Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija <p><strong>eISSN</strong> 1822–9913, <strong>ISSN</strong> 2335–7940<br /><strong>First Published:</strong> 2007–<br /><strong>Frequency:</strong> Yearly<br /><strong>Languages:</strong> English, Lithuanian<br /><strong>Subjects:</strong> Develop the Ability to Publicize Scientific Research Results, Present their Scientific Research Achievements and Discuss Topical Issues of Bioeconomy, Green Course, Climate Change, Ecosystem Sustainability, Rational Use, and Protection of Natural Resources<br /><strong>Fees:</strong> No Publication Fees</p> en-US (Judita Černiauskienė ) (Remigijus Žalkauskas) Thu, 24 Oct 2024 10:57:55 +0300 OJS 60 Conference Proceedings “Young Scientist 2024” <p>The 21st Scientific Conference YOUNG SCIENTIST 2024 was held on 11 April 2024. The Conference is intended for the first- and second-cycle students representing all the universities. &nbsp;Its goal is to engage the students in research activities, cultivate the skills of public presentation of the research findings, present the research achievements, and hold discussions on the relevant issues of bioeconomy, Green Deal, climate change, ecosystem sustainability, rational use, and protection of natural resources.</p> Judita Černiauskienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE INFLUENCE OF WINTER COVER CROPS AND THEIR INCORPORATION METHODS ON SOIL BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES <p>Field experiment was conducted in 2022 and 2023 at the Experimental Station of Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy. The soil of the experiment is <em>Endocalcaric Amphistagnic Luvisol</em>. The objective of the experiment was to determine the influence of winter cover crops of different botanical families and their incorporation methods into the soil on the soil biological properties in the spring wheat agrocenosis under organic farming conditions. Experimental treatments: Factor A: methods of incorporation of cover crops into the soil: 1) deep ploughing (20 cm deep) in spring, 2) shallow incorporation (6 cm deep) in the spring, Factor B: winter cover crops: 1) without cover crop, 2) crimson (incarnate) clover (10 kg ha<sup>-1</sup>), 3) winter vetch (50 kg ha<sup>-1</sup>), 4) perennial ryegrass (10 kg ha<sup>-1</sup>), 5) winter rye (50 kg ha<sup>-1</sup>). The highest number of earthworms was found in the fields, where crimson clover was deeply ploughed. After deep incorporation of crimson clover and shallow incorporation of winter vetch, the biomass of earthworms was determined to be significantly 2.6 and 2.8 times higher than that of shallow incorporation of perennial ryegrass. In the shallowly tilled fields, compared to deeply ploughed fields, a trend of increasing the amount of organic matter in the soil was determined. Cover crops and their incorporation methods did not significantly affect the activity of the soil enzyme saccharase. After deep and shallow incorporation of winter vetch and rye and shallow incorporation of crimson clover, enzyme urease activity was determined to be significantly higher from 45.5 to 90.0 % than in the fields without cover crops.</p> Dovydas Aušra, Aušra Marcinkevičienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT TILLAGES ON SPRING WHEAT PRODUCTIVITY <p>This research examines the effects of tillage intensity and straw incorporation on soil water content. The research was conducted in a long-term stationary field experiment, which is located at the Experimental Station of the VDU Agricultural Academy. The research was continued, presented in this scientific work in 2022. test results. The aim of the study is to determine and compare the influence of different tillage productivity in barley crops. The crop is spring barley (<em>Hordeum vulgare</em> L.). CP - conventional ploughing, DC – deep cultivation, SP – shallow plowing, SC - shallow cultivation, NT – no-tillage (in stubble with tillage up to 5 cm.). Summarizing the effect of tillage intensity on spring barley productivity indicators, it can be said that it was different. Spring barley crop after 3 and 10 days. germination was found to be the highest in the fields where conventional tillage was applied. In fields where simplified tillage systems were applied, crop germination decreased after 3 and 10 days of counting, but no significant impact was found. Crop density increased in shallow plowed, deep plowed and shallow plowed fields, compared to deep plowed fields. The density of the crop in the direct seeding plots was very little different from that of the control variant plots. In all fields where simplified tillage systems were applied, spring barley yield decreased, but not significantly, compared to deep plowed fields.</p> Justina Levaitė, Aušra Sinkevičienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE INFLUENCE OF WINTER COVER CROPS AND THEIR INCORPORATION METHODS ON SPRING WHEAT CROP WEEDINESS AND PRODUCTIVITY <p>Field experiment was conducted in 2022 and 2023 at the Experimental Station of Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy. The soil of the experiment is <em>Endocalcaric Amphistagnic Luvisol</em>. Experimental treatments: Factor A: methods of incorporation of cover crops into the soil: 1. Deep ploughing (20 cm deep) in spring; 2. Shallow incorporation (6 cm deep) in the spring. Factor B: winter cover crops: 1. Without cover crop; 2. Crimson (incarnate) clover (10 kg ha<sup>-1</sup>); 3. Winter vetch (50 kg ha<sup>-1</sup>); 4. Perennial ryegrass (10 kg ha<sup>-1</sup>); 5. Winter rye (50 kg ha<sup>-1</sup>). In the spring wheat crop dominated <em>Chenopodium album</em>, <em>Stellaria media</em>, <em>Cirsium arvense</em> and <em>Taraxacum officinale</em>. The lowest number of weeds was found in spring wheat fields, where winter rye was shallowly incorporated for green manure in spring. Cover crops and their incorporation methods had no significant effect on weed dry matter mass. The highest density of the spring wheat crop was formed, where winter vetch was shallowly incorporated for green manure in the spring. The 1000 grain mass of wheat was the highest when crimson clover was deeply incorporated for green manure. Significantly highest yield of wheat grain (from 1.1 to 2.1 times) was formed, where winter vetch was deeply ploughed for green manure in the spring. In the deeply ploughed fields without or with cover crops, compared to shallowly tilled, the 1000 grain mass of wheat was significantly higher from 5.7 to 9.0%, and the grain yield was significantly higher from 24.9 to 52.8%.</p> Armina Makštelė, Aušra Marcinkevičienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 APPLICATION OF VEGETATION AND NDWI INDICES IN REMOTE SENSING OF SOIL MOISTURE <p>Soil moisture is one of the most important factors affecting plant growth and yield (Zhang ir kt., 2018). However, cheaper and more convenient methods that can replace conventional direct moisture measurements are still being sought. This paper examines the accuracy of the application of optical sensors for soil moisture determination based on indices evaluating plant physiology and water content. The research is carried out by applying the "DJI Inspire 2" drone, the "Sentinel-2" satellite, and the gravimetric method of soil moisture determination. The accuracy of the indices is evaluated by constructing linear regression models for the indices most correlated with soil moisture. The reliability of the indices is also determined, which is done by evaluating the significance of the difference between the moisture values ​​obtained by these indices and the <em>in situ </em>moisture and calculating the RMSE.</p> <p>The results of the study show that soil moisture is best estimated from the NDWI and GCI indices. NDWI accuracy was 35% from drone data and 40% from satellite data. The accuracy of the GCI for determining soil moisture was 30% for drone and 36% for satellite data. No significant difference was found between moisture values from these indices and <em>in situ</em> measurements. The average deviations of indices from direct measurements ranged from 0.22% to 0.83%. In the conditions of lush vegetation, a higher accuracy of the satellite indices was found: 61% (NDWI) and 88% (GCI), suggesting an opportunity to improve the methodology in the conditions of mature vegetation. Average deviations from soil moisture did not exceed 1.10%.</p> Miglė Mockutė, Edvinas Tiškus Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 EFFECT OF DIFFERENT TILLAGE ON SOIL BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES <p>This research examines the effects of tillage on soil biological properties. The research was conducted in a long-term stationary field experiment, which is located at the Experimental Station of the VMU Agricultural Academy. The research was continued, the results of the 2022 tests are presented in this paper. The purpose of the study is to evaluate and compare the effects of simplified tillage and direct sowing on soil biological properties. Different tillage systems were studied in the experiment: 1. Conventional deep plowing with a depth of 23–25 cm (CP) (control - comparative variant); 2. Shallow plowing with a depth of 12–15 cm (SP); 3. Deep plowing (cultivator with boom shares) 23–25 cm deep (DC); 4. Shallow plowing (cultivator with arrow harrows) at a depth of 12–15 cm (SC); 5. Direct sowing (into the stubble with tillage up to 5 cm) (NT). Crop - a summer crop form of common barley (<em>Hordeum vulgare</em> L.), in which different tillage methods are applied. During the research period, applied different tillages did not have a significant effect on the amount of CO<sub>2</sub> concentration in different soil layers. In the upper (0–10 cm) soil layer studied, the CO<sub>2</sub> concentration in the deep-purged fields is higher from 0.001 to 0.185 percents. units, compared to deep plowing. In the deeper (10-20 cm) soil layer in direct sowing fields, the amount of CO<sub>2</sub> concentration is lower from 0.035 to 0.210 percents. pcs than in deep plowed fields. During the vegetation period of spring barley, it was found that the concentration of O<sub>2</sub> is higher by 0.04 percent pcs in the fields of direct sowing in the upper and 0.18 percent. pcs in the lower studied soil layer, compare with deep plowed fields. In the fields of direct sowing, the activity of sucrose in the studied soil layers is significantly higher by 2,0 and 1,7 times, than in the fields of the control variant.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Toma Petrikaitė, Aušra Sinkevičienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 EXAMINING TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS IN LOGISTICS TRANSPORTATION IN INDIA <p>The article delves into the realm of technological innovations in logistics transportation in India, emphasizing their pivotal role in enhancing efficiency and sustainability within the country's evolving logistics sector. Employing a secondary research method, the study analyzes advancements such as automated vehicles, IoT, blockchain, predictive analytics, AR, VR, drones, and AI in route optimization. The research identifies challenges hindering the seamless integration of these technologies, including infrastructural limitations, cost constraints, workforce shortages, regulatory complexities, data security concerns, and resistance to change. To address these challenges, the article proposes strategic solutions, such as substantial infrastructure investment, skill development programs, public-private partnerships, environmental sustainability initiatives, standardization, and digital connectivity expansion. By implementing these multifaceted strategies cohesively, the logistics sector in India has the potential to transform into a technology-driven hub, fostering efficiency, sustainability, and competitiveness on the global stage. The study concludes by underlining the significance of mitigating challenges and embracing technological advancements for the overall enhancement of the Indian logistics sector.</p> Muhammed Ajmal Adamari Parambil Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 SUPPLY CHAIN STRATEGIES FOR FOOD PRODUCTS: A CASE STUDY OF ADANI WILMAR IN INDIA <p>The article investigates supply chain strategies for food products, focusing on Adani Wilmar in India, a leading FMCG food company. It highlights the transformative impact of advanced technologies and e-commerce on supply chains, emphasizing the crucial role of meeting consumer demands for swift and secure deliveries. The research, employing both secondary and primary data, identifies challenges faced by Adani Wilmar, including infrastructure limitations, regulatory complexities, seasonal fluctuations, and technological barriers. The study, based on input from 11 employees, recommends practical strategies such as IoT integration, advanced technological tools, eco-friendly transportation, sustainability practices, and collaboration with local farmers and logistics providers. It underscores the significance of addressing obstacles to optimize Adani Wilmar's food supply chain, enhance efficiency, and ensure resilience in the dynamic market. The proposed solutions aim to capitalize on technology, sustainability, and collaboration, providing a comprehensive roadmap for Adani Wilmar to navigate challenges and evolve its supply chain strategies, ultimately fostering efficiency and sustainability in the food industry.</p> Ansil Athikkaparambil Khalid Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 SOLUTIONS TO INCREASE THE RESILIENCE OF SMALL ENTERPRISES: THEORETICAL ASPECTS <p>In order to determine the factors influencing the resilience of small enterprises, an analysis of the scientific literature was carried out. After conducting a theoretical analysis, it was found that small companies react differently to the same crisis due to emerging new opportunities and abilities to respond and adapt effectively, and the identified opportunities and resources and skills can be used to increase the company's resilience. The article analyzes measures that increase the resilience of small companies, which can be used to overcome crises, shocks or risky situations. In order to be resilient, small companies can apply resilience-building measures such as financial, cognitive and informational resources; competitive and ecological advantage; innovation and digital technologies; dynamic capabilities; strategy implementation; cooperation and learning.</p> Neringa Balčiūnienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 SMART TECHNOLOGIES AND THE POSSIBILITIES OF USE IN LOGISTICS <p>The article explores the integration of smart technologies in logistics, aiming to analyze their potential use and address challenges hindering their implementation. Utilizing secondary research methods and systematic literature analysis, the study identifies the importance of smart technologies in enhancing operational efficiency, customer experiences, and innovation within the logistics sector. It highlights the role of IoT sensors, AI algorithms, and automation in optimizing processes, while also acknowledging challenges such as complexity, scalability, and data security. The research offers practical solutions, including infrastructure upgrades, talent development, collaboration, and effective change management, to overcome these barriers. The conclusions drawn emphasize the need for a comprehensive approach to harness the benefits of smart technologies, fostering collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement throughout the logistics ecosystem for sustainable growth and competitiveness in the marketplace</p> Neenu Binu Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 IMPROVEMENT OF WAREHOUSING PROCESSES BY APPLYING LEAN TOOLS: THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS <p>The article discusses the improvement of warehousing processes by applying lean tools. A brief history shows how people like Fredric Taylor, Henry Ford and Taiichi Ohno contributed towards the lean concept known today. The seven types of wastes (Muda): overproduction, defects, waiting, unnecessary motion, inventory, transportation and over processing identified by Ohno point areas to investigate and determine the presence or absence of waste. The five lean principles: identify value, value stream, flow, establish pull, and seek perfection, act as a guide when implementing lean tools to any warehousing processes. The lean tools discussed in the article are Value Stream Mapping (VSM), 5s, Kanban and Kaizen. The research was conducted by analysing published literature sources. As per the researchers’ results, applying lean tools in warehousing processes improves productivity, creates safer working environments, motivates employees, reduces lead time and improves customer service.</p> Jane Wambui Gatundu Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 SUSTAINABILITY TRENDS AND PRACTICES IN THE FREIGHT DISTRIBUTION INDUSTRY <p>The research aims to identify emerging sustainability trends and practices in the freight distribution industry. The objectives include identifying theoretical aspects, conditions, challenges, and providing recommendations for implementing sustainable practices. To achieve these aims, the study employs a combination of literature review and in-depth case studies. The literature review analyzes existing research on sustainability trends and practices in freight distribution, providing insights into drivers, challenges, and opportunities. Complementing this, case studies of specific freight distribution organizations offer detailed insights into effective implementation techniques and best practices. The study highlights key technologies for sustainability in freight transportation, including battery electric vehicles, hydrogen-powered fuel for long-haul trucking, high-speed connectivity, for the deployment of autonomous vehicles and route optimization, as well as alternative fuels, cargo handling equipment and eco-driving. Despite the potential benefits of sustainability practices, challenges persist, including consumer preferences for time and cost over sustainability, lack of demand for energy-efficient procedures, and policy limitations. Addressing these challenges requires collaborative efforts and comprehensive policy approaches tailored to specific economic, political, and social contexts. Overall, the research provides stakeholders in the freight distribution industry with practical advice on achieving sustainable outcomes by integrating emerging technologies and practices effectively.</p> Jamil Hasanov Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 IMPROVING THE SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF THE TRANSPORT SECTOR <p>In a global environment, sustainability is becoming a relevant topic in many areas, and one of them is sustainable vehicles. This article describes importance of sustainable logistics application in transport companies. The aim of this paper is to discuss the need to increase the expression of sustainability in the freight transport sector, taking into account that increasing sustainability in this sector is not only an environmental but also an economic and social necessity. The article was prepared by applying a systematic analysis of scientific literature, methods of comparison and generalization. The problem of the study is to increase the expression of sustainability in the transport sector, which is important for reducing environmental pollution and promoting economic and social development. During the study, the significance of the application of sustainable transport logistics in the context of the EU and Lithuania was analyzed, and the necessity of the application of sustainable transport in companies in order to reduce environmental pollution was highlighted based on theoretical knowledge. The analysis shows that improving the sustainability performance of the transport sector is essential to reduce environmental pollution and promote economic and social development.</p> Juozas Jokubaitis Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE IMPACT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ON HUMAN RESOURCES IN THE LOGISTICS SECTOR <p>The logistics sector is constantly affected by changes in technology, changes in laws, competition, changes in the market and the environment. However, the growth of this sector is particularly affected by innovations, one of which is artificial intelligence. From 2022 starts talking about this innovation in various forums. Various innovations in logistics make it easier to implement projects, orders, transport movement, documentation management, etc. The purpose of this article is to determine the impact of artificial intelligence in the field of human resources in the logistics sector.</p> Simona Kalpokaitė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 IMPROVEMENT OF SMART MOBILITY IN PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM: A CASE STUDY OF INDIA’S KERALA STATE ROAD TRANSPORT CORPORATION (KSRTC) <p>The article explores the challenges and solutions for implementing smart mobility in India's public transportation, focusing on the Kerala State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC). It identifies factors influencing smart mobility adoption, including infrastructure limitations, affordability concerns, and cultural factors. Through a quantitative research method utilizing Google Forms, the study analyzes KSRTC's performance and gathers customer insights. The findings highlight a reliance on KSRTC, punctuality, and affordability challenges. Proposed solutions include advanced technologies, awareness campaigns, and collaborations. The article concludes that comprehensive development plans, technological investments, and government partnerships are vital for successful smart mobility integration in public transportation, emphasizing the need to address specific issues to enhance efficiency and competitiveness.