Constructing a support process for family members when their loved one is missing: the role of social work


  • Leda Norgialienė "Stiftelsen Fossumkollektivet“ ("Fossum“)



family, disappearance, missing relative, loss, social work with family, comprehensive family support


The issue of disappearances is the subject of lively public debate, both because of the scale of the phenomenon and its sensitivity. The disappearance of a loved one is one of the most dramatic events that can happen to a person. When a person goes missing, the family and friends that remain change. The emotional experiences of missing person relatives are of great importance in the process of constructing the assistance, as the need for assistance depends on the feelings they experience. Those working in the field of missing persons often feel helpless and frustrated in finding ways to support families without adding more ambiguity and uncertainty. Research analyses how the process of support for family members in the event of the disappearance of their loved one is constructed. The aim of the study: To uncover the construction of the support process for family members in the event of the disappearance of their loved one. Study objectives: 1. To identify the need for complex services for family members in the event of the disappearance of their loved one. 2. To reveal the process of assistance provided to the relatives of a missing person, highlighting the importance of the involvement of social workers, inter-institutional cooperation and community participation. 3. To reveal how research participants perceive and interpret their personal experience of the disappearance of their loved one, from the experiential narratives constructed by the relatives of the disappeared persons. Research methods: The construction of the process of assistance to family members after the disappearance of their relative was revealed using thematic reflexive analysis. A qualitative narrative research method was used to collect the research data. Results of the research: The research participants who had experienced the disappearance of a loved one constructed the experiences of their loved one’s disappearance through their narrative. The construction of the experiences revealed the process of help they felt in the critical situation, what resources they used and what resources and sources of help they lacked. In the second part of the study, the need for accessibility, gaps and possibilities of complex assistance were revealed with the help of social work experts/practitioners.



How to Cite

Norgialienė, L. (2024). Constructing a support process for family members when their loved one is missing: the role of social work. Social Work: Experience and Methods / Socialinis Darbas: Patirtis Ir Metodai, 32(2), 41–83.