Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development <p><strong>eISSN</strong> 2345–0355, <strong>DOI </strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">10.15544/mts</a><br /><strong>First Published:</strong> 1999–<br /><strong>Frequency:</strong> Quartely<br /><strong>Languages:</strong> English<br /><strong>Subjects:</strong> Business and Economics, Business Management, Management, Organization, Corporate Governance, Business Development, Change Management, Cooperation, Industries, Agribusiness, Food Industry<br /><strong>Metrics:</strong> WoS: JIF 1.4 (2022); Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)<br /><strong>Fees:</strong> The publication fee/ article processing charge (APC) depends on the length of the publication. More about the <a href="">APC</a>.<br /><strong>Open Access:</strong> CC BY NC</p> Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy en-US Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development 2345-0355 COMPARISON OF ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF INSOURCING AND OUTSOURCING CONTROLLING PROCESSES IN INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES IN SLOVAKIA <p>For the successful management of business processes and managerial decision-making, it is important to align the controlling function with the business management strategy. In the business environment, controlling plays a key role, mainly by ensuring the consistency of business processes. It is possible to optimize them only based on the knowledge of business processes. Therefore, the professional competence of the entity providing the controlling of business processes is important for the quality of the provided controlling data. Controlling can be provided internally and externally. The aim of the article is to present findings of research focused on the reasons for insourcing and outsourcing controlling processes in industrial enterprises. To fulfil the main aim, qualitative research was conducted with experts from large industrial enterprises. The research involved assessing and evaluating criteria based on their significance for the insourcing and outsourcing of controlling processes. Experts in finance from industrial enterprises in Slovakia assessed these criteria, as these enterprises have undergone significant changes in recent decades regarding their systems and tools.</p> Eva Santava Natália Vraňaková Zdenka Gyurak Babelova Copyright (c) 2024 Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 46 4 454 462 10.15544/mts.2024.42 GOVERNMENT-FUNDED AGRIBUSINESSES: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE TO WHAT EXTENT IS FARMING SUPPORTED IN LITHUANIA <p>The aim of this study was to evaluate the extent to which agribusinesses in Lithuania are supported by the government and to analyse the differences in the effectiveness of this support among farms. The study examines the degree to which current subsidies enhance revenue generated from core business operations and their impact on farm profitability, with a focus on differences related to farm size. To achieve these objectives, two indicators, including the nominal protection coefficient (NDSC) and return on assets (ROA), were used. The effect of current subsidies on RAO was measured as the difference between the values of indicator calculated “with subsidies” (reflecting the actual situation) and “without subsidies”. The findings indicate significant variation in the effectiveness of current subsidies across farms, suggesting a distortion of competitive conditions from an economic perspective.</p> Vlada Vitunskienė Copyright (c) 2024 Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 46 4 463 472 10.15544/mts.2024.43 GLOBAL TRENDS OF UNIVERSITIES DIGITALIZATION UNDER THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT <p>Within the article it is proved that digitization is an important aspect of the modern educational process and has a significant impact on sustainable development, as it contributes to the efficient use of resources and ensures the availability of education for all social groups. The purpose of the article is to study the global trends and to identify the best world practices of digitalization of higher education institutions, as well as to determine the prospects for further development of higher education institutions in the conditions of global digital transformations. The advantages and disadvantages of digitalization of higher education institutions are analyzed. It is justified that in the conditions of rapid development of digitalization, it is extremely important to find a balance between traditional and digital methods of education. The main global trends in digitalization of higher education institutions have been determined. The dynamics of individual indicators of online education in European universities are analyzed. Experience of the world's best digital campuses is analyzed. The global trends in the distribution of distance education courses and tools for gamification of learning are considered.