</p> Muhammed Rafnas Kattayattu Parambil Chirakkal Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF CUSTOMS BROKER SERVICES AS AN EXAMPLE OF UAB „GRANITO BROKER COMPANY <p>The article examines the quality of the services of customs brokers and its problems, based on the scientific works of both foreign and Lithuanian authors. Theoretical analysis allows revealing the main factors determining the quality of customs brokers' services. The article was prepared by applying systematic scientific literature analysis, comparison and generalization methods, according to the scientific literature of foreign authors and the conducted researches. After the analysis, it was established that, in order to improve the quality of customs brokers' services, companies should pay attention to the reliability, promptness of the staff and the timeliness of the service. The private sector of customs brokers must take into account global problems, national and European Union regulations, guidelines that determine the directions in which the development of the customs broker sector should take place, improving the quality of services. Analyzing the regulations for improving the quality of services, it was found that, in order to improve the quality of the provided customs brokers' service, it is necessary to make decisions related to technological innovations, which would help the customer to carry out customs procedures faster and more safely. Also, automation, implementation of information systems, which would allow more efficient organization of customs procedures and prompt provision of information to customers. Digital transformation is also important, which would contribute not only to the efficiency of customs procedures, but also to the reliability of information and the reduction of errors. Adopting these decisions would increase customer satisfaction with the services provided by customs brokers, ensure the efficiency of customs procedures and high quality of customs brokers' services.</p> Monika Krikščiūnė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 PIONEERING EXCELLENCE: EXPLORING INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS SHAPING THE FUTURE OF BUSINESS LOGISTICS <p>The article explores the major changes and difficulties in today's business logistics. It gives a lead on the requirements for effective operations during global challenges, technological progress, and the push for sustainability. Using qualitative research, this study examines theoretical foundations, looks into challenges in applying new solutions, and identifies crucial factors for success in business logistics. The research highlights the incorporation of technologies such as AI, IoT, and blockchain, along with environmentally friendly practices. Highlighting challenges such as technological integration, organizational resistance, data security, and regulatory compliance. The solutions proposed include modular software, change management strategies, cybersecurity measures and compliance management software. Critical elements for success include incorporating technology, automation, utilizing data analytics, adopting sustainable practices, focusing on customer needs, and fostering collaborations. The paper suggests that focusing on innovation helps businesses succeed now and be adaptable in the ever-changing global market. It underscores the ongoing pursuit of innovation as a crucial strategy for long-term excellence in business logistics.</p> Abdulla Kottambathur Muhammed Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 SOLUTIONS FOR INCREASING THE USE OF SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT <p>In the transport sector, in order to achieve a sustainable increase in transport, companies should ensure not only economic growth, but also combine their activities with environmental, social and economic factors. To achieve this goal, companies apply the principles of sustainable transport. Given that the logistics sector is one of the fastest growing, the strong growth in the country's freight traffic is a major concern, leading to an increase in the environmental impact of logistics operations, increasing carbon dioxide emissions. Therefore, there is a need to take into account the emerging dangers that cause significant environmental pollution, to pay more and more attention to increasing sustainable transport. The subject of this study is the importance of increasing sustainable transport. This study aims to reveal the obstacles and principles of increasing sustainable transport and apply opportunities to increase the use of sustainable transport in logistics companies.</p> Julija Levčenkovaitė Skardžė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 APPLICATION OF SUSTAINABLE PACKAGING SOLUTIONS IN LOGISTICS <p>This article analyzes the influence of transportation packaging on logistics processes, identifies sustainable solutions. The use of disposable packaging materials creates huge amounts of packaging waste. This waste is identified as the main environmental problem. To solve the problem, the European Union has set itself the goal of switching to reusable or fully recyclable packaging by 2030. In recent years, the development and use of sustainable packaging has been a global goal to protect the environment and reduce waste generation. This article aims to uncover packaging solutions used in logistics that fit into the concept of sustainability. To conduct the study, an analysis of the scientific literature was used. Based on the results of the study, it can be said that the market is rich in sustainable packaging solutions, which not only have a less impact on the environment, but are also economical and functional.</p> Gražina Marcelionienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 EXPLORING THE CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS IN WAREHOUSE AUTOMATION TRENDS IN LOGISTICS <p>The article delves into the challenges and solutions surrounding warehouse automation in the logistics sector. It highlights the importance of warehouses as central hubs for inventory management and explores the slow adoption of advanced automation by leading logistics organizations. The research, conducted through secondary methods, focuses on trends such as robotic process automation, artificial intelligence integration, Internet of Things connectivity, autonomous vehicles, voice-activated technologies, and automated sorting systems. The benefits of these trends include increased efficiency, accuracy, and adaptability in warehouse operations. However, the article identifies significant challenges, including substantial initial investments, workforce resistance, technological obsolescence, and regulatory compliance. The proposed solution emphasizes a multifaceted approach involving cost-effective technology, seamless integration, employee engagement, and proactive measures to address these challenges. By strategically navigating these hurdles, organizations can optimize warehouse automation, ensuring sustained efficiency, customer satisfaction, and competitiveness in the dynamic landscape of modern logistics.</p> Riyan Mattummal Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 FACTORS LIMITING THE APPLICATION OF GREEN LOGISTICS PRACTICES: THEORETICAL ASPECT <p>Growing environmental concerns directly affect logistics business management and social practices. Pressure to reduce environmental damage such as climate change, depletion of natural resources and pollution is a key driver of green solutions. When applying green logistics practices, companies face not only its advantages, but also obstacles that limit its development. This study aims to reveal the essential factors limiting the application of green practices, based on the results obtained during the analysis of the scientific literature.</p> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p> Žilvinas Matutis Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 OPPORTUNITIES FOR ENLARGEMENT OF SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION IN SMALL PARCEL DELIVERY: A THEORETICAL ASPECT <p>Due to the growth of e-commerce, there is a growing need to find ways to deliver parcels and other small packages to customers more sustainably. By applying sustainable transportation practices, small parcel companies could reduce the negative effects of their activities on the environment, improve the image of the company and gain a competitive advantage in the market. The purpose of the article is to theoretically analyze the possibilities of increasing sustainable transportation in small parcels delivery. Applied research methods: analysis and synthesis of scientific literature. The results of the study showed that to increase sustainable activities in small parcel transportation, courier companies should increase the use of alternative vehicles and fuels, implement smart technologies, and make innovative management decisions, applying the principles of green logistics.</p> Agnė Mieliauskienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE IMPACT OF DIGITIZATION ON INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN DEVELOPING ECONOMIES <p>In response to the persistent advancement of technology, various business sectors are progressively adopting digital paradigms through the incorporation of software systems into their operational frameworks. This shift is notably driven by the substantial online presence of a growing customer base, compelling businesses to integrate automated systems that align with contemporary requirements. Regrettably, the ubiquity of technological evolution is not uniform, with certain developing nations still reliant on manual processes. This research paper is dedicated to scrutinizing the imperative for comprehensive digital integration within the logistics systems of developing economies. The objective is to evaluate the challenges associated with introducing such innovations and propose viable strategies for their effective implementation. The examination of these facets aims to shed light on the potential disparities in technological adoption across different regions and provide insights that can contribute to a more balanced and accelerated technological evolution in the global business landscape.</p> Sigalla William Ndiapa Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ANALYSING SOLUTIONS TO ENHANCE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN INDIAN LOGISTICS <p>The article explores the digital transformation of the logistics sector in India, recognising its pivotal role in the global market. Emphasising the necessity of technological advancements for sustained competitiveness, the research employs a systematic review methodology to analyse the current state and challenges of digital transformation in Indian logistics. The logistics market in the Asia-Pacific region, led by India, is substantial, yet there is a compelling need for enhanced digitalisation. The research identifies key challenges such as infrastructure limitations, digital skill gaps, interoperability issues, regulatory compliance, and data security concerns. Despite notable progress, the article suggests that an integrated approach involving predictive analytics, AI-powered route optimisation, blockchain, autonomous vehicles, IoT, digital collaboration platforms, robotics, augmented reality, and digital documentation is essential for overcoming these challenges and unlocking the full potential of digital transformation in Indian logistics. The conclusion underscores the importance of addressing these challenges to propel Indian logistics into a new era of efficiency, connectivity, and responsiveness in the global supply chain landscape.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Shameerali Ovungal Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 INNOVATIONS IN SUSTAINABLE LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION <p>With the growing concern of human activities impacting the environment around the globe, sustainability became a slogan common for every business affair. Innovations happening at every passing second slightly changed its mode to include sustainability in its creation. Today, innovations to ensure sustainability is implemented in different sectors of development and profit-making organisations. The calling factors for such innovations in the logistics and transportation sectors with the innovations are systematically studied in this article, utilising the literature review of articles and reports on different logistics organisations. According to studies the pollution expelled out of the vehicles and machinery running in the warehouse of the logistic firms are CO2, nitrous oxide, methane and hydrofluorocarbon in extreme cases. These harmful greenhouse gases emitted from the transport sector alone account for 21% of the overall emissions, which is comprised of vehicles by road, rail, and airways. Innovations in the form of vehicles running on electricity and hydrogen fuel, which is encouraged in the form of recharge stations at appropriate locations and subsistence production of renewable energy, adoption of location tracking techniques like GPS and ITS tools, use of biodegradable plastics are some of them. Several companies have so far adopted these methods to maintain sustainability in their production and transportation. The countries and the customers within are demanding such an innovation in any service offered to them. Hence, the logistics and transportation sectors are impelled to act accordingly which in the long run is the right way to gain profit.</p> Mohammed Shehzad Parambil Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 TRANSFORMING LOGISTICS: INNOVATIONS IN TECHNOLOGY IMPLEMENTATION <p>The article explores the transformative potential of technology implementation in the logistics industry, focusing on its impact and actionable strategies. It discusses how technological advancements enhance visibility, transparency, and efficiency in supply chain operations, citing examples such as IoT sensors, autonomous vehicles, and blockchain. The research employs a literature review method to gather insights from various sources, highlighting the importance of collaboration and talent development in integrating emerging technologies. The findings underscore the challenges of significant investments and data security concerns, yet propose actionable strategies such as a comprehensive assessment, phased implementation, and fostering a culture of innovation to address them effectively.</p> Arjun Rajan Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 PROBLEMATIC ASPECTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL LOGISTICS ENTERPRISES <p>In Lithuania, there are several times more small logistics companies than large ones. They operate in different regions and are therefore very important for the development of those regions. Despite their importance, small enterprises face challenges not only due to their size, but also due to the complexity and dynamism of external environmental factors. This paper reveals trends in the number of small logistics enterprises in Lithuania and identifies problematic aspects of the development of small logistics enterprises. The methods of scientific and professional literature analysis and summary, qualitative content analysis, graphical representation were used to conduct the research.</p> Edvinas Sacevičius Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 IMPROVING FREIGHT TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT THROUGH INNOVATION: A THEORETICAL ASPECT <p>The article discusses the impact of freight transportation on businesses, especially considering political, natural and societal factors. The COVID-19 pandemic and sanctions against Russia have created challenges for the transport sector in Lithuania. The article also discusses innovations and technologies in freight transportation. Companies use various innovative solutions, such as automated product sorting systems and business management programs, in order to manage the company's activities more efficiently. Digitization, green driving and other innovations help reduce costs, improve process efficiency and contribute to sustainability. Possibilities for improving cargo transportation management are also explored. Effective route planning, supply chain management, energy efficiency, improving customer service and other strategies are important to optimize logistics. An attempt is made to emphasize that cargo transportation companies must be flexible, innovative and ready to adapt to changing conditions in order to remain competitive in the market.</p> Dominykas Semaška Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF THE SYNERGY EFFECT ON DIVERSIFIED FARMERS' FARMS <p>The main goal of the article is to review the importance of the emergence of the synergy effect in diversified farmers' farms. Methods of analysis and generalization of scientific sources were used to solve the tasks of work. Analyzing the obtained results and conclusions, it was observed that diversification strengthens the farm, helps it to survive in the market, better use available resources and create additional benefits for the farm. Diversifying the farm aims to increase profits, reduce risks and costs and achieve a synergy effect. Synergy creates additional benefits for the farm by combining different activities into a single whole.</p> Dovilė Liaudanskaitė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 FARM DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS FOR FARMERS STRENGTHENING THE VALUE CHAIN: THEORETICAL ASPECTS <p>The purpose of the work is to theoretically analyze the development solutions of farmers' farms by expanding the value - cost chain. Having revealed the essence of the development of the value chain on farmers' farms, to present theoretical prerequisites for successful realization. The article reveals possible solutions for the development of farmers' farms. Research works prepared by Lithuanian and foreign authors were analyzed, on the basis of which the determining factors of the decision to expand the value chain were identified. Changing consumer needs, European Union policy guidelines, farmers' goals to remain viable and farm characteristics were singled out as the most important factors determining the choice and implementation of this decision.</p> Nedas Lukoševičius Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 EVALUATION OF THE IMPACT OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ON FARMERS' COMPETITIVENESS: THEORETICAL ASPECTS <p>The purpose of the article is to reveal the responsibility of companies for the social competitiveness of farms. The article analyzes the peculiarities of corporate social responsibility, the development of agricultural activities and highlights the main problems in Lithuania. The main problem is the application of social responsibility in agricultural companies, which are closely related to the competitiveness of farmers' farms. Different information methods were used in this work, such as: analysis of scientific literature, graphic representation of information and final summarization. Corporate social responsibility is important for companies because it increases not only the company's competitive advantage, but also its reputation, attracts more highly qualified employees, and strengthens its position in the market. This is also an important aspect for farms because companies with highly competent employees can sell their product or service more efficiently and smoothly, which is closely related to the productivity and efficiency of farms.</p> Laura Mėdžiūtė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF FOOD MILE ASSESSMENT AND DESIGN <p>This paper explores the theoretical aspects of food mile assessment and design in relation to their impact on environmental protection, economic efficiency and social responsibility in agri-food supply chains. The relevance of the work is based on the growing global concern about climate change and the need to strengthen the economic aspects of farms in order to reduce the ecological footprint of international trade. The concept of food miles describes the distance travelled by food products from production to the final consumer, which is directly linked to CO<sub>2</sub> emissions, energy consumption and safety aspects of food supply. The research approach included a detailed analysis of the scientific literature on the concept of food miles, their impact on CO<sub>2</sub> emissions during transport, changes in consumer awareness and behaviour, and trends in the demand for local food products. The results of the study showed that optimising food miles and strengthening local food systems can make a significant contribution to the implementation of sustainability principles, economic resilience and environmental protection.</p> Daumantas Mingėla Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 FACTORS INFLUENCING THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRECISION FARMING TECHNOLOGIES <p>Precision farming technologies are spreading around the world at an accelerating pace. The technology has quickly spread to every agricultural country and every process, enabling faster farming operations: more accurate fertilization, more precise placement of seeds, proper regulation of crop protection products and monitoring of yield parameters. The emerging possibilities of precision farming technologies have spread around the world at a rapid but uneven pace. The introduction and attractiveness of the technology has depended on the specificities of agriculture in each country. This article examines the main factors behind the development of precision agriculture. Why, in some countries, most technologies spread faster and are adopted by more farms. What are the main factors limiting the development of precision farming technologies? What can one country learn from another? What conditions do we have in Lithuania? This is important as we look to the future when precision farming technologies will become more and more important on farms. It is the rapid adoption and adaptation of these technologies that can determine how each country will fare in tackling future challenges such as climate change.