Bee pollen, contamination, FusariumAbstract
The purpose of the study is to determine the prevalence of Fusarium spp. in pollen collected by bees at different ambient temperatures and during different storage periods. 24 pcs. (200g each) pollen samples collected in 2021. 3rd decade of May, Kaunas district. Samples were stored from 1 month. up to 4 months periods at different temperatures: 8 ‒ 9 °C and 20 ‒ 23 °C.
A dilution method (cfu g-1) was used to isolate the fungi. Fungal contamination in pollen collected by bees before storage ranged from 1 × 101 to 1.5 × 103 cfu g-1. Alternaria, Penicillium, Fusarium spp. and other genera of fungi were identified. Species belonging to the Fusarium genus were isolated in the pollen: F. sporotrichioides and F.graminearum.
After evaluating the contamination of pollen that was stored at different temperatures and storage periods, it was found that it is safest to store bee pollen at a temperature of 8 ‒ 9 °C and for the shortest possible time.