</p> Olha Popelo Nataliia Kholiavko Yuriy Safonov Kostiantyn Shaposhnykov Ilona Babukh Bohdana Yamniuk Copyright (c) 2024 Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 46 4 473 481 10.15544/mts.2024.44 INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT OF ECO-PROJECTS OF QUALITY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENTREPRENEURIAL POTENTIAL OF INTEGRATED STRUCTURES IN SMART TECHNOLOGIES OF THE INFORMATION BIO-ECONOMY <p>The article considers the value of forecasting the net income from the sale of products in innovative eco-projects through the lens of modern mathematical models. The obtained data demonstrate a significant influence of social and technological factors on the economic results of enterprises in the sector of ecological products. The use of mathematical models emphasizes the importance of an adaptive approach in project management, which allows more accurate consideration of the specifics of market conditions. The forecasting results indicate a significant potential for sustainable development of entrepreneurial potential, where innovative technologies become a catalyst for economic growth. The proposed approach emphasizes the need for science-based solutions in the field of innovation management and promotes the integration of smart technologies into the bioeconomy, which is critical for ensuring environmental responsibility in the modern business environment.</p> Iryna Shtuler Oleh Romanchukevych Tetiana Kharchuk Hanna Popovychenko Tetiana Vlasiuk Zorina Shatskaya Denys Zakharov Copyright (c) 2024 Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 46 4 482 496 10.15544/mts.2024.45 WOMEN SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING RELATED TO TERRITORIAL DIMENSION: CASES OF LITHUANIA AND POLAND <p>The article aims to characterize women's subjective well-being (SWB), focusing on the territorial dimension in Lithuania and Poland. The problem is that the gender related SWB evaluations considering the urban and rural perspective is often overlooked or omitted from SWB assessments. European Social Survey (ESS) round 10 (2021) data were used for research. Descriptive statistics and comparison methods revealed that women's SWB is evaluated differently in both countries. However, the assessment of happiness and satisfaction with life increased from a territorial point of view. The research results are important for scientific knowledge and local politicians to understand the SWB of women, especially those living in rural areas, and to provide appropriate measures to achieve higher well-being.</p> Gintarė Vaznonienė Agnieszka Wojewódzka-Wiewiórska Copyright (c) 2024 Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 46 4 497 505 10.15544/mts.2024.46 MANAGEMENT OF CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES IN CONDITIONS OF DIGITALIZATION, LEGAL RISKS, INNOVATIVE EDUCATION AND SMART ECONOMY <p>The article examines the management of cluster development of agricultural enterprises in the conditions of digitalization, legal risks, innovative education and Smart economy. The need to implement digital technologies, automation and digital resource management, which contributes to increasing the productivity and competitiveness of agricultural enterprises, is substantiated. Legal risks associated with data protection and intellectual property management are considered, as well as the need to integrate innovative education to train specialists capable of working in the conditions of the Smart economy. It has been proven that the clustering of enterprises makes it possible to implement innovations more efficiently, optimize production processes and minimize costs, which contributes to the sustainable development of the agricultural sector. It is recognized that the use of the modified distribution method of the closed type allows to optimize the comparison of the forecasted volumes of production with the available actual resources of agricultural enterprises. In the conditions of growing digitalization, this approach contributes to increasing the efficiency of resource allocation due to more accurate accounting of actual indicators and forecasted needs. It was emphasized that the model of cluster development of agricultural enterprises in combination with new technologies, such as Smart economy, allows enterprises to join forces to increase competitiveness and optimize production processes.