</p> <p> </p> Dovydas Pikčilingis Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 APPLICATION OF THE DPSIR MODEL TO DETERMINE THE REASONS FOR THE NEED FOR EMPLOYEES IN AGRICULTURAL COMPANIES <p>Currently, there is a growing need for qualified specialists in the agricultural sector, but there is a shortage of people capable of operating modern machinery. Attracting salaried workers in agricultural enterprises is becoming an increasingly sensitive issue in society, so human resources are important. Agricultural companies should find the most effective ways to meet the demand for hired workers. The DPSIR model helps to analyze the positive and negative factors, the state they cause, the resulting impact, and possible solutions. This article analyzes the factors that determine the need for hired workers based on the DPSIR model. The main goal of the article is to analyze how the DPSIR model identifies the need for hired workers, what factors shape agricultural companies with employees. Based on the research analysis, it was identified that it is important to pay attention to human resources and improve working conditions. It is also important to foster the employee motivation system, to cooperate with employment and educational institutions.</p> Jūratė Rozgaitė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF THE IMPORTANCE OF CO-CREATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SHORT FOOD SUPPLY CHAINS <p>The purpose of the article is to reveal the importance of co-creation in the development of short food supply chains. This article reveals the essence and importance of co-creation and the factors determining its development. The following three approaches define the essence of co-creation: the dimension of value creation, collaborative activities aimed at creating and developing innovations, and the co-created aspect of knowledge. Value is created for all parties involved in co-creation. Nevertheless, the development of SFSC faces various challenges, such as an aging farming community, lack of skills and abilities, high seasonality, lack of funds and small range of goods. The EU's sustainable food strategy "From Farm to Fork", communication, trust, loyalty and innovation are the determining factors for the development of co-creation. The research methods of analysis and generalization of scientific literature sources are used in the article.</p> Rita Toločkienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE USAGE OF SOLIDWORKS SIMULATION FOR THE DESIGN OF WELDED METAL STRUCTURES WITH SHEET METAL ELEMENTS ON THE EXAMPLE OF WAREHOUSE RACKS <p>The paper considers the problem of the strength calculations using the numerical method of finite element analysis (FEA) that is implemented in Computer-Aided Engineering system SOLIDWORKS Simulation. It is shown that the usage of welded metal structures and sheet metal elements in the model has a number of peculiarities that are shown in the paper on the example of strength calculating of a rack for a warehouse. In particular, the division of the model into the finite elements was carried out for the channel elements and for the rectangular pipe – as beam finite elements, sheet metal – as shell finite elements, the contact of metal sheets to beams – was considered as welded joints. The load was simulated by placing two standard Euro pallets (1200x800) in the center on each shelf of the rack. According to the results of the calculations, changes to the structure of the rack were proposed, which provided the required safety factor.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Viacheslav Kharzhevskyi, Mykhailo Sviatushenko Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 PRECISION BEEKEEPING SYSTEM AND RESEARCH <p>The study describes an engineering system that was created throughout the study project that enables measurements of bee hives mass, noise levels at the hive entrance, internal and external temperatures, and precipitation measures. The device is adaptable and works with any type of hive design up to 200 kg in weight. The system is versatile enough to attach more sensors and modify the software, and it can send data remotely and use various power supply options. A selection of factors pertaining to the dynamics of bee vital rates and how the environment affects these variables have been measured by the system. We have addressed both the system's construction and the analysis of the data to have some aspects that could be improved. One feature of the system is its low cost, which offers the advantages of precision beekeeping<sup>*</sup> while having a small effect on beekeeping expenses</p> Ignas Mamavičius, Rolandas Bleizgys Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 OPTIMIZATION OF HEAT EXCHANGER OPERATING MODES BY MEANS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS METHODS <p>The article presents a method of optimizing hydrodynamic and thermal parameters of heat exchange equipment. The proposed method is based on the use of the SolidWorks Flow Simulation CFD application in combination with the methods of similarity theory and dimensions. The criterion equation obtained as a result of research allows you to quickly find model parameters that satisfy the optimization conditions.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Maksym Marchenko, Viacheslav Kharzhevskyi, Anastasiia Siainas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 COMPARISON OF STRUCTURAL MATERIALS USED IN THE MANUFACTURE OF DUMPER BODIES <p>The activities of road construction, construction, energy, and mining companies require special transport that can transport bulk cargo. This transport is intended for the transportation of heavy, construction and other materials. These are tipper trucks (quarry trucks) designed to transport bulk cargo. Due to the constant work and large mass of transported material, dump truck bodies and tipping mechanisms wear out under the influence of loads and eventually deform (the structure gets tired). Considering the construction of dump trucks, innovation is needed to extend the service life. The results of the research show that Hardox 400 steel wears more by mass in dolomite fractions (2-5 mm; 5-8 mm) than the aluminum 3004 series alloy. Hardox 400 steel showed less wear than the 3004 series alloy when considering volumetric wear. Under identical conditions, 3004 series aluminum alloy wears more intensively than Hardox 400 steel in terms of volume wear. Mass (and volume) erosive wear of 3004 series aluminum alloy increases as the particle size of the dolomite fraction increases.</p> Rolandas Rutkauskas, Vytenis Jankauskas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 STUDY OF ABRASIVE WEAR OF WEARING DETAILS OF THE CULTIVATOR <p>In agriculture, soil cultivation is crucial for both the price and quality of production. Through various scientific research efforts, the aim is to enhance the design and materials of agricultural machinery. The high cost of equipment underscores the need for technological advancements to achieve optimal results while minimizing environmental impact. Scientific research and innovation aid in the efficient use of resources. The objective of this study is to compare the effectiveness of different technologies and materials in soil cultivation operations, specifically focusing on the performance of points in a cultivator. The comparison is conducted through practical testing of components coated with various materials during soil cultivation operations, as well as through laboratory experiments utilizing an abrasive wear test rig. Material hardness tests revealed Lastifil 238 as the hardest material. During production trials, it was observed that main points reached the wear limit faster than side coulters. Points coated with STOODY CP2000 powder exhibited the least wear.</p> Povilas Zovė, Vytenis Jankauskas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 EXPLORING SUSTAINABILITY IN AGRICULTURAL ECOSYSTEM THROUGH ALDO LEOPOLD’S “A SAND COUNTY ALMANAC” AND POSTHUMANISM PHILOSOPHY <p>The agricultural ecosystem is facing a significant threat due to human activities, with a 29.6% increase in global agriculture-related issues as at 2023. This research engages literature reviews and analysis of secondary data to emphasise the interconnectedness of all living organisms, post-humanist perspectives, agroecology and the importance of biodiversity conservation. By exploring a comparative case study of two continents to argue for the universality of sustainable agricultural challenge, this research result proposes innovative ideas embedded in literature (interdisciplinary approach) and data driven analysis. </p> Bolanle Adetula Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 EMPOWERING RURAL RESILIENCE: A PATH TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT <p>The article explores the critical role of empowering rural resilience in fostering sustainable development and addressing challenges such as natural disasters, economic shocks, and environmental degradation. Through a comprehensive analysis of strategies and initiatives globally, it highlights the effectiveness of methods like disaster risk reduction, livelihood diversification, and social protection in enhancing rural resilience and promoting sustainable outcomes. Despite progress, rural areas face significant hurdles, including resource constraints, weak institutions, socioeconomic vulnerabilities, environmental degradation, and climate change. Urgent action is required to overcome these challenges. Recommendations include stakeholder engagement, capacity building, infrastructure development, technology adoption, economic diversification, natural resource management, policy support, and institutional strengthening. Implementing these measures is crucial for building resilient and prosperous rural communities that contribute to sustainable development goals.</p> Theertha Cheruva Kadavan Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 IMPACT OF EU SUPPORT FOR SMALL FARMS ON ECONOMIC INDICATORS OF LITHUANIA IN THE PERIOD 2014-2020 IN THE CASE OF TAURAGE REGION <p>The aim of this article is to assess the situation of small farms in the Taurage region during the 2014-2020 period and the influence of the support provided to them on the economic indicators of the farm and the gross domestic product. The article conducts a systematic scientific analysis of literature and documents. The empirical study is based on statistical data, from which additional data are derived, calculations are performed. The information obtained is compared, summarized, and visualized. The research is carried out to assess the influence of EU support on the economic indicators generated by small farms but does not cover social, cultural, and sustainability aspects. The study found that the EU support allocated to small farms in the Taurage region during 2015 – 2019 does not have a significant impact on the growth of standard production, the overall agricultural product, and the gross domestic product, but the Taurage region is competitive and stable in terms of Lithuania.</p> Jolita Jurgelionienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE ROLE OF COMMUNITY BUSINESS IN ENHANCING SOCIAL INCLUSION <p>The study aims to identify the role of community business in the context of social inclusion. To achieve the objective, two tasks were solved: the legal framework of the EU and the Republic of Lithuania and support mechanisms for the development of community business in the context of social inclusion were analysed; community business development initiatives promoting social inclusion in Kaunas district were analysed. The research methods were used: scientific literature analysis, analysis of strategic and legal documents, case comparison methods of analysis and synthesis of community business documents. It was found that community business initiatives in Kaunas district promote sustainable rural development, leverage local resources and respond to community needs. Community business in Kaunas district covers a wide range of activities, and methods of increasing children's employment, social skills formation, employment enhancement, social rehabilitation of the disabled and the elderly, increasing accessibility of services in the locality, etc. are used to strengthen social inclusion. Community businesses in rural areas of Kaunas district develop and implement social innovations - cooking and bio-waste technologies, rehabilitation services, etc.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Rima Šuliokienė, Vilma Atkočiūnienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE SIGNIFICANCE OF EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION MEASURES IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ORGANIZATIONS <p>Although the public sector is considered a relatively stable, reliable structure with little impact on the environment, the changing social, economic and political environment in the public sector requires employees to have a relevant culture in the field of service, professionalism, quick reaction, and innovation. In these organizations, the employee motivation system becomes very important, because it helps to understand what motivates the employees of the institution and how it can be used to improve work results. However, there is no one universal motivation tool that works for all employees. After the analysis of scientific sources and normative acts, based on the results of the statistical analysis, it was established that various motivational measures are applied to the Customs officers of the Republic of Lithuania, which are regulated by normative acts and leave no room for organizational interpretations. The Customs of the Republic of Lithuania applies various material (monetary, non-monetary) and non-material (moral) incentives, as well as specific motivational measures. If motivational tools are not applied properly to employees, their motivation decreases and work results deteriorate. Taking this into account, the main task of statutory public service institutions should be to achieve the best possible results and perform their official functions properly.</p> Gina Ulinskienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 FORMATION OF THE IMAGE OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR ORGANIZATION <p>Every public sector organization strives to have a good image. Organizational image can be understood in different ways, be more or less structured, as a set of ideas, feelings, perception and imagination that a person or a group of persons has for a certain phenomenon or thing. There is no single definition of organizational image in the scientific literature, so authors present them differently, but some can be used as synonyms, and different factors that influence the formation of the organizational image are also distinguished. Organizational image reflects the net cognitive reactions, associations of customers, investors, employees and candidates with the name of the organization. A positive image of a public sector organization is created, achieved and managed together. However, sometimes the organizational image is not what the organization deserves or hopes to receive.</p> Viktorija Valaitytė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROTECTED AREAS IN LITHUANIA AND WORLDWIDE: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS <p>In this article the development of protected areas worldwide and in Lithuania was analysed. By studying scientific literature, environmental laws, other documents the table of chronological events was created, together with a scheme of Lithuanian protected areas development eras, illustrating formation and shift of protected areas paradigm in Lithuania over time. During the research it was clarified, that the system of protected areas does not manage to keep up with rising environment protection requirements. The system of prohibition with the purpose of unilateral benefits for Grand dukes, protecting their hunting grounds, existed for millennia and is deeply rooted in the traditions of protected areas. Nevertheless, the tradition is changing over the last century, making nature protection more integral and social. Despite of that, the need to protect natural resources is raising faster than new protected areas are being created. Evaluating the meaningful influence of protected areas creation in regional development, we come to conclusion that adaptation is necessary involving more interested parties ir the management of protected areas, forming integrated communal environmental protection.</p> Greta Valantiejūtė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE PRINCIPLES OF GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE AND THE BENEFITS OF THEIR APPLICA-TION AT THE LOCAL LEVEL <p>The study on the principles and application of green infrastructure (GI) at the local level provided a comprehensive assessment of the potential and impact of these principles. Through literature analysis, comparative analysis, the main GI principles were identified: sustainability, functionality, integration, community participation, and adaptability. The results revealed that successful implementation of these principles could significantly improve the living environment, air and water quality, as well as promote social cohesion and economic benefits for local communities.</p> <p>Specific measures are proposed to enhance the application of GI principles, including a clear vision, effective institutional coordination, adequate funding, and active community involvement. Such development would contribute to creating vibrant, sustainable, and attractive areas. The implementation of these principles becomes increasingly important, considering public awareness of environmental challenges and the need to develop an adaptable living environment for long-term sustainable development. This not only accelerates progress in urban and rural areas but also becomes a crucial step towards a sustainable and responsible future.</p> Jolanta Volodkevičienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ANALYSIS OF LARCH PLANTATIONS GROWING IN THE MEŠKAPIEVIS FORESTRY OF THE PRIENAI REGIONAL UNIT <p>When planting forest seedlings, larch trees are not chosen as a replanting or establishment option due to the perception that they are unproductive and not resistant to pests and climatic conditions. The aim of this study is to assess the influence of environmental factors on the actual taxonomic parameters of pure and mixed European larch stands (and their hybrids) of the III-IV age class in the Meškapievis Forestry of the Prienai Regional Unit. The objectives are: (i) to perform a dendrometric analysis of pure and mixed European larch stands (and their hybrids) in the Meškapievis Forestry of the Prienai Regional Unit; (ii) to determine the quantitative and qualitative parameters of European larch stands (and their hybrids) in the Meškapievis Forestry of the Prienai Regional Unit. Data were collected at accounting sites. The research methodology is based on the methodology used in the national forest inventory (Kuliešis, Kasperavičius, Kulbokas, 2010). After analyzing the collected data, it was found that: (i) during the analysis of dendrometric indicators, the average ratio of the thickness and height of larch trees of the III-IV age class is greater than 1, with the most promising vegetation being Ncs and Lcp (according to the generated volume of larch stands V/ha); (ii) of all the trees included in the accounting, 7.1% belong to the first Kraft class, 29.4% to the second, 31.7% to the third, 17.7% to the fourth, and 14.1% to the fifth Kraft class; (iii) the assessment of the sanitary condition of larch trees of the III-IV age class showed that 55.6% of trees are in good condition, 32.5% in average condition, 7.2% in critical condition, and only 4.7% in bad condition.</p> Marius Balnys, Kšištof Godvod Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF TREE DIAMETER MEASUREMENT METHODS <p>Accurate measurement of tree diameter is very important in forestry, when performing various forest works, carrying out various forest inventories, determining the volume and growth of trees. When measuring trees with different measurement methods, different measurement results are obtained, which can be influenced by the type of trees, measurement methodology and measurement direction, and the measurement device used, therefore the purpose of this analysis is to compare and analyze the accuracy, bias, precision of different diameter measurement methods and whether they are statistically different from each other. For this analysis, 400 pine, spruce, beech and aspen trees were measured using four diameter measuring methods: diameter tape, caliper, ruler and visual method. Measurements were made with calipers in two directions and averaged from them. The bias, precision, and accuracy percentage of all measurements were calculated by comparing them to the diameter tape measurements. The results of the analysis showed that there is no statistically significant difference between the different measurement methods in all the selected measured tree species, and the analysis of the bias, precision and accuracy of the different diameter measurement methods showed that the measurements of the caliper had the largest measurement deviations in all tree species, but also the highest measurement accuracy and precision, where the ruler and visual measurement methods had the smallest measurement deviations but also the smallest accuracy and precision of the measurements, but the accuracy and precision of the ruler diameter measurement was closer to the accuracy and precision of the caliper measurements.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Martynas Blažys Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 STUDIES ON BEECH BURNING AFTER OCCASIONAL CUTTING <p>The research was carried out in 2018 in the 4th plot of block 146 of Jūrava Forestry of the State Forestry Office. The researches were carried out in a stand with the following species composition: first section of the stand - 10P B, second section of the stand - 9Bu 1B, vegetation type Ncl (oxalidosa) type. When assessing the parameters of the beech sedges after random fellings, 4 equal parts of the area, each with an area of ​​about 30 ares, were distinguished in the research object. The first part was left as a control, nothing crossed in this part. In the second part, cuttings were made up to 0.7 stand density, in the third part a stand density of 0.4 was left, and in the fourth a stand density of 0.2 was left. In these parts, accounting barrels were placed, which were evaluated: number of trees, height of trees, length of annual shoots, diameter. As a result of the research, it was found that the tallest and largest beech trees appeared in the variant of prepared soil with a fineness of 0.2. The most abundant number of beech trees per hectare was found in the prepared soil variant with 0.7 siltiness (15625 units/ha). The longest spring shoots of 2023 were determined in the variant of prepared soil with 0.2 saliency, and the longest average lengths of different annual shoots also appeared in this variant. The highest and largest pine achenes were determined in the variant of the prepared soil with a fineness of 0.2. Also, in this variant, the most abundant pine acorns were found (13,750 units/ha).