Telšiai county. Analyzing the land cover in the period from 2010 to 2022. (2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2022), the degree of polarization of the landscape was assessed, i. y. the ratio between natural / semi-natural areas and anthropogenic areas, which is expressed in terms of the degree of ecological stability of the landscape. Changes in this indicator over the five years show trends in the ecological stability of the landscape.
The territorial unit of the landscape is considered to be: the ecological stability coefficient of the territorial unit of the landscape, the area is stable when Ke is equal to or greater than 0.67.
It is possible to rejoice that only one of the analyzed municipalities of Telšiai county falls into the position of little stable, the municipality of Mažeikiai district, where the rest are moderately stable in terms of the coefficient and gradually move towards a stable landscape.