</p> Nataliia Gorobets Mykhailo Verhun Karina Nemashkalo Volodymyr Vovk Nataliya Mazur Oleksandr Brovarets Anton Melnyk Copyright (c) 2024 Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 46 4 506 517 10.15544/mts.2024.47 THE EFFECT OF THE DARK TRIAD'S ROLE IN BENIGN, MALICIOUS ENVY AND ORGANIZATIONAL REVENGE ON JOB PERFORMANCE: THE CASE OF TURKEY <p>In toxic workplaces where individuals with dark triad personality traits exist, counterproductive behaviours occur, which negatively affects employee performance and therefore, organizational performance. This article aims to measure the effect of dark triad personality traits and feelings of benign and malicious envy on organizational revenge intention and the effect of all three negative emotions and behaviours on job performance. In this context, a research model and hypotheses were created with the assumption that the dark triad personality traits can affect the feelings of benign and malicious envy, and that the feelings of benign and malicious envy can have an impact on job performance by affecting the intention of organizational revenge. The model was tested on a sample of 313 academicians using structural equation modelling. In this study, where the quantitative method was applied, the dark triad personality, benign and malicious envy, organizational revenge intention and job performance scales were used. As a result of the research, it was found that dark triad positively affects benign and malicious envy, benign and malicious envy significantly and positively affect organizational revenge intention, and they significantly and negatively affect job performance. Additionally, it was seen that organizational revenge intention significantly and positively affects job performance. All the hypotheses considered were accepted. In this context, dark triad personality traits highlight the feelings of benign and malicious envy, and feelings of benign and malicious envy increase employees' job performance by affecting the intention of organizational revenge. In the study, it was seen that the intention of organizational revenge also affects job performance positively with the effect of benign and malicious envy.</p> Meral Erdirençelebi Abdullah Zübeyr Akman Ebru Ertürk Copyright (c) 2024 Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 46 4 518 533 10.15544/mts.2024.48 COOPERATION IN FORMING THE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC WELFARE OF RURAL TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES <p>Activation of the development of cooperation as a form and mechanism of integration of business entities requires a strategic orientation to take into account economic, material, technical, social and institutional determinants.</p> <p>The purpose of the study is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological foundations and develop applied approaches to the activation of cooperative processes in the organization of improving the social and economic well-being of territorial communities. A systematic approach to the study of conditions, factors and circumstances that influence the development of cooperation is applied. The synergistic effect that will appear as a result of cooperation and due to which the capacity to increase production potential and integration processes will arise is singled out. The analysis and determination of the influence of institutional factors on the development of cooperation, stimulation of increasing its role in the formation of social and economic well-being of rural territorial communities has been implemented.</p> <p>It has been proven that the combination in the integrated structure of economic activity is important, which will form the prerequisites for creating a resource base for building cooperative-type associations. This will ensure an increase in the connecting links of the chain of formation of added value, and on the other hand, it will allow systematic diversification of risks, which will be transformed into a mechanism for activating the processes of social and economic development and increasing the level of well-being of the territories. The practical value of the research will consist of the use of theoretical and methodological recommendations for the development of organizational and economic principles for the activation of cooperation, increasing efficiency, the role of cooperatives in the formation of the socio-economic well-being of rural territorial communities.</p> Diana Shelenko Oleksandr Shpykyliak Ivan Balaniuk Svitlana Sudomyr Alona Sukhovii Copyright (c) 2024 Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 46 4 534 550 10.15544/mts.2024.49 THE DYNAMICS OF THE REAL ESTATE MARKET: THE IMPACT OF PRICE CHANGES ON CONSUMER DECISIONS TO PURCHASE HOUSING <p>The real estate market has recently undergone significant changes that influence consumer behavior. The aim of the study is to assess the dynamics of the real estate market and to investigate how changes in housing prices affect consumers' intentions to purchase real estate in the near future, investigating the case of Lithuania. The research methods of scientific literature analysis, statistical data analysis, regression analysis, and logical conclusion formulation are employed. The study's results revealed trends in the growth of real estate market prices in Lithuania. A positive relationship was established between the increase in housing prices and Lithuanian consumers' intentions to buy or build a home within the next 12 months. Although it may seem that rising housing prices could negatively impact intentions to purchase, the study's findings suggest that the factor of increasing prices may encourage purchasing decisions, as consumers, seeing upward price trends, do not want to miss the opportunity to buy before prices rise further. They may view prices as an investment opportunity or trust the improving economic situation.