</p> Tautvydas Grimaila Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 STUDIES ON THE PERFORMANCE OF DIFFERENT CLONES OF HYBRID POPLARS IN EXPERIMENTAL PLANTATIONS <p>Plantations on abandoned and unfit for agriculture lands can be very valuable, by planting and growing Populus clones and hybrids of the genus Populus with extremely fast growth and sufficiently sustainable forests, thus creating opportunities not only for the development of forestry, but also for ensuring protective and other functions of forests. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the survival of 11 different clones (AF6, Hybrid275, AF7, Matrix49, AF13, Matrix24, AF34, MAX1, MAX3, MAX4, AF3) after 10 growing seasons and their average volume. Statistically significant differences were found after measurements and analysis. MAX1 clone had the highest survival rate - 99%, AF3 clone - 26%, the worst. When studying the dependence of the volume on the height, it was found that Hybrid275 had the highest volume depending on the height of the clone, AF3 clone had the lowest volume depending on the height of the clone.</p> Indrė Matuliauskaitė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ACCURACY STUDIES OF SONIC TOMOGRAPHY FOR THE DETECTION OF EUROPEAN BEECH STEM ROT <p>The aim of the work is to investigate the accuracy of sonic tomography in detecting European beech (<em>Fagus sylvatica</em> L.) stem rots. The object of the research is 96 beech stem cuttings, collected after random fellings in the Kalveliai and Jūrava forests of the Jurbarkas regional unit. During the research, with the ImageJ software, the real rots of the beech trunk cuttings and the Arbotom3D sonic tomograph data obtained according to the scales recommended by the manufacturer are compared.</p> <p>It has been established that the most suitable measurement scale for detecting European beech rots is 500 - 2300 m/s. In the study, it was observed that when detecting rots in cuttings from pure stand forests, the sonic tomograph works most accurately on the scale recommended by the manufacturer. A wide range of usable sonic tomographic measurement scales can be used to detect core-bacterial rots.</p> Virmantas Milius Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 OBSERVATION OF THE PHENOLOGICAL PHASES OF SCOTS PINE (PINUS SYLVESTRIS L.) CLONES IN THE SEED ORCHARD OF SCOTS <p>Scots pine (<em>Pinus sylvestris</em> L.) is a commercially and culturally important species in many European countries. In order to ensure the protection of forests, biodiversity, the multifunctionality and sustainability of forest ecosystems in the context of climate change, it is necessary to take care of genetic resources and to increase the production of appropriate forest reproductive material. The study evaluated the synchrony of sporification and the possibility of crossbreeding between populations of clones from geographically distant regions of Lithuania (Labanoras and Juodkrante) in the second–generation seed orchard of Scots pine located in the Kapėnai Forest District of the Mažeikiai Regional Division of the State Forest Enterprise of Lithuania. The study was carried out 2021 – 2022, in the first 30 rows of a seed orchard with 391 ramet and 59 clones. The phenological phases of the vegetative buds, female and male strobils of each tree were evaluated according to the TREES4FUTURE (2006) phenology assessment methodology. The study on the synchrony of the receptive stage of male and female strobils in clones showed that about 50% of the receptive stages of male and female strobils in clonal ramets overlapped, indicating the possibility of crossbreeding. It was found that clones from populations of Labanoras (northern part of Lithuania) and Juodkrantė (coastal region of Lithuania) from different geographical regions of Lithuania do not differ significantly in the sporulation stages of either male or female strobili, indicating the possibility of their crossbreeding.</p> Justė Petrauskaitė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 BIOMETRIC OF THE ORDINARY BEECH TRIAL PLANTS PARAMETER ESTIMATION <p>The aim of the research is to evaluate the biometric parameters of the pilot plantations of common beech (<em>Fagus sylvatica</em> (L.) H. Karst.). The research was carried out in the forestry of VĮ VMU Kazlů rūdas RP Kazlů Rūdas 53 sq. 24 ch. Test plantations of European beech have been planted in this area. Four districts of origin. These are Danish, German, Lithuanian, and Polish common beech plantations. German orchards have 4 different regions of origin, Danish only 3, Polish also 4, Lithuanian 7 different regions of origin.</p> Dominykas Petrikauskas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 DETERMINING THE OPTIMAL HEIGHT OF THE TREE TRUNK FOR EXTRACTING BIRCH SAP <p>The study on birch sap amount was carried out in 2023. In the forests of Radviliškis, the optimal amount of sap extraction in the trunk was evaluated according to the height of the extraction location. According to the directions of the world, the extractable amount of sap was measured every 0.5 m up to 2 m height. As a result of the research, a consistent decrease in the amount of extracted sap was determined with the increase in the height of the extraction location. When determining the optimal location for the sap extraction in the birch trunk, causing as little damage as possible to the tree, it is necessary to extract the sap from a height no higher than 0.5 m. The orientation of the extraction location according to orientation of the world direction did not affect the amount of birch sap.</p> Andrius Sadauskas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 EVALUATION OF THE SURVIVAL, QUALITY AND GROWTH OF EXPERIMENTAL PLANTS OF SOUTHERN NORWAY SPRUCE ORIGIN <p>Due to rapid climate change, many tree species do not have time to migrate naturally to ecoclimatic zones suitable for them, so it becomes relevant to find out how artificially raised different tree origins would grow in new ecoclimatic zones, where climatic changes suitable for this origin are predicted in the future. This study examines the economic benefits of assisted migration of southern Norway spruce origin. Tested origins: Poland – Wigry (north-eastern Poland); Poland - Zwierzyniec – Pogorzelce (north-eastern Poland); Russia, Kaliningrad region – Černiachovsko; Poland - Zwierzyniec – Krzyze (north-eastern Poland); Poland - Nowe Romuki (central Poland); Poland – Blyzin (central Poland); Germany – Erfurto and Ukraine – Carpathians Rovno/Ratalovsko. The results discuss the patterns of survival, quality (wedge branches, stem straightness, multistemness index) and growth (average diameter, diameter x survival index) of southern origin of Norway spruce. The application of the obtained results can be used to achieve greater economic benefits in Lithuanian forests.</p> Paulius Stonkus Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 INFLUENCE OF VARIETY AND DRYING TEMPERATURE ON THE QUALITY OF SASKATOON BERRY LEATHER STRIPS <p>The research was carried out in 2023 at Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy, Open Access Joint Research Center for Agriculture and Forestry, in the Laboratory of Raw Plant Materials Quality. The study consisted of investigating four different saskatoon berries species ('Honeywood', 'Martin', 'Northline', and 'Smoky') and producing purees that were used to form 4-5mm leather strips and consequently dried for 10 hours at 50, 60, and 70 °C. Using standardized methods, we investigated dry matter content, protein content, and fiber content. The dry matter content of the studied berry leather strips ranged from 73.43 to 96.53 %. The study revealed that the biggest amount of protein and fiber content was found in 'Martin' species saskatoon berries' leather strips when dried at 50 °C. The lowest amount of fiber was found in 'Northline' species saskatoon berry leather strips when dried at 70 °C. Fiber is especially important to the human digestive system and has a considerable influence on regulating glucose levels in the blood as well as protecting from obesity, in addition to lowering the risk for heart and vascular diseases (Ayalew, 2020).</p> Kamilė Andužytė, Dovilė Levickienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 STUDIES ON THE QUALITY OF GARLIC STORED IN FRESH AND CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE CHAMBERS <p>After analyzing scientific articles and conducting chemical research, we can say that garlic (<em>Allium sativum</em>) is a very useful vegetable in the public diet. It has excellent antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal properties, but the best chemical composition is fresh, unprocessed, unaffected by storage conditions or other factors. Therefore, in order to absorb the best substances, it is recommended to use them fresh. In this work, storage of garlic in chambers with different atmospheres was used, two chambers that maintained 60-70% humidity and temperatures of 0 and 2°C performed best. The amounts of soluble solids, phenols and ascorbic acids were analyzed. Storage changes have shown that garlic is not suitable for storage above 2°C and atmospheric maintenance with CO₂, O₂ and N<sub>2</sub> gases. Due to excessive temperature, there is a risk of losing the raw materials during storage for a long time, as they start to mold and rot.</p> Ieva Burbulytė, Aurelija Paulauskienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 COMPARISON OF QUALITY INDICATORS OF EDIBLE POTATOES, GROWN ACCORDING TO DIFFERENT FARMING SYSTEM <p>Potatoes is one of the most common land plants in Lithuania. Potatoes are grown as food and as important high-quality source of starch. This vegetable have an average moisture content of about 75%. They contain a significant amount of carbohydrates, most of which is starch. One of the most valuable vitamin in potatoes is vitamin C. It is amount on average 10-30 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>. Analyses shows that in „Baltic Rose“ potatoes fiber content is 29,49% in a biodynamic agriculture. Highest vitamin C content (6,42 mg 100 g<sup>-1</sup>) also found in biodynamic agriculture. These analyses shows that potato tubers, which is grown in biodynamic farms is better for human healht and has the most valuable quality indicators.</p> Marija Grigonytė, Robertas Kosteckas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 COLOR CHANGES OF THE CARROT LEAVES PESTO DURING STORAGE <p>Carrot leaves are usually thrown away, despite being a potential source of nutrients. One way to use carrot leaves is to make a pesto out of them. The aim of the study was to evaluate how the storage temperature and duration influence the color of the carrot leaves pesto. The research was carried out in the Plant Raw Materials Quality Laboratory of the Open Access Joint Research Center for Land and Forestry of the Academy of Agriculture of Vytautas Magnus University. The produced carrot leaves pesto was stored at different temperatures - 8, 4 and -22°C - and kept respectively for 14, 26 and 33 days. The color of the carrot leaves pesto was assessed with the ColorFlex color analyzer (Hunter Lab, USA), indicating its color intensity in NBS units. The obtained research data was analysed by the two-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) method, using the computer program "STATISTICA". This experiment has proven that the storage temperature and time affects the color of the carrot leaves pesto. The sauce darkens when it is stored in positive temperature and becomes lighter in negative temperature . The intensity of the green color does not change up to 33 days when the pesto is stored at -22 °C temperature. However, storing pesto at 4 and at 8 °C decreases the intensity of the sauces green color. Meanwhile, the yellow color of the sauce intensifies throughout the storage. The values of the b* coordinate increased substantially after 26 days, regardless of the storage temperature.</p> Greta Grikštaitė - Prapiestė, Aurelija Paulauskienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 MINERAL COMPOSITION OF THE LEAVES OF NETTLE (URTICA DIOICA L.) AND SPINACH (SPINACIA OLERACEA L.) <p>With the fast-paced pace of lifestyle changes and the increasing focus on health, it is important for people to ensure a healthy and balanced diet. It is suggested to include as many vegetables, fruits and berries as possible in the daily diet, with which the body can be enriched with beneficial substances such as polyphenols, anthocyanins and micro-/macro-nutrients. Recently, various plant additives have been used in the production of various products to enrich the product with minerals, vitamins, proteins, or other nutrients. It is likely that the use of nettle or spinach leaves in food production can provide mineral enrichment to conventional foods. The aim of this study was therefore to determine and compare the mineral composition of the leaves of stinging nettle (<em>Urtica dioica</em> L.) and spinach (<em>Spinacia oleracea</em> L.).</p> <p>The study showed that the leaves of spinach (<em>Spinacia oleracea L.)</em> accumulated significantly higher amounts of minerals important for the human body, such as the macronutrients potassium and magnesium, and the micronutrients iron, manganese and zinc, than those of nettle (<em>Urtica dioica L.).</em></p> Miglė Kviklienė, Judita Černiauskienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE INFLUENCE OF THE MICROENCAPSULATION MATERIAL ON THE COLOR OF BLACKBERRY JUICE POWDER <p>Color - one of the most important sensory attributes, therefore it is relevant to maintain it stable for as long as possible. Various methods can be employed to achieve this, inhibiting the degradation of bioactive compounds, one of which is microencapsulation. The study was conducted in 2023 at the Open Access Land and Forest Research Center of Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy in the Plant Raw Material Quality Laboratory. The color of blackberry juice and its powders of 'Orkan', 'Brzezina', and 'Polar' varieties was determined using a ColorFlex spectrophotometer, the CIELab system (L*a*b*). The darkest color for 'Orkan' and 'Polar' freeze-dried blackberry juices was achieved with a 20% addition of maltodextrin, while for 'Brzezina', it was 30%. The reddest hue for 'Orkan' and 'Polar' varieties was attained with a 30% addition of inulin, and for 'Brzezina', it was 30% maltodextrin. The yellowest was blackberry juice powder with 30% addition of inulin for 'Orkan' and 'Polar' varieties, and by 30% maltodextrin for 'Brzezina' freeze-dried blackberry juice.</p> Simona Mažeikaitė, Živilė Tarasevičienė, Indrė Čechovičienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND STORAGE FACTORS ON THE QUALITY OF WINTER WHEAT GRAINS <p>To assess the influence of environmental factors on the quality indicators of winter wheat grains, in 2022, after harvesting, grain samples were collected from areas representing different regions of Lithuania (8 samples in total). Samples weighing 3 kg were taken from local farmers' warehouses. Mycotoxins deoxynivalenol (DON), trichothecenes (TR), zearalenone (ZEN), aflatoxins (AFL) ochratoxins (OCH), studies on the determination of the number of drops were carried out at the State Crop Production Service under the Ministry of Agriculture, other qualitative indicators were evaluated with the analyzer "Infratec" and using visual identification and LST EN ISO 3093.</p> <p>In summary, it can be said that in different regions of Lithuania, the differences in the quality of wheat grains can be seen very clearly, this could be determined by many biotic and abiotic factors, such us agrotechnical conditions, soil properties, meteorological conditions, and distribution and diversity of microorganisms.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Ieva Petkevičiūtė, Skaidrė Supronienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 INFLUENCE OF THE ADDITION OF PLANT AND ANIMAL RAW MATERIALS ON THE PRODUCTION OF BRIOCHE BUNS <p>The research was performed in 2023 at Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy, in the laboratory of raw plant materials quality. Two different types of raw materials rich in protein were used for the experiment. Brioche buns were prepared using eggs, milk, butter, wheat flour, sugar, fresh yeast and for different variants wheat flour was changed with different concentrations (3%, 6% and 9%) of Cricket flour (<em>Acheta domesticus</em>) and Chickpea flour (<em>Cicer arietinum L</em>.). The purpose of experiment was to determine influence of different additive effect to Brioche buns chemical indicators and quality. In this experiment protein, moisture, ash and titratable acidity content was determined. Results of experiment showed that buns with 9% of cricket flour had a highest protein content (15,12%) and control had the lowest. The moisture content met the requirements for the quality of the buns, and the biggest moisture content was in Brioche buns with 9% of chickpea flour additive. Highest amount of ash was found in buns with 9% of Chickpea flour (5,82%). All the additives used tended to increase the acidity of the buns compared to the control.</p> Laura Rakauskaitė, Jurgita Kulaitienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE INFLUENCE OF DRYING TEMPERATURES ON THE AMOUNTS OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES IN EDIBLE HONEYCOMB (Lonicera Caerulea L.) BERRIES <p>In this study, the influence of drying temperatures of 50 °C and 60 °C on the amount of biologically active substances of edible honeysuckle berries (<em>Lonicera caerulea</em>) was studied. There were evaluated four varieties of edible honeysuckle berries: 'Aurora', 'Honeybee', 'Wojtek' and 'Zojka'. The research was carried out in 2022 at the laboratory of quality of plant raw materials, Faculty of Agronomy, Vytautas Magnus University, where the total content of total phenolic, total anthocyanins content, amount of vitamin C and antioxidant activity DPPH were determined in the tested edible honeysuckle berries. It was found that the highest amount of total phenolic conten was found in the fresh berries of the 'Wojtek' variety, also that drying at a temperature of 50°C had a significantly effect on reducing the amount of total phenolics in all studied berries varieties. On the other hand, drying at 50 °C and 60 °C had a significant effect on the reduction of total anthocyanin content. The highest vitamin C content was found in fresh berries of the 'Zojka' variety. The drying procedure significantly reduced the vitamin C content, but no significant differences were found between 50 °C and 60 °C (except for cultivar 'Aurora'). The significant effect of drying on antioxidant activity was found in berries of the cultivars 'Aurora' and 'Honeybee'.</p> Kotryna Smilgytė, Judita Černiauskienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 SWEET POTATO (IPOMOEA BATATAS L.) TUBER PUREE ADDITIVE IMPACT ON THE QUALITY OF VEGAN CUPCAKES <p>The aim of this study was to determine the effect of sweet potato puree additive on the quality of vegan spelt flour cupcakes. Research of vegan cupcakes with sweet potato puree was carried out in 2023-2024 in the Food Raw Materials Quality Research and Open Access Center (APC) Plant based Raw Materials Quality Laboratories at VMU AA. Ingredients used for the production of vegan cupcakes: whole grain spelt wheat flour, sweet potato tuber puree, chickpea water (aquafaba), brown cane sugar, rapseed oil, spices, lifting agent (baking powder). During the production process of sweet potato puree were used two different preparation methods - baking in the oven at a temperature of 180°C and steaming. In vegan cupcakes, part of the spelt wheat flour was replaced with sweet potato puree in certin percentage (0, 20, 35, 50%). Experiment treatments: 1) control – cupcakes without additive (100% spelt wheat flour); 2) G20% – 20% flour replaced with steamed sweet potato puree; 3) O20% – 20% flour replaced with baked sweet potato puree; 4) G35% – 35% flour replaced with steamed sweet potato puree; 5) O35% – 35% flour replaced with baked sweet potato puree; 6) G50% – 50% flour replaced with steamed sweet potato puree; 7) O50% – 50% flour replaced with baked sweet potato puree<em>. </em> The contents of β-carotene, total phenolic compounds, total flavonoid and antioxidant activity were determined in vegan cupcakes. The method of puree preparation significantly influence only the amount of β-carotene in vegan cupcakes. The method of puree preparation did not significantly influence total phenolic compounds and total flavonoids content, also antioxidant activity in vegan cupcakes. Cupcakes with 50% oven baked and steamed sweet potato puree aditive had the higest contents of total phenolic compouns and total flavonoids, as well as antioxidant activity compared to cupcakes without puree aditive.