About the Journal
ISSN 2029-5820 (Online)
ISSN 2029-0470 (Print)
“Social work. Experience and methods” is the peer reviewed journal with the editorial office, which consists of recognized Lithuanian and foreign academic specialists of social work. Scientists and practicians of social work share the results of their research and practical knowledge. The best works of the students are also published in the journal, as well as interviews with the experts of social work. This journal is registered in the CrossRef system and uses plagiarism detection systems CrossCheck.
Available to databases:
ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences) Journal information | ERIH PLUS | NSD (hkdir.no) Sherpa Romeo Socialinis darbas: patirtis ir metodai - Sherpa Services LITUANISTIKA CRIS Socialinis darbas. Patirtis ir metodai / Social Work. Experience and Methods (vdu.lt) eLABa (2008-2014 m.) EBSCO
Publishing Schedule: 2 issues per year.
Languages: Lithuanian, English.
Peer-Review: Used Double-Blind Peer review.
Open Access Policy: This is an Open Access journal. The authors retain the right to submitt all works to open access under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Copyright: Protection of Authors' works is ensured by the Law on Copyright and Related Rights of the Republic of Lithuania VIII-1185 Lietuvos Respublikos autorių teisių ir gretutinių teisių įstatymas (lrs.lt) and by the Rules for Management, Use and Disposition of Intellectual Property of Vytautas Magnus University in-TAISYKLES.pdf (vdu.lt)
Submission and Publishing Fees: There are no submission and publishing fees.
Publisher: Vytautas Magnus University.