</p> Deimena Montvydaitė Copyright (c) 2024 Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 46 4 551 560 10.15544/mts.2024.50 THE ROLE OF INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL IN THE MANAGEMENT OF THE ENTERPRISES’ INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT IN THE CONDITIONS OF DIGITALIZATION <p>The purpose of the study is to highlight the role of intellectual capital in managing the innovative development of enterprises in the conditions of digitalization. The methodological basis of the research is a systematic approach, which allows combining knowledge, establishing communications, increasing competences, various management tools of innovative activity and the efficiency of the intellectual capital of enterprises in compliance with the principles of priority, complexity, people-centeredness. It has been established that the intellectual capital of the enterprise is formed at the expense of the existing personnel who possess certain knowledge, information, experience, competences, creativity, etc., and this gives the opportunity, as a result of transformation and effective management, to turn into corporate capital or other types of results of intellectual and innovative activity. Management of the innovative development of enterprises through the prism of intellectual capital management promotes the creation and implementation of innovative processes at the enterprise in the direction of the development and implementation of new technologies, products, services, organizational, innovative technical, socio-economic solutions of a production, financial, economic, marketing and other nature.</p> Pavlo Hryhoruk Inna Gruzina Roman Greshko Vitalii Sharko Yurii Bohach Ivan Olyfirenko Copyright (c) 2024 Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 46 4 561 569 10.15544/mts.2024.51 COMPARATIVE DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF CONSUMER PERCEPTIONS AND BEHAVIOR TOWARDS FAST FOOD BUSINESSES. A CASE OF LUSAKA AND KITWE DISTRICTS OF ZAMBIA <p>This study aimed to conduct a comparative descriptive analysis of Zambian consumers' perceptions and behavior toward fast food in Lusaka and Kitwe districts. Using a cross-sectional survey research design, data were collected online via Google Forms and a total of 430 questionnaires were analyzed using Excel and SPSS. Factor analysis was performed on Likert scale variables and similar results on all variables were obtained between the two districts. It was found that children at home influenced the purchase of fast foods in the 2 districts and therefore, the study recommended that fast food operators in both Lusaka and Kitwe districts ought to make their food premises child friendly because they should expect consumers visiting their businesses with children. It is also highly recommended that fast food businesses in Zambia should increase the supply of fruits and vegetables, and local foods. It is further recommended that fast food businesses should consider increasing home deliveries and provide spacious seating space for consumers.</p> Bravo Muchuu Copyright (c) 2024 Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 46 4 570 584 10.15544/mts.2024.52 DYNAMIC MODEL OF THE ECONOMY IN THE CONDITIONS OF ECOLOGIZATION OF PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION PROCESSES <p>The need for greening the modern economy and developing the ecological economy in the future, in which production and consumption processes would be ecologically and socially balanced, is substantiated. Taking into account that ecological and economic systems belong to complex objects of research, the relevance of improving existing and developing new methodologies for their study, in particular development of modeling, which in combination with modern information technologies, has wide opportunities for the study of such objects, is emphasized. The dynamic model of the economy has been developed, under the conditions of environmentalization of production and consumption, which is formalized in the space of ecological and economic variables, taking into account the socio-economic clustering of society. Conceptually, the model is built in such a way that a number of modified models can be offered on its basis. Models of this class are intended for qualitative and quantitative analyzes of the processes of ecological and economic interaction that take place in the studied economy. Simulation experiments with such models make it possible to obtain fundamentally important results regarding the behavior of ecological-economic systems, in particular, to identify general patterns and trends in the development of the economy in the conditions of its environmentalization, which serves as a valuable information base for the development of possible scenarios of ecological-economic development and support for making managerial decisions regarding improvement of the ecological and economic situation in real practice.