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Vaida Stroputė, Nijolė Vaitkevičienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 EFFECT OF PROCESSING METHOD ON THE QUANTITY OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE COMPOUNDS AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY IN POTATO TUBER POWDER <p>The research for the quality of potato tuber powder was performed in 2023-2024 in laboratories of Plant-based raw food and Open access center of plant-based raw material quality research at the VMU Agriculture Academy. Different varieties of potato tubers with colored flesh 'Violet Queen', 'Blue Star', and 'Mullberry beauty' were used to produce potato powder. The potato tubers were treated in three different ways before being dried: 1) the tubers were boiled with the peel; 2) the tubers were boiled without the peel; 3) the tubers without the peel were slowly boiled (1 hour) in a vacuum at low temperature (85 °C). The potato tubers were dried at 50 °C for 12 hours in a drying oven. In the potatoes powder the amounts of total phenolic compounds, total flavanoids, total anthocyanins, as well as their antioxidant activity were examined. The performed researched showed that the cultivar and the type of treatment before drying used had a significant influence on the amount of flavanoids, total phenolic compounds and the antioxidant activity in the potato powder. The significantly highest contents of total flavanoids and total anthocyanins were found in the powder of 'Violet Queen' tubers boiled with the peel. The highest antioxidant activity was found in 'Violet Queen' powder made from tubers that had been boiled with the peel and slow-boiled in vacuo before drying. </p> Ingrida Vaičekauskaitė, Nijolė Vaitkevičienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 INFLUENCE OF MATCHA (CAMELLIA SINENSIS L.) AND MORINGA (MORINGA OLEIFERA) LEAF POWDER ADDITIVE ON THE QUALITY OF CUPCAKES <p>The researches were conducted in 2023 at the Faculty of Agronomy of VMU ŽŪA, Institute of Agricultural and Food Sciences Plant Food Raw Materials Quality Research Laboratory, Food Raw Materials, Agronomical and Zootechnical Research Laboratory and Plant Raw Materials Quality Research Laboratory of the Open Access Joint Research Center for Land and Forests. Flour confectionery products - cupcakes - were prepared for the research. The raw materials used were purchased in the Kaunas supermarket: rice and almond flour, rapeseed oil, eggs, baking powder, sugar, and salt. To improve the nutritional value of baked goods, part of the rice flour was replaced with Moringa and Matcha powder - 6, 9, and 12 %, respectively. Protein content (%), fiber content (%), and moisture (%) of the cupcakes were tested using standard methods. The significantly lowest moisture content was found in cupcakes with 6 % Matcha and 6 % and 9 % Moringa leaf powder addition compared to the control. No significant differences were found in other cupcake variants. The addition of 9 and 12 % Matcha and Moringa powders increased the protein and fiber content of the cupcakes.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Emilija Viknė, Dovilė Levickienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 INFLUENCE OF VEGETABLE RAW MATERIALS ADDITION ON PASTA QUALITY <p>The main objective was to investigate the chemical composition of pasta enriched with different spices and nettle leaf powder additives and to compare their quality. The laboratory experiment was conducted in 2023 at the Institute of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Faculty of Agronomy, Academy of Agriculture, Vytautas Magnus University. The object of the study is macaroni enriched with powders of common nettle (Aegopodium podagraria) and nettle (Urtica dioica L.). Chemical analyzes were performed in triplicate. Research results showed that the addition of nettle powder increased the protein content of pasta. In all investigated cases, pasta cooking losses were small and met the requirements for quality pasta. The vegetable raw materials used increased the acidity of the pasta.<br>Keywords: nettle, goutweed, pasta, spelt flour.</p> Sintija Urnėžiutė, Jurgita Kulaitienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 INFLUENCE OF ELECTRICAL NETWORK PARAMETERS ON THE ACCURACY OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY ACCOUNTING DEVICES <p>Currently, the Lithuanian electricity distribution operator "ESO" serves more than 1.8 million electricity consumers. The measurement accuracy of electricity meters is a relevant topic in modern society. There is a lot of discussion in the public space about the fact that you get higher bills after replacing the old electricity meter with a smart one. The purpose of this study is to investigate the measurement errors of electricity meters operated in the Lithuanian electricity network, in the presence of various network parameters. The study was carried out with the STM4000 meter metrological stand. During the study, the mains voltage was changed from 170 V to 260 V, the power factor was changed from 0.5 to 1, as well as the current strength was changed from 1 A to 21 A and the mains frequency from 48 Hz to 51 Hz. It was established that the change in network parameters does not have a significant impact on electronic meters, the calculation errors do not exceed the permissible limit (1%). Changes in the voltage and frequency of the power grid have the greatest influence on the errors of the inductive electricity meter.</p> Šarūnas Akelis Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 RESEARCH ON THE POTENTIAL OF STRAW - RAW MATERIALS FOR SOLID BIOFUELS <p>The article examines the amount of wheat straw produced in Lithuania and the potential of its use for solid biofuel. Heating value and ash content studies of '<em>Skagen</em>' wheat straw were carried out. After analyzing the statistical data of the winter wheat harvest, it was calculated that in recent years, an average of 4518±524 thousand tons of winter wheat straw are produced in Lithuania every year. Part of the straw can be used in the energy industry, as it is characterized by a sufficiently high calorific value: it was found that the higher heating value of winter wheat straw is equal to 20,41±0,23 MJ∙kg<sup>-1</sup>, the lower heating value is 20,31±0,25 MJ∙ kg<sup>-1</sup>. Burning 13,5% of the winter wheat straw harvest (643 thousand tons) would release the same amount of heat as burning about 643 thousand tons of pine wood, about 652 thousand tons of spruce wood or about 715 thousand tons of birch wood. However, the amount of ash generated would increase to 9,8 thousand tons, instead of 1,41 thousand tons of pine wood ash, 2,54 thousand tons of spruce wood ash or 2,86 thousand tons of birch wood ash.</p> Gabija Baltramaitytė, Egidijus Zvicevičius Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 USE OF NON-TRADITIONAL HERBAL PLANTS IN BIOGAS PRODUCTION <p>In the search for alternative sources of renewable energy, it is increasingly suggested to use herbaceous plants. Perennial plants are chosen for the production of large amounts of biomass. Among the widely used plants, non-traditional plants such as fibrous nettles, which are not far behind traditional crops in terms of properties and energy, can gain a place in the market. The paper analyzes the production of biogas from nettles collected in four different months. The aim of the study is to determine the biogas yields and energy values. The study determined biogas yields for each group of raw materials. The highest biogas yield of 863.4±12.1 l/kg was obtained in the nettle raw material collected in June. It was determined that the most energetically effective are the nettles of August – 20.16±0.07 MJ/ . The lowest energy potential - 18.89±0.03 MJ/ was obtained during the study of June plants. The methane concentration in biogas was determined to be 57.1±1.2 % in nettles collected in August.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Viktorija Buinauskienė, Kęstutis Venslauskas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 STUDY OF PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR POWER PLANT PARAMETERS <p>Solar power plants are widespread, but the dependence of the electricity they generate on various environmental conditions has not been fully studied. The purpose of this work is to investigate the parameters of a 9.68 kW solar power plant in a homestead at different times of the year. During the study, the main parameters of the solar power plant were determined: Temperature 0C and illumination W/m². Analyzing the accumulated data, it was found that the time of year affects the power generated by the power plant under uniform illumination. The maximum power generated by the power plant was achieved in spring with 1045 W/m² solar energy illumination and 28°C surface temperature. The lowest power generated by the power plant was recorded in autumn (October), when the electric power was only 2.36 kW at a temperature of 17.8°C and a solar illumination of 956 W/m².</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Edvard Jankovskij, Kęstutis Venslauskas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 STUDY OF WIND TURBINE ELECTRICITY QUALITY <p>In this study examined the quality of electricity generated by wind turbines and its impact on the operation of the energy supply system. The research was conducted in a 73.5 MW wind farm consisting of 30 turbines in the southwest of Lithuania. The E-101 wind turbine was selected for the study, which has a tower height of 99 m, rotor diameter of 101 m, and a maximum generating capacity of 3.05 MW. Measurements were carried out using the Metrel MI 2892 Power Quality Analyzer and current measuring coils installed on high voltage cables. Wind speed and the power generated by the wind turbines were obtained from the monitoring SCADA system installed in the park. The study found that the voltage in the wind turbines varied on average from 645.0 V to 684.2 V as the wind speed changed from 0.6 m/s to 16.9 m/s, and the power generated by the turbines changed from 0 to 3.047 MW. Minor voltage fluctuations did not significantly affect the quality and stability of the medium voltage electricity network.</p> Vytenis Lisauskas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 IMPACT OF SOLAR POWER PLANTS ON THE LOW VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION NETWORK. <p>In this work, it was determined what effect solar power plants have on the low-voltage electricity distribution network. The 0.4 kV cable line chosen for the study is connected to a 160 kVA modular transformer station. 12 consumers are connected to the line, of which 2 consumers are administrative, and 10 consumers are domestic, of which 3 are generating consumers. The total power installed by consumers is 133 kW, and the power of solar power plants is 34 kW. During the research, cable line monitoring was carried out with the "Metrel-mi2892" analyzer, in the presence of changing consumer loads and different powers generated by solar power plants. During the research period, it was established that producing consumers supplied 3 times more electricity to the electricity grid than they consumed. During the study, it was found that the phase voltages in the lines where the solar power plants are connected varied in a range from 223 V to 247 V. The total harmonic distortion of the voltage in individual phases of the network varied from 3 to 7 %.</p> Matas Ramanauskas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 INFLUENCE OF ORGANIC LOADING OF BIOREACTOR ON ENERGY INDICATORS OF BIOGAS POWER PLANT <p>The aim of this research is to investigate the influence of organic load on biogas yield and biogas composition in a reactor for the anaerobic processing of a mixture of milk runoff and urban sewage sludge. During the experimental study, organic loadings of 2.419 t to 3.387 t were applied, which were achieved by increasing the amount of milk runoff in the raw material mixture. The experimental study was carried out in a reactor with a capacity of 2100 m<sup>3</sup>, into which city sewage sludge is fed daily. To control the organic load, milk runoff and sewage sludge were mixed together. The temperature of 36.6±0.5 ºC is maintained in the bioreactor. During the experimental study, it was found that by increasing the organic load of the bioreactor from 2.419 to 3.387 t/day, the average yield of biogas from city sewage sludge and milk runoff increased by 52 % (from 20.5 m<sup>3</sup>/h to 31.2 m<sup>3</sup>/h). During the increase of the organic load of the bioreactor, the average concentration of methane in the biogas decreased from 63.2% (at 2.419 t/day organic load) to 62.7% (at 3.399 t/day organic load).</p> Žygimantas Ubartas, Kęstutis Venslauskas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 INFLUENCE OF SURFACE CONTAMINATION ON THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF THE SOLAR MODULE <p><strong> </strong></p> <p>The aim of this study is to determine the influence of coating contamination from materials characteristic of the Lithuanian environment on the energy efficiency of the solar module. The research was carried out in a self-made electricity production stand with an artificial lighting source. The solar module (20 W) was illuminated by four metal halogen lamps with a total power of 140 W. On the glass covering the entire area of the module, 0 g to 25 g of material was sprinkled using a sieve, increasing the amount in increments of 5 g. Materials used in the study: black soil, lakeshore sand, silicate block dust, ground oats. During the experiment, the surface temperature of the module was 25 ± 1 °C. Tests are performed 5 times and the average of their results is given with the error value. During the study, it was found that increasing the amount of material sprinkled on the surface of the module decreases the voltage and current with all the materials used. The minimum power generated by the module of 0.017 ± 0.002 W is obtained by contamination of the surface with 25 g of black earth. In comparison, the maximum power of 1.37 ± 0.02 W of the 25 g lakeshore sand on the module surface is 79 times higher. The energy loss of the module contaminated with 25 g of lake shore sand was 40.85 ± 1.31 %, which is 1.05 times lower than that of the module contaminated with 5 g of ground oats 43.02 ± 1.8 %. With increasing surface contamination, the module efficiency decreased from 6.29 ± 0.07 % to 0.04 ± 0.01 %. As the amount of materials on the surface increases, the light transmission decreases with all materials used in the study</p> Danas Valenčius, Kęstutis Venslauskas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 NOISE INVESTIGATION IN THE ENVIRONMENT OF CATTLE BARNS <p>Farmers or farm workers may be exposed to noise in their farms, including livestock farms. Depending on the specifics of the farms, the equipment used, the technology of raising cattle, the construction of barns, noise pollution of both the environment and workplaces is possible. There is not much of information on noise levels in the scientific literature, so the purpose of this study was to determine the noise levels in the barns and to identify the noisiest equipment and to measure the noise level in the barns and to evaluate its possible impact on workers. Noise measurements were carried out in a typical 50 cow barn in Lithuania, where the internal noise levels of various technological operations and background noise in barns were measured. The results show that noise levels are only significant in the vacuum pump room (88, dB(A), while the noise exposure of barn workers is lower than the prescribed limit values.</p> Lina Balčiūnaitė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 EVALUATION OF SOLID MANURE STORAGE TECHNOLOGY <p>Animal husbandry in agriculture is one of the main sources of air pollution with ammonia and GHG compounds. If the manure is handled improperly, there is also a threat of surface, groundwater, and soil pollution with nitrogen compounds. With proper management practices, manure can be turned into fertilizer - compost. Certain conditions must be created for the composting process to take place: optimal temperature, moisture content, C:N ratio. Using coatings to cover manure is one of the simplest ways to reduce air pollution. However, with the help of this technology, it is also possible to optimize the composting process by maintaining the optimal temperature of the manure. This experimental study was carried out during the prohibition of fertilization, under production conditions that correspond to those found in livestock farms, where manure is stored in piles near barns or in fertilizing fields. During the research, the temperature of the manure at different depths of the stack was measured with sensors, as well as the air pollution with ammonia gas. It has been established that a straw layer of &gt;10 cm helps to maintain a temperature of 50-75°C in the surface layers of manure as well. In addition, up to 85 percent air pollution with ammonia gas is reduced during the first 30 days after the manure is piled, when the emission of ammonia into the environment is the most intense.</p> Kostas Knokneris, Jonas Čėsna Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 PROCESSING OF BIOPLASTIC IN AN ANAEROBIC BIOGAS REACTOR <p>Bioplastics are a new alternative with lower pollution and rapid degradability that can reduce rising pollution levels and are a potential source of renewable energy. The aim of the work is to analyze the properties of bioplastics and to base the research on the potential of compostable bioplastic processing at home in an anaerobic biogas reactor. Biodegradable bioplastics made from biomass reduce the carbon footprint, provide better waste management options and reduce dependence on fossil fuels, which can help limit greenhouse gas emissions. After examining various bioplastics (courier envelope, garbage bag), we can see that after 30 days, the biogas potential of the heat-treated courier envelope increased to 139.48 1/kg M. When examining the garbage bag, we noticed that the lowest biogas potential after 60 days was treated with HCl - 86, 67 1/kg M. followed by the control group - 125.17 1/kg M. and the highest potential was detected after treatment with hot water - 184.17 1/kg M. Autoclaving the garbage bag increased the yield by 66% (223.48 1/ kg M) compared to the control group (154.45 1/kg M).</p> Augustas Želvys, Mantas Rubežius Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE INFLUENCE OF LATERAL WIND SPEED ON THE UNIFORMITY OF GRAIN DISPERSION IN THE STUBBLE BEHIND THE COMBINE HARVESTER <p>The hypothesis of this study is that the dispersion of grain is not uniform over the cutting area of a combine harvester. In order to more accurately determine grain losses, troughs (collection boxes) should be placed across the entire cutting width of the combine harvester and even beyond. In addition, the speed of the lateral wind is likely to have a significant influence on both straw and grain dispersion. The aim of this study is to compare the distribution of barley grain in the stubble (cutting width) as a function of the lateral wind speed between barley grain extracted by the combine harvester and barley grain spread by the spreader rotors.</p> <p>A <em>Case-IH 9250 AF</em>S combine harvester with a rotary threshing-separation device and a twin-rotor vertical chopped straw spreader was investigated. The research was carried out in 2023 in a spring barley field in the Kėdainiai district of 'Žibartonių' agricultural company. The boxes used for the tests were 500 × 380 mm grain, chaff and chopped straw collection boxes with a height of 100 mm. The time chosen for the tests was when the lateral wind was 2.00±0.48 m s <sup>̶</sup><sup> 1</sup> and when the lateral wind speed had increased to 8.00±0.86 m s <sup>̶</sup><sup> 1</sup>. In the tests, nine collection boxes are positioned in front of the steering wheels of the combine harvester while it is running. The boxes are dropped not only within the cutting area (every 2 metres from the centre of the combine harvester) but also outside the harvester in both directions at a distance of 1 and 2 metres (on stubble of 8 to 10 cm and in the unharvested field). Each test was repeated 3 times. The tests showed that in a lateral wind of 8.00±0.86 m s <sup>̶</sup><sup> 1</sup>, 86% of the grain is spread from the middle of the combine to the windward side and about 14% of the grain flies against the wind direction. In a lateral wind of 2.00±0.48 m s <sup>̶</sup><sup> 1</sup>, the grain is approximately 50% spread in both directions from the centre of the combine. The grain distribution of barley grain, as shown by the data obtained, shows that the distribution of grain behind the combine harvester spreader is influenced to a large extent not only by the correct adjustment of the spreader, but also by the strength of the lateral wind.</p> Matas Žiogelis, Martynas Milišauskas, Dainus Savickas, Dainius Steponavičus Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 REGULATION OF VIRTUAL CURRENCY ACCOUNTING ACCORDING TO INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS <p>Due to rapidly advancing technologies in the world, some companies seek the integration of virtual currency into their financial management system. Virtual currency is a digital asset that lacks a physical or material basis. Despite the rapidly growing number of transactions worldwide using virtual currencies, international financial reporting standards do not provide clear guidelines on how such assets should be reflected in accounting. In this article, using methods of scientific literature, synthesis, summarization, graphical representation, an attempt was made to reveal the concept of virtual currency, accounting regulation, and its connection with international financial reporting standards, as well as to identify issues related to the recognition of virtual currency in accounting. The analysis revealed that in practice, virtual currency can be used not only as a means of payment but also for certain investment or accumulation purposes. The problems of recognizing virtual currency in accounting are related to uncertainty because business entities, considering the purposes of holding and using virtual currency, have to choose an accounting method that reflects the true and fair financial position of the company. As a result, companies that have virtual currency violate the principles of comparability and understandability in financial reporting, as they may present different pictures, and the data in financial statements cannot be easily or very difficult to compare with each other. Analysing international accounting standards, it is noted that virtual currency shares most similarities with assets and financial instruments, so it would be meaningful to apply one of these standards, taking into account the purpose of holding virtual currency in the company.</p> Vaiga Čečytė, Neringa Sabaliauskaitė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF DIRECTIVE 2013/34/EU ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF EU COMPANIES <p>Directive 2013/34/EU is an important legislative instrument of the European Union that establishes common rules and standards for the financial statements of certain companies. In order to perform the analysis, the following methods were used: synthesis and analysis of scientific literature, summarization and comparison; statistical data grouping, systematization, graphic visualization; analysis of financial statements of companies from different countries. And the impact of this directive has been found to be multifaceted and important in all EU countries, especially for small and micro-enterprises. Analyzing the research carried out by researchers, it can be seen that the directive had a positive impact on reducing the costs of preparing financial statements, improving the quality of reports and reducing the administrative burden on small companies. The directive also promotes transparency, comparability and consistency between companies' financial statements, making it easier for investors and other interested parties to understand companies' financial results. The research on the financial statements of the companies of the Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) revealed the differences between the countries in the presentation of the balance sheet and profit (loss) statements, but it turned out that the directive made it possible to draw up abbreviated statements, facilitating the financial reporting process. In addition, the directive promotes the classification of companies according to established criteria and standardizes the presentation of financial statements, contributing to a uniform structure in corporate reports. Thus, Directive 2013/34/EU is very important, as it not only regulates the financial reporting process, but also promotes transparency, compatibility, and efficiency in EU countries.</p> Simona Degutytė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 SUSTAINABLE TAX SYSTEM AND CUSTOMS DUTIES <p>This article presents the concept of a sustainable tax system and customs duties, as well as the importance of customs duties in the structure of a sustainable tax system. A content analysis was carried out to identify the impact of different taxes on the dimensions of a sustainable tax system - economic, social and environmental. Literature analysis, synthesis and comparison methods, content analysis and graphic visualisation were used for the research. The present research allowed to identify the impact of customs duties on sustainability. Customs duties can ensure the reduction of carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions and a more efficient management of resources, and it is an important part of a sustainable tax system. According to the content analysis, it was found that different tax instruments are more likely to target one of the dimensions (economic, social, environmental), while customs duties have an impact on all dimensions.</p> Gitana Dumbraitė, Erika Besusparienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 REGULATION OF CRYPTOCURRENCY ACCOUNTING BASED ON IFRS AND VAS ACCOUNTING STANDARTS <p>The article examines the financial accounting of cryptocurrencies, based on both Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standads (IFRS). It discusses different perspectives and recent actions taken by accounting standard-setting bodies related to cryptocurrencies. Additionally, the article evaluates the differences in cryptocurrency accounting under GAAP and IFRS accounting standards. The researh findings indicate that accounting peculiarities vary between GAAP and IFRS; however, in the absence of a specific accounting standard specifying a particular cryptocurrency accounting method, accountant may choose which accounting standar to follow, considering the nature and purpose of the cryptocurrencies. Understanding the fnancial and valuation implications of these new virtual assets is vital for future accounting research and professional practice.</p> Gabrielė Gabrileviciene Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ANALYSIS OF CASES OF FRAUDULENT EVASION OF CUSTOMS DUTIES IN THE EUROPEAN UNION <p>The article investigates customs duties evasion in the EU, emphasizing its impact on the EU's financial stability and market integrity. Utilizing literature analysis, systematization, generalization, and content analysis of secondary data, the study identifies the significance of customs duties for the EU budget and outlines a typology of commercial customs fraud. Key fraudulent practices include valuation fraud, misclassification, smuggling, and falsification of origin. The findings highlight the need for a comprehensive strategy involving advanced technology, international cooperation, legal reforms, and public awareness to combat evasion and protect the EU's financial interests and trade integrity.</p> Leyli Gurbanzade, Erika Besusparienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ACCOUNTING SPECIFICATIONS OF TRADE RECEIVABLES UNDER INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS <p>This article discusses the specifics of accounting for trade receivables based on of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), using analysis and synthesis of international financial reporting standards (IFRSs) and scientific sources, and modelling of practical situations, among other methods. Trade receivable are amounts from a business that are reported as a financial asset, which is a contractual right to receive cash or other financial assets from another business entity. IFRS establishes a common framework for the disclosure of financial information, ensuring transparency and comparability at the international level. The article highlights that although there is no separate standard for accounting of trade receivables, the accounting is based on the provisions of different standards related to the recognition of revenue and the assessment of debts. The article analyses practical situations related to the moment of occurrence of revenue and trade receivables, risk assessment and recognition of doubtful debts according to IFRS 9 and shows how specific business transactions related to the accounting of trade receivables are recorded according to IFRS.</p> Inga Janušauskaitė, Jevgenija Furgasė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 APPLICATION OF THE FUZZY LOGIC METHOD IN ASSESSING THE STABILITY AND CHANGE OF THE COMPANY <p>Business entities operate in a constantly changing environment. The activities of companies are negatively affected by the insufficient level of their financial stability, which is the basis for normal activity and increasing economic potential. Taking this into account, the priority of studying the company's financial condition by fully substantiating the indicators that determine it increases, therefore it is relevant to improve the system of such indicators. Therefore, the assessment of the financial stability of companies, as a significant sector of the economy of any country, and the improvement of existing methodological approaches to it are relevant and important. Determining the limits of financial stability is one of the most sensitive problems in managing the financial condition in general and financial stability in particular, it is especially important in times of economic instability, because it is important for the company to determine the potential of financial stability. It should be noted that mostly in the literature and works of other researchers, only financial stability is assessed, but it is not assessed how financial stability can change due to changes, therefore this paper studies the application of the fuzzy logic model in assessing the company's financial stability and its change. Fuzzy logic method is a valuable financial tool that allows you to present and manage uncertain and imprecise information that prevails in making financial decisions. Fuzzy logic is a valuable tool in finance to represent and manage the uncertain and imprecise information that dominates financial decision-making. The purpose of fuzzy logic is to express the uncertainty and inaccuracy of human thinking by appropriate mathematical means. MATLAB™ software with uncertainty logic tools allows you to build models that can assess financial stability by considering various variables and their interactions. This enables proper evaluation and analysis of financial data, which is often inaccurate or incomplete.</p> Eglė Kajokaitė-Rudienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 EXCISE DUTY COLLECTION PROCEDURES MANAGED BY CUSTOMS: THE CASE OF LITHUANIA <p>The article discusses the concept of excise duties, the conditions that are important for the calculation of excise duties and the responsibility for the administration of excise duties. The excise duty system consists of three parts - the calculation of liabilities, exemptions and the determination of the final duty. In order to understand the excise duty collection processes in customs, several applied systems are discussed. Disclosed EU Excise Movement and Control System (EMCS), designed for the movement of excise goods within the EU. Only specific cases of import and export are presented in EMCS. In most cases, data on imports and exports subject to excise duty are reported to Customs' electronic excise information system (AIS). After the import or export of excise goods has been declared, the AIS system carries out a data check with the transport document for excise goods (e-AD). According to the analysis, structural changes are taking place in the excise duties administered by the Lithuanian Customs Authority. The share of excise duties collected has decreased and changes have also been observed in the different goods categories. The share of excise duties collected on electronic cigarette liquid has increased due to changes in the legislation. However, the amount of excise duty collected on ethyl alcohol and alcoholic beverages has decreased, and it has been noted that the number of interceptions of illegally transported excise goods has recently decreased by 10% and their value has increased by as much as 40%. The tightening of Lithuanian border controls and the sanctions imposed on Russia and Belarus have had the greatest impact.</p> Bozena Kalantiene, Erika Besusparienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 PECULIARITIES OF THE ACCOUNTING OF TRANSFERS IN ASSOCIATIONS <p>This article applies the methods of analysis and synthesis of laws and scientific sources, case studies and other methods to analyse in detail the essence of associations as non-profit entities, the regulation of accounting for their transfers and the peculiarities of their organisation in the Lithuanian case. It investigates the activities of associations as public legal entities, with particular specific focus on their transfers accounting peculiarities, which are based on the provisions of the laws of the Republic of Lithuania. The article thoroughly examines specific economic operations characteristic of associations, particularly those related to transfers. It analyzes their impact on the operational results and financial statements of associations. The research includes insights into how transfers and revenue influence operational result reports and details their presentation in the tax report for receiving and utilizing donations (FR0478), which is an important tool for ensuring transparency and accountability. Through this comprehensive analysis, the article provides a deeper understanding of how associations manage their transfers accounting in accodance with legal requirements.</p> Judita Kapačinskė, Jevgenija Furgasė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE IMPACT OF DEFERRED TAXES ON PROFIT MANAGEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF ACCOUNTING AND TAX RULES DEPENDENCY <p>This article presents the concept of independence of accounting and tax rules and shows that it is appropriate to classify the degree of independence of accounting and tax rules into independence, typically independency, dependency with wanted dissolution and dependency groups. Deferred tax is calculated and recognised in the accounts according to these identified groups. Analysis of previous research has shown that deferred taxes influence profit management decisions. In order to assess the impact of deferred taxes on profit management in the context of the independence of accounting and tax rules, an assessment model is presented that would allow to assess the differences between countries with independence and dependence between accounting and tax rules. The research used methods of scientific literature analysis, systematisation, synthesis and interpretation.</p> Agnė Kazlauskaitė, Erika Besusparienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 RESEARCH OF THE STOCK MARKET OF THE BALTIC COUNTRIES <p>What changes are taking place in the securities market of Baltic companies in the period 2018-2023. Research methods applied to the conducted research: evaluation of the investment indicators of companies listed on the stock market of the Baltic countries, using H. Markowirz and W. F. Sharpe models. After conducting the research, the following research results and conclusions were obtained: After applying the W.F. Sharpe and H. Markowitz models, the profitability and the Sharpe index were calculated, which showed and allowed the comparison of portfolios. In the case of this investor, H. Markowitz‘s model should be followed, since it was he who found the optimal portfolio for the assigned risk. Recommended to invest in ,,Arco Vara”, ,,Grindeks”, ,,Latvijas Balzams”, ,,Latvijas Jūras medišť centrs”, ,,Marko Ehitus”, ,,Silvano Fashion Group” and ,,Telia Lietuva”corporate shares. In the case of a conservative investor, it is recommended to invest using the W. F. Sharpe model, due to the higher Sharpe ratio. Calculations based on both of these models yielded equal amounts that should be invested in companies. The distribution of the portfolio of this type of investor was as follows: ,,Latvijas Balzams”, ,,Latvijas Jūras medičnost centrs”, ,,Linas Agro Group”, ,,Merko Ehitus”, ,,Olympic Entertainment Group”, ,,Silvano”. Fashion Group, Telia Lietuva.</p> Kamilė Kurilaitė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 SUSTAINABILITY ACCOUNTING STANDARDS <p>This article identifies the benefits of corporate sustainability reporting and the link with sustainability accounting standards by analyzing the meaning of sustainability accounting, the recommendations of sustainability accounting standards and the requirements for the preparation of sustainability reporting. Analysis, summarization, and comparison of scientific literature were applied in this work. It was determined that sustainability accounting is the disclosure and assessment of non-financial indicators, risks and opportunities related to environmental protection and social responsibility according to ISSB international standards or ETAS and the Corporate Sustainability Disclosure Directive. Although there have been many attempts to develop different sustainability accounting standards, the current aim is to apply ISSB standards to ensure the comparability of information. Sustainability reporting is relevant today and promotes positive change, pollution reduction, transparency and responsible business practices and contributes to long-term business success. Additionally, sustainability reporting encourages investors to make informed decisions and direct their funds to socially responsible companies. In conclusion, sustainability reporting is an increasingly important part of corporate activity that helps create long-term corporate value, reduce risk, and meet the needs of interested information users.</p> <p> </p> Akvilė Kvieskaitė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE RELEVANCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ACCOUNTING TO STAKEHOLDERS <p>This research explores the challenges faced by global businesses in diverse industries due to internal, external, and natural environmental factors. It emphasizes the increasing importance of environmental accounting, particularly in the context of emerging sustainability standards. The research highlights that businesses dealing with environmental forces incur costs, making it crucial for stakeholders, especially shareholders, to be well-informed about these costs due to their impact on wealth maximization. The primary objective is to assess the relevance of environmental accounting for stakeholders. Employing various research methods, including literature review, synthesis, comparative analysis and content analysis. The three main themes of the research are the concept and evolution of environmental accounting, the issues surrounding it, and its practical implications for stakeholders. Key reasons for its relevance include its role in environmental management strategy, resource efficiency, organizational sustainability, and capital budgeting clarity. The research concludes that despite the absence of a universally accepted definition for environmental accounting, its commonality lies in how organizations impact the natural environment. Acknowledging the evolutionary stages of this phenomenon, the study underscores the centrality of environmental costs. It asserts that a business's survival is intricately linked to matters relating to the natural environment.</p> Ricky Kyei-Baffour Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS <p>The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an economic crisis that has had an impact on financial reporting. During this period, there were many discussions and uncertainties about how to correctly present information in financial statements, based on International Financial Reporting Standards, since IFRS did not specify the guidelines according to which financial statements should be prepared in the period of COVID-19. Two companies were analyzed in this study: UAB "Ignitis" and UAB "Enefit Green". The financial reports of these companies were analyzed during the period of COVID-19 and it was determined what these companies could not present in their financial reports and what information about the COVID-19 pandemic was provided. The following methods were used to conduct the research: analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, summarization and comparison; data grouping, systematization, content analysis of company financial statements, financial analysis of relative indicators.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Gabrielė Mažulytė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION IMPACT ON TAXATION IN THE CONTEXT OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE: CASE OF LITHUANIA <p>The article explores the significance of cross-border cooperation (CBC) in bolstering international trade, with a particular focus on Lithuania's strategic role. Emphasizing the economic growth and development driven by CBC, the article discusses its crucial role in harmonizing customs regulations, simplifying trade procedures, and reducing tariffs. It delves into the taxation aspect, highlighting how CBC can aid in curtailing tax evasion and fostering the development of tax treaties, making international trade more efficient and tax-friendly. Lithuania, with its strategic geographic positioning and membership in the European Union and the Interreg Baltic Sea Region, is portrayed as having comparative advantages in CBC, including beneficial tax treaties and a competitive corporate income tax rate. The article aims to evaluate Lithuania's CBC in global trade, its impact on taxation, and Lithuania's comparative advantages in this context. The conclusions drawn underscore Lithuania's successful utilization of CBC to enhance its economic standing by leveraging geographical and economic strengths to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and bolster its position in the global market through effective tax cooperation measures like the JAP, the CRS, and the AEOI, thereby facilitating increased exports, job creation, and improved economic performance.</p> Tautvydas Plikis Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THEORETICAL STUDY OF THE INFLUENCE OF BUYER DEBT MANAGEMENT ON THE RESULTS OF THE COMPANY'S ACTIVITIES <p>Business activity is always associated with risks and one of the biggest risks that businesses face is credit risk. In order to increase sales volumes in the modern market, companies often sell goods to buyers by providing a deferment of payment, thereby essentially crediting buyers. This theoretical study aims to determine how scientists evaluated the influence of buyer debt management on the results of the company's activities. As part of the study, scientific articles and other scientific literature were analyzed. As a result of the literature analysis, it was found that the management of debts of buyers affects the result of the company's activities, but there is a lack of empirical research in the scientific literature that determines this effect. Most of the influence of debt management of buyers on the result of operations and profitability, correlation and regressive analysis is used.</p> Inga Raicevičienė-Jucė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ACCOUNTING OF GRANTS, SUBSIDIES AND STATE SUPPORT ACCORDING TO IAS 20 AND VAS 21 <p>Companies often use state support, grants and subsidies in order to minimize their operational costs and maximize their operational capabilities, meaning, they are intended to cover costs and achieve development goals. The entity receives grants and subsidies only when certain requirements are met, the most important requirement is their purpose. Since grants and subsidies, according to their economic meaning, have the characteristics of both equity (property of the owners) and liabilities, every accounting entity uses the methodological recommendations of IAS 20 or BAS 21 to help in order to correctly record/book grants, accounting of subsidies and state support and ensuring the legal validity of accounting. The object of the article's research is the 20th IAS and the 21st BAS, and for the research was used analysis and synthesis of scientific literature; their summarization and comparison and analysis of financial statements of companies. After comparing the provisions of the 20th IAS and the 21st BAS, it was found that both methodological tools help and guide every business entity to keep and manage correct accounting, therefore, the application of the 20th IAS and the 21st BAS and alignment with their own interests will help ensure providing high-quality sets of financial statements. After analyzing the financial statements of AB,,ESO” and UAB ,,Alytaus Šilumos Tinklai”, we can notice that the presentation of grants and subsidies in the financial statements of both companies has similarities, but the information on grants and subsidies itself, which is presented in the explanatory note, is different.