</p> Mariia Hryhorkiv Vasyl Hryhorkiv Lesia Buiak Anna Pavlovska Ivan Gaidutskyi Yuliia Khoroshun Copyright (c) 2024 Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 46 4 585 591 10.15544/mts.2024.53 REFORMING LABOUR TAXATION: ADDRESSING THE EMPLOYMENT EFFECTS OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRESS <p style="text-indent: 0cm;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 10.0pt;">As technological progress rapidly transforms the labour market, traditional labour taxation systems face a double challenge: declining tax revenues and the growing need to finance social security systems. This study analyses the impact of labour income tax cuts on employment in the context of technological progress using a general equilibrium model calibrated for the European Union economic zone. The simulation results show that labour income tax cuts have a positive effect on employment, especially at lower levels of automation, but that this effect weakens with increasing levels of automation. The study reveals that while tax cuts stimulate economic activity and partly compensate for the loss of tax revenue through increased consumption and investment, there is a persistent negative impact on government revenue. This points to the need to find alternative sources of tax revenue to ensure the sustainability of public finances in the context of technological progress.</span></p> Jevgenija Furgasė Astrida Miceikienė Copyright (c) 2024 Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 46 4 592 608 10.15544/mts.2024.54 ORGANIZATIONAL AND ECONOMIC MECHANISM OF IMPROVING ENERGY COSTS IN THE TECHNOLOGICAL AND PROCESS CONSTANT OF THE PRINTING INDUSTRY <p>The printing sphere of economic activity refers to energy-consuming industries, which determines the implementation of an organizational and economic mechanism for improving the use of energy costs in technological processes. The purpose of the study is to justify the organizational and economic mechanism of improving energy costs in the technological and process constant of the functioning of business structures in the printing industry based on the identification of the key features and structural components of the development, taking into account specific features. The feasibility of developing an organizational and economic mechanism for improving energy costs in the technological and process constant was proven by the analysis of the global investment trends in the projects on energy-efficient technologies. The problems of ensuring the improvement of energy costs at production enterprises are highlighted in the research. The key aspects of the functional focus of the organizational and economic mechanism for improving energy costs in the direction of optimizing the energy potential of enterprises in the printing industry have been studied. The principles of the functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism for improving energy costs in the technological and process constant of the functioning of entrepreneurial structures in the printing industry are substantiated. The managerial components of the organizational and economic mechanism for improving energy costs of enterprises in the printing industry are singled out. The organizational and economic mechanism for improving energy costs in the technological and process constant of the functioning of entrepreneurial structures in the printing industry is proposed.</p> Dmytro Makatora Alona Makatora Mykola Zenkin Anastasiia Mykhalko Oleksandr Shostachuk Copyright (c) 2024 Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 46 4 609 618 10.15544/mts.2024.55 ANALYSIS OF INNOVATIVE PROJECTS OF TECHNOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT OF CLUSTER PARTNERSHIP AND BUSINESS DIVERSIFICATION DURING THE POST-WAR RECOVERY AND EUROPEAN INTEGRATION OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY <p>The article focuses on the need to deepen the analysis of innovative projects of technological management of cluster partnership and business diversification. This problem is particularly important in the context of post-war recovery and European integration of the national economy. The expediency of using Harrington's desirability (advantage) function in this analysis was determined; coefficient analysis; production regressions, etc. Approbation of the specified analysis was carried out using the activities of JSC “Nibulon” LLC, PJSC MHP (Myronivskyi Hliboprodukt) and JSC Kernel Group. The obtained results for the mentioned enterprises for the years 2017–2023 showed a positive and stable dynamic of financial and economic efficiency, which will in the future encourage the deepening of innovative projects in technological management and cluster partnership.</p> Mariana Shkoda Olga Kupchyshyna Teymur Kasumov Iryna Bernatska Nataliia Burda Olena Stepanova Nadiia Zaritska Yuliia Rusina Copyright (c) 2024 Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 46 4 619 631 10.15544/mts.2024.56