</p> Gabrielė Repečkaitė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE IMPACT OF ECONOMIC SANCTIONS ON FINANCIAL MARKETS: A REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH <p>Current scientific research claims that economic sanctions are becoming an increasingly popular tool to limit the activities of certain entities in today's world. Although sanctions are one of the ways to ensure peace and security in the world, they come with their costs and impact not only the sanctioned entities, but also the world economy and, consequently, financial markets, which are an integral part of the world economy. Sanctions introduce tension and uncertainty to financial markets, leading to increased inefficiency and larger price fluctuations as market participants adjust their behavior. Sanctions can also lead to the possibility of economic crises, destabilization of the financial system and bankruptcies of business enterprises. The topic of economic sanctions became even more relevant after the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Undoubtedly, economic sanctions are a crucial source of information for financial markets and their participants. Scientific research reveals that comprehensive analysis of sanctions and financial markets during the sanction periods, along with an understanding of historical events, monitoring and following news on social media, and adapting this information to create effective investments strategies can be tools to mitigate the impact of sanctions and control imbalances in financial markets. Future research can be directed to deeper analyzes of the protection of financial markets from the negative effects of economic sanctions; trends in the development of financial market networks during sanction implementation and tightening periods; deeper analysis of the relationship between economic sanctions, market participants' sentiments and media news.</p> Rugilė Smalinskaitė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MACOECONOMIC INDICATORS AND CONSUMER CONFIDENCE IN GOVERNMENT FINANCE INDICATORS <p>The economic situation of each country has always been and is very significant for the development and expansion of all regions and states. Lithuania's membership in the European Union, economic relations with the western world, included its economic processes from the very beginning of the integration into the overall global process. The Lithuanian economy, under the influence of various financial and economic crises, ups and downs, negative moods, has an impact on the Lithuanian economy, markets, as well as consumer confidence in state finances, indicators that have recently been showing negative trends, so it is appropriate to constantly assess which main macroeconomic indicators have the greatest connection with them. It was found, that consumer confidence is related to the country’s GDP, inflation level: a strong negative relationship was found. Directions for further research could be related to wider groups of trust factors and possible scenarios for assessing consumer trust not only in macroeconomic indicators, but also in microeconomic indicators in case of geopolitical challenges. The limitations of the study are also characterized by the fact that consumer confidence in relation to geopolitical challenges is limited in scientific research and more detailed studies revealing the classification of macroeconomic and microeconomic indicators that determine consumer confidence are missing.</p> Viktorija Stasytienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 TRANSITION OF COMPANY‘S LONG-TERM TANGIBLE ASSETS ACCOUNTING STANDARD TO INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING STANDARD <p>Accountings is governed by many different legislative acts, which makes it difficult for companies to select appropriate accounting solutions so that they could provide their users with accurate and correct information. Tangible fixed assets is one of the most important objects in the accounting system, which has influence on the financial reports and financial indicators of the company. This article examines tangible fixed assets and is divided into three parts. The first part analyzes the concept of tangible fixed assets according to different authors and legislative acts. The second part considers the similarities and differences of tangible fixed assets according to state and national legislation. The third part involves a research that can be used to evaluate whether it is worth for the private company “X” to move from business accounting standards to international accounting standards. The research is conducted by calculating the financial result of the company according to the business accounting standard and according to the international accounting standard. The resulting data is used to calculate the financial indicators of the company, which are used to determine whether it would be beneficial for the company to move to international accounting standards.</p> Silvija Triznienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ADVANTAGES AND CHALLENGES OF APPLYING THE FAIR VALUE METHOD ACCORDING TO INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS FOR AGRICULTURAL ENTITIES <p>Agricultural activities are different from other activities undertaken by business units for profit. When preparing financial statements, it is mandatory to comply with certain regulations, legal acts and standards, so the IAS 41 Agriculture is very relevant for agricultural entities. The concept of fair value prevails in this standard and there is a notable obligation for agricultural entities to value biological assets at fair value less costs of sale. The importance of fair value in financial reporting is increasingly being noticed in the scientific literature and the recent debate is about the trend of fair value reporting. Challenges are often encountered in the application of this method in the agricultural sector, therefore, the conducted research seeks to reveal the advantages and disadvantages of applying the fair value method. The application of this method is a long, expensive and complex process, but, nevertheless, the application of the method makes it easier to determine the value of the trade, helps entities to make appropriate financial decisions and assess potential risks.</p> Greta Tumynaitė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 FINANCIAL AND TAX ACCOUNTING FOR SELF-EMPLOYED ACTIVITIES <p>This article uses the methods of analysis and synthesis of laws and scientific sources, case studies and other methods to provide an overview of the concept and essence of self-employment and shows how self-employment is defined in different foreign countries. The different accounting principles are outlined, the criteria that must be met in order to apply the accrual or cash accounting principles, and the taxes that must be paid in the course of an self-employment activity. The calculation, declaration and accounting for personal income tax, value added tax and national social security in the context of self-employed activities are described. The article also highlights the most common transactions related to self-employment, such as sales, the recording of transactions related to CSI and SSI contributions, and analyses when it is better to apply the deduction of actual expenses or to opt for an amount equal to 30 % of the income for the tax period. Accounting for self-employment activity must be carried out in a responsible, transparent and efficient manner, while at the same time fostering the entrepreneurship of the population and the economic progress of</p> Laura Valančiūtė, Jevgenija Furgasė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 METHODS OF ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF BUSINESS RISK ON FINANCIAL RISK IN FAMILY FARMS: LITERATURE REVIEW <p>The article presents indicators for measurement of business and financial risks, which are chosen by researchers both when assessing individual risks and their interactions. The literature review revealed different approaches of scientists on these risks and their measurement. Business risk is usually measured by either the variability of EBIT or the interaction of EBIT with sales revenue. EBIT is chosen as one of the performance results because it is not influenced by financing decisions. Meanwhile, to measure financial risk, researchers usually use either financial leverage as an indicator of capital structure, or the interaction between net profit and EBIT, or calculate interest coverage ratio. Using the aggregated data of family farms EBIT equivalent is chosen as farm income before interests and taxes. Fixed or random effects, ordinary least squares regression models, or the systemic general method of moments are used to assess the impact of business risk on financial risk. The choice is usually determined by the heterogeneity of observations.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Agnė Valkauskaitė, Vilija Aleknevičienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 GREEN BONDS AND IMPACT OF THEIR ISSUE ON STOCK RETURNS: LITERATURE REVIEW <p>The article presents the features of green bonds, the extent of their spread in the world, and literature review on their issue impact on stock returns. The emergence of green bonds in the market has implications for financial and economic sustainability as they are intended to finance climate change mitigation, adaptation and other environmental projects. The reaction of financial markets to the issuance of green bonds is important not only for issuers, investors, but also for researchers. Our research revealed that green bonds have some differences compared to traditional bonds, especially in the context of revenue utilization and management, certification and labeling. Over the past decade, green bond issuance has grown nearly 16 times with Chinese companies leading in the market. Literature review revealed that in most cases there is a positive effect of issuing green bonds on the issuers’ stock returns because investors positively assess such signals as greater media attention, transparency of information provided, and the impact of innovation on issuers' performance. In exceptional cases, neutral and negative effects are also determined.</p> Raimonda Vilutytė, Vilija Aleknevičienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 CASH FLOW MANAGEMENT THROUGH INTERNATIONAL PAYMENT INSTRUMENTS: THE CASE OF A FERTILIZER PRODUCTION COMPANY <p>In the face of international sanctions, suppliers of raw materials to the fertilizer production company began demanding advance payments, leading the company to increase its working capital requirements and resume production only at minimal capacity. Currently, with the fertilizer production company under sanctions, the managers themselves are managing the cash flow of their company, necessitating the need to manage cash flows and find the most suitable way to do so. Engaging in international trade poses the risk that trading partners may refuse to fulfil obligations due to deteriorating financial conditions and unwillingness. The problem of ensuring cash flows arises if payment (in full or in part) is not received or is delayed. For this reason, an innovation has been developed for the fertilizer production company to utilize international payment instruments, which were not relevant prior to the sanctions. A schema consisting of 6 stages has been devised for the fertilizer production company. After completing all these stages, it was decided that using the documentary collection payment instrument would be most beneficial during the buyer's position, as in this case, the company pays for the actual receipt of raw materials, and if they do not meet the agreement terms, payment simply will not be executed. When occupying the seller's position, the fertilizer production company would utilize the factoring payment instrument. During the research, scientific literature is examined to ascertain the importance of cash flow management. The analysis of such literature includes structuring, comparison, classification, and grouping. Induction, deduction, generalization, and modelling methods were used to develop a logical schema for selecting international payment instruments. Methods of analysing information and documents of fertilizer production companies were employed to verify the suitability of the developed schema.</p> Vaiva Zacharevičiūtė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ADVANTAGES AND CHALLENGES OF THE REGULATION OF THE STANDARDIZED AUDIT FILE SAF-T IN THE CONTEXT OF FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES <p>In different countries, the regulation of a standardized audit file in the context of financial accounting provides not only benefits, but also creates certain challenges. Applying the methods of analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, legal acts, regulations, this article examines the legal regulation and concept of the SAF-T file in order to reveal the essence and necessity of the SAF-T file. Also, this article analyzes the general influence of the SAF-T file on accounting practice in Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Singapore and Romania using the comparison method in order to reveal the advantages and challenges of implementing SAF-T in companies in the context of financial accounting. The research results revealed that SAF-T is an international standard that defines the electronic way in which companies can submit their accounting data for audit purposes to an audit company or tax inspectorate. The regulation of SAF-T is adapted in each country, according to the legal framework applicable in that country. The implementation of SAF-T in companies has both advantages and challenges in the context of financial accounting, which depend on certain factors related to the specific company and the legal framework of the country where the company is located. The main benefit is a simplified and accelerated tax audit process and tax transparency. The main challenges are initial investments, technological compatibility, changes in legislation.</p> Rolandas Žiogas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE ROLE OF RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES IN REDUCING CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS IN AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY IN THE BALTIC COUNTRIES <p>The paper investigates the role of renewable energy resources in reducing carbon dioxide emissions in agriculture and forestry in the Baltic countries. The selected research period is 1995-2021, the data is collected from the Eurostat database. To answer the research question, the methodology and two variables were chosen, i.e. the percentage of consumption of renewable energy resources from total energy consumption, and in agriculture, the total agriculture value added per annual work thousand PPS (at basic prices 2015=100%). To study the data, graphic dynamics of the indicators of each country were performed and compared. In the second part of the study, correlation and regression analyzes were performed for individual countries and the data panel. The results of the study indicated that the percentage of energy consumed in agriculture and forestry in the Baltic countries is too small to have an impact on the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in agriculture. A positive effect of agricultural production on carbon dioxide emissions was also determined, i.e. the increasing productivity of agriculture increased carbon dioxide emissions in the Baltic agriculture during the research period.</p> Svajūnas Deniušis Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ENSURING THE AVAILABILITY OF FOOD IN THE COUNTRIES OF THE EUROPEAN UNION <p>The aim of the work is to assess the situation of the harmonized consumer price index, according to which the provision of food availability in the countries of the European Union will be determined. The article presents the concept of food safety assurance, presents the main assessment methods that are used to determine the level of food safety assurance. The article presents a harmonized index of consumer prices, which shows a certain availability of food in the countries of the European Union. The results of the study show that in 2020-2022 the harmonized consumer price index is relatively high in economically weaker countries. It is also necessary to pay attention to countries with high food waste. Food waste directly affects food availability by reducing the amount of food that is available to consumers. As a result, food prices can rise, which can make food more difficult to afford for people with low incomes.</p> Simas Gečas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 GRAIN PRICE CHANGES AND FACTORS IN LITHUANIA <p>The article examines the factors of grain prices presented by different authors, the purchase index of wheat prices was analyzed and were discussed the factors that determined the drop in prices in 2016 and the high growth in 2022. Research was conducted to determine whether the grown/made production of wheat, consumption of wheat for domestic purposes, export of wheat, import of wheat, wheat stocks at the beginning of the period and the price of rapeseed affecting prices of wheat. The aim of this paper is to determine the factors determining changes in the grain prices in Lithuania. During the study, the correlation coefficient was calculated, during which it was determined that that the statistically significant factors that continue to be used for regression analysis are only wheat consumption for domestic purposes and the price of rapeseed. According to the performed regression analysis, it was found that only the price of rapeseed is a statistically significant factor for wheat prices</p> Ugnė Masiokaitė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ASSESMENT OF THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY AND ITS FACTORS <p>The article examines the theoretical and methodological aspects of agricultural productivity, presents the concept of agricultural productivity, reveals the nature of multiple factors affecting agricultural productivity. These factors include many variables, including the number and qualifications of workers, technological innovation, agricultural machinery, and more. Understanding the interplay between these factors is essential to developing strategies to improve productivity while ensuring resilience in changing environmental and economic conditions. When evaluating the methodological aspects of agricultural productivity, the studies and methodology of agricultural productivity presented in scientific sources were analyzed. The article delves into the methodological methods of assessing agricultural productivity and the factors that determine it. This includes selecting appropriate methodologies, data sources and analysis techniques to quantify and analyze productivity levels and factors. Taking into account the examined scientific literature, stages and methods of agricultural productivity assessment are proposed - dynamic analysis of agricultural productivity factors and resources, agricultural productivity assessment, regression-correlation analysis, forecasting and data envelopment analysis model.</p> Karolina Murauskaitė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 FACTORS INFLUENCING THE IMPACT OF AGRICULTURE ON THE ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT <p>The article introduces the concept of ecological footprint, identifies the components, and discusses the agricultural factors that influence the ecological footprint. The study uses analysis and synthesis of scientific literature and other sources of information, as well as graphical representation methods. The ecological footprint reveals the total area of land and water required to sustain the human population and to meet the needs and assimilate the waste discharged into the environment. It has been found that the impact of agriculture on the ecological footprint can be assessed based on the following data: economic growth, the International Trade Openness Index, and the share of renewable energy use in agriculture.</p> Erika Novikaitė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE POTENTIAL OF AGRICULTURAL BIOMASS AS A RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCE <p>Energy is an important resource for meeting basic human needs from the food chain to the development of various economic activities. With the onset of the depletion of traditional resources such as oil, natural gas and coal and the emergence of ecological pollution, a renewable energy source is becoming an increasingly important aspect in order to reduce dependence on traditional energy sources. After the analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, graphical representation, systematization and generalization of data. The structure, characteristics, uses and factors of energy potential of biomass were identified. The potential of agricultural biomass as a renewable energy source has been assessed. Biomass, as one of the renewable sources, has great potential to replace fossil fuels with bioenergy, as well as a raw material for the production of biological products, replacing many of the current fossil products. The most important sources of biomass are agricultural and forestry residues, animal residues, wastewater, algae and aquatic plants. The energy potential of biomass depends on the type of fuel, the type of material, the amount of moisture. It can be used for direct or general combustion in solid, liquid or gaseous form.</p> Renata Purkienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ECONOMIES OF SCALE AND SCOPE IN AGRICULTURE <p>For decades, agricultural development has largely been based on a modernization paradigm based on specialization, intensification and scale-up. Economies of scale have been a favorite topic of economic theorists for a very long time, but due to vague definitions of economies of scale and methods of quantification, research does not provide clear evidence of economies of scale. Also, measuring economies of scale or size is more difficult when firms or farms produce multiple products. Economies of scope occur when the same resources are used to produce two or more products simultaneously and the average cost of each product is reduced. Agricultural development based on the diversification paradigm takes advantage of the opportunities of the economy of scope. The purpose of this study is to examine the interpretations of the concept of economies of scale and economies of scope and to prepare an overview of their application in agricultural economics research. The review is based on a systematic analysis of scientific literature sources. 48 sources were used, examining the theoretical or applied issues of economies of scale and economies of scope in agriculture. Both aforementioned concepts have been found to imply decreasing average product costs as production increases. Economies of scale occur when increasing the volume of production of one product, and economies of scope occur when several products are produced at the same time, incurring the same costs. Economies of scale are related to the size of the farm and are achieved in larger specialized farms. And economies of scope are most often associated with smaller, diversified farms.</p> Deimantė Sakalauskė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THEORETICAL MODEL OF THE IMPACT OF THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY ON THE COUNTRY'S ECONOMIC GROWTH <p>The work uses the method of scientific literature analysis and synthesis, which aim to reveal the impact of the circular economy on the economic growth of Lithuania. Factors in the circular economy are discussed, as well as the principles of the linear and circular economy and their differences. The main focus is on studying the economic growth of circular economy events in Lithuania at the county level. The topic is also relevant from other points of view: the possibilities of using waste as a resource and the prevention of damage to the environment.</p> <p>The circular economy is described as a system that seeks to maintain added value on the condition that effective products are used as much as possible, thus minimizing waste. When a product reaches the end of its life cycle, its purpose is to remain in the economy as a resource that can be productively used again and again and create the most value.</p> <p>The transformation of the linear economy into a circular economy was and is necessary, primarily in order to save the earth's resources, which are depleting the world. Take-make-dispose has been the way of late, ensuring high corporate profits and encouraging irresponsibility. Companies paid little attention to waste recycling, and consumers preferred to buy a new item rather than repair or recycle it. Such an approach wasted resources and did not solve the problem of saving them. The circular economy is already becoming an integral part of society, as humanity has realized that waste can also be a resource. The reuse of waste promotes circularity, and at the same time ¬– the emergence and development of new technologies. Thus, waste recycling allows not only to recover resources, but also to save and extract energy.</p> <p>Economic growth leads to higher amounts of both generated and managed waste, growth in the number of patents in the circular economy and gross added share, and the amount of recycling of electronic, bio and packaging waste. Hence, not only does circularity determine economic growth, but economic growth also influences factors of a circular economy.</p> Patrikas Stankevičius Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ASSESSMENT OF MARKET OUTPUTS OF ORGANIC FARMING IN LITHUANIA <p>The aim of this paper is to assess the situation of organic farming in Lithuania, focusing on the analysis of mark outputs. The paper presents the concept of organic farming, the main evaluation methods and indicators for analysis of the organic farming mark output, evaluates the market output of organic farming in Lithuania according to FADN statistical data. The study used the following general scientific research methods: scientific analysis and synthesis method, statistical data analysis and graphical representation. The following indicators analysed for the evaluation of Lithuanian organic farming production: crop and livestock production, income from livestock production and organic farm profit.</p> Kamilė Trainė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 EMPLOYMENT AND QUALITY OF LIFE OF THE RURAL POPULATION IN LITHUANIA <p>The paper uses the method of scientific literature analysis to reveal the main employment trends in rural Lithuania. It discusses the perception and evaluation of employment in a rural context, taking into account the economic, social and cultural environment. The impact of employment on the quality of life of the population in rural areas is analysed, covering not only economic but also social and psychological aspects. The factors influencing rural employment and their impact are examined.</p> <p>Beyond income generation, rural employment is recognised as playing an important role in building social ties, providing access to essential services and preserving the cultural identity of communities. Policy interventions and economic strategies are identified as key to promoting employment in rural areas, focusing on measures such as promoting entrepreneurship, skills training and investment in infrastructure.</p> <p>The factors influencing employment dynamics in rural areas involve a complex interplay of economic, social and environmental elements. Economic fluctuations, technological progress and investment in education have an impact on employment. In addition, employment trends are further influenced by internal and external factors ranging from local governance and market institutions to agrarian stability and the legal system.</p> <p>The link between employment and quality of life goes beyond economic aspects to include factors such as job satisfaction, dignity and goal achievement. Employment provides financial stability, access to basic necessities, a sense of purpose and self-esteem, and has an impact on the social fabric and well-being at national level.</p> Klaidas Ulvidas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 RESEARCH DIRECTIONS OF BIOMASS USE IN THE ECONOMY: LITERATURE REVIEW <p>Global challenges such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, degradation of soil and ecosystems, together with the growing demand for food, encourage the advanced countries of the world to look for new ways of production and consumption, to move from a fossil fuel-based economy to a fossil fuel-free, renewable resource-based economy. Sustainable biomass is very important in a circular economy. The global demand for biomass is constantly growing. According to the baseline scenario of the OECD forecast, global demand for biomass until 2060 will increase by 72 percent, and if the priorities of the European Green Course are implemented, the demand for biomass will increase by 40-100 percent. greater than its supply. On the other hand, the use of growing biomass presents many different challenges. Scientific literature reviews show that a number of literature sources have been published examining the use and availability of biomass from the point of view of bioenergy potential, while there are few publications examining the use of biomass for non-energy purposes or its potential for the development of a sustainable bioeconomy. The purpose of this study is to examine the interpretations of the concept of biomass as an economic resource and to determine the main directions of research into its use. The research was carried out by means of a systematic review of the scientific literature. The article provides an overview of the applied concept of biomass, challenges related to its growing demand and research on its use, prepared taking into account the various uses of biomass in the economy.</p> Vytautas Albinas Veiveris Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE EFFECT OF MUTE SWAN (CYGNUS OLOR) AND WHOOPER SWAN (CYGNUS CYGNUS) NEIGHBOURHOOD TO WATERFOWL SPECIES <p>The aim of the study was clarify the scaring effect of Swans to other waterfowl species. Swans are largest birds and might easily push other species outside their territories. The study conducted in Utena district, during April – September 2023. Two counts during early and post breeding seasons performed. 90 lakes were selected and monitored for the purpose of the study. The lakes were divided into 30 and searched for whooper swans, mute swans and lakes with no swans at all. According to the results, it was observed that the concentration of water birds is the lowest in those water bodies where whooper swans live, but the most birds were observed in habitats where no swans were found. The distance maintained by the birds is greater with Whooper Swans, and with Mute Swans, Eared Crows maintained a greater distance after the breeding season distance after the transition period.</p> Virgilija Karaliūtė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 TYPICAL BEHAVIOR OF BADGERS <p>In the article, I aim to review the peculiarities of the behavior of Badgers. Information about their burrows, social structure, reproduction, and diet was analyzed. The websites researchgate, google scholar, VDU CRIS, and other various internet pages and books were used to collect information. After collecting the necessary information, conclusions and generalizations are made. From the collected information, I concluded that the European badger is characterized by monogamous behavior, forming life-long pairs. European badgers estrus last for four to six days, peaking in spring. A normal litter consists of one to five cubs. During mating, these mammals form pairs and live in a single cave system, and the young are cared for by the female. Badgers compete with brown foxes and raccoon dogs for food and burrows. Badgers can distinguish between neighboring and foreign smells. Badger caves are deep (up to 3-4 meters deep) and can be several stories tall. In front of the cave floor, a trench with a diameter of about 30 centimeters was formed from the excavated soil, going down into the cave floor. Hardly abandons caves, and always seeks to return to the old cave. Badger burrows are usually used by several generations of these mammals. They choose a place of residence with various growing areas, thus ensuring a constant source of food during different periods of the year. Dietary habits are adapted to the food resources that are abundant in that season. This broad diet and adaptation to seasonality helped the badger to spread across the European continent.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Lukas Pernaravičius Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 INPACT OF BEAVER (CASTOR FIBER) BUILDING DAMS ON SALMON FISH MIGRATION IN ŽEIMENA RIVER BASIN <p>The basin of the Žeimena River is of great importance for the migration of salmon fish, which is why an ichthyological reserve was established here in 1974. Due to the increasing abundance of beavers in the tributaries of the Žeimena River, where the construction of artificial dams is prohibited by law, migrating fish are increasingly encountering dams built by beavers. It was established that this conflict is relevant in those river sections where the water flow falls within the range of 0.5-4.0 m3/s. It was also established that individual beaver dams do not have a negative impact on river sections falling within this interval, but if there are more than two dams, the rest should be dismantled.</p> Robertas Tomaševskis Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE DYNAMICS OF COMMON PINE SAWFLY (DIPRION PINI L.) FOCI AREAS IN EASTERN LITHUANIA <p>Pine sawflies are one of the most common pests of pine forests in Europe (Meshkova V. et al., 2019). In Lithuania, there have not been many mass reproduction outbreaks of the pine sawfly (<em>Diprion pini </em>(L.)), and there is a lack of information about the foci dynamics. Therefore, the article aims to use the knowledge of various authors, research data and discuss the development of the common pine sawfly foci that has formed in 2022–2023 in eastern Lithuania.</p> <p>During three generations of the common pine sawfly, the area where pine crown defolation recorded increased from 2 351 ha area in 2022 to 6 803 ha area in 2023. The maximum focal area was determined after the end of the development of the second generation of common pine sawfly in 2023. In 2022, the average defoliation intensity – 33.9±2.3 %, after the end of the development of the first generation in 2023 – 61.8±3.4 %, after the development of the second generation of common pine sawfly in 2023 – 37.9±2.1 %. In 2022, due to the development of the second generation of pine sawfly, a focus of mass reproduction was formed. 81.2 % the area is slightly damaged (defoliation up to 50 %). The first generation of pests in 2023 did the biggest damage. 71–100% defoliated stands accounted for 39.8 %. territory (it is considered the culmination phase). Later, some of the pines grew needles and the intensity of defoliation decreased. The primary foci went into the extinguishing stage, but spread and formed a secondary foci. It is likely that in 2024 weak–moderate damage may occur in the territory of both the primary and secondary foci, but the damaged area should not increase.</p> Arminas Tručinskas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SLUDGE FORMED IN THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT OF UAB "JURBARKO VANDENYS" AND THE POSSIBILITIES OF ITS USE IN AGRICULTURE <p>The article discusses the quality, quantities and potential agricultural use of sewage sludge generated at the wastewater treatment plant of UAB “Jurbarko vandenys”. The main aim of the study is to analyze the quantity of sludge, determine its chemical composition, and explore its potential agricultural application. Analyzing the sludge analysis reports from 2013 and 2022, it was found that in terms of heavy metal concentrations, the sludge corresponds to Category II, with only the last two years falling into Category I. According to microbiological- parasitological parameters, the sludge falls into Class B. Evaluating the quantities of sludge generated, it was determined that annual sludge volumes exceed the operational capacity of the sludge storage area. Since the sludge volumes are relatively small, incineration for energy recovery is not economically viable. Therefore, the possibility of using sludge in agriculture is being considered. Such utilization would be the cheapest and most effective option. A multi-criteria decision analysis method is employed during the study, as both quantitative and qualitative criteria are being analyzedOne paragraph, representing the content of the article, up to 200 words, which describes the raised issue, applied research methods, summarize the research results, their interpretation, conclusions.</p> Akvilė Bialoglovytė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ASSESSMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ROADS IN THE AKMENĖ DISTRICT, LITHUANIA <p>This paper analyzes the state of roads in Akmenė district in cities, towns and rural areas. The purpose of the study is to assess the condition and quality of the roads of Akmenė district based on the recommendations for the identification of defects (damages) of roads (streets) of local importance and the selection of the type of construction works. The main tasks of the research: analysis of the state of the researched object (roads, streets of Akmenė district); Assessment of the condition and quality of roads in the Akmene district based on recommendations for identifying defects (damages) of roads (streets) of local importance, and presentation of conclusions. Based on the conducted survey of the opinion of the residents of Akmenė district and the obtained essential results, it was found that the condition of communication communications (roads, streets) with both gravel and asphalt surfaces is not satisfactory for the residents of Akmenė district who participated in the questionnaire survey. After carrying out the assessment of the state of roads and streets in Akmenė district, following the recommendations for determining defects (damages), the main, most frequently occurring types of defects (damages) were determined, and the technical condition of road and street surfaces was assessed.</p> Agneta Brenciūtė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ANALYSIS OF THE TECHNICAL STATE OF DAMS IN TRAKAI DISTRICT <p>The article analyses the technical state of concrete and reinforced concrete structures of hydraulic structures in Trakai district. The relevance of this work is to identify the dangerous changes occurring during the use of hydraulic structures, and to propose solutions for the elimination of the detected defects. The aim of the work is to assess the technical state of the dams located in Trakai district hydroschemes, to identify the deteriorations of the hydraulic structures and to provide recommendations for their elimination. The work used various methods: researches based on various literature sources and their analysis; visual researches of defects and damages of the dams' elements, according to the damages identified during the researches, the technical state was evaluated by scores, following the criteria specified in the technical regulation for construction STR.1.07.03:2017. The instrumental method used was the non-destructive determination of the concrete strength using a mechanical calibrated device - a Schmidt hammer. The technical state of the hydroschemes examined is as follows: the hydroscheme of the Tiltai dam and the hydroscheme of the Spengla and Greiželis lakes dammed in the Rūdiškės municipality are in a satisfactory condition, while the hydroscheme of the Totoriškės dam is in a poor condition. In view of the observed substantial damage, solutions for repair or reconstruction of the Tiltai dam hydroscheme on the River Gelužis, the Totoriškės dam hydroscheme on the River Strūzda, and repair or reconstruction of the Spenglos and Greiželis lakes hydroscheme on the River Spengla, dammed by the Rūdiškės municipality, were proposed.</p> Arvydas Čirvinskas, Raimondas Šadzevičius Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 TECHNICAL STATE ANALYSIS OF HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES IN VIEKŠNIAI MILL <p>The paper analyses the solutions of reconstructed water mills for tourism, reconstruction with energy generation, other reconstruction and dismantling solutions. The aim of the paper is to assess the technical state of the hydraulic structures of the Viekšniai mill and to predict their future prospects. Objectives of the research work: to carry out field investigations and technical state assessment in accordance with STR 1.07.03:2017 and to compare the changes of the elements with the surveys of the previous period; carry out a multi–criteria analysis and assess the prospects for future use or demolition of the watermill. The work uses a variety of methods: literature analysis; cameral works based on various literature sources and their analysis; visual investigation of defects and damages of the weir spillway and its elements (natural surveys by examining the investigated structures, photographing the damaged structures); scoring of the technical state in accordance with the technical regulation for construction STR 1.07.03:2017; multicriterial analysis. The technical state evaluation of the hydraulic structures of the Viekšniai Mill in accordance with STR 1.07.03:2017 has shown that the technical state of the weir spillway, the outlet channel and the outlet part of the HPP has improved after the repair. The overall technical state score of the hydropower plant after the repairs decreased from 4.5 (2016) to 3.2 (2023). An individual analysis was carried out for the Viekšniai Watermill and the decision to reconstruct or change its functional use was analyzed. Based on the results of the multicriteria analysis (Paret dominance; main criteria (tehnical state); “What if” analysis), the reconstruction of the Viekšniai Watermill has higher benefits than its demolition.</p> Mykolas Jaras, Raimondas Šadzevičius Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 CREATION OF A BIM ENVIRONMENT FOR THE HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES OF ŠIRVĖNA LAKE <p>The study was conducted in Biržai district municipality, Biržai town, Astravo Street, on the territory of the hydraulic structures of Širvėna Lake. Photogrammetry and 3D laser scanning measurements were performed to create an accurate digital representation of the hydraulic structures and to analyze the current condition of the hydraulic structures based on the available data. The analytical part of the work was conducted by applying the analysis of available online scientific sources, collecting statistical information, systematic organization of databases, interpretation and modeling of graphical data, summarizing, and utilizing geodetic, photogrammetric, 3D laser scanning technology, and CAD data from real measurements using specialized instruments. The processing was carried out using licensed software packages and methods. A high-quality orthophoto map covering an area of 6,78 ha with a resolution of 5472x3648 and a pixel density of 1.21 cm/pix, along with a point cloud containing 81 million spatial points in the LKS-94 and LAS-07 coordinate systems, was created using photogrammetry technology. Additionally, a topographic plan of the Širvėna Lake dam area at a scale of 1:500 was drawn. Subsequently, an extremely accurate high-quality 3D point cloud consisting of 339.5 million individual spatial points was created by processing data obtained through 3D laser scanning technology with the coordinates of planimetric contour lines. Based on the available 3D point cloud, a 3D model of the Širvėna Lake hydraulic structures was created in the national coordinate system LKS-94 and the height system LAS-07. When comparing point clouds created using different technologies, the root mean square error of the differences in the horizontal position of control spatial points is 0.0006 m, and for the vertical position, it is 0.0721 m. The standard deviation in the XY axis is 0.2489 m, and in the Z axis, it is 0.2686 m.</p> Erikas Kėvišas, Rytis Rytis Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ANALYSIS OF THE CONDITION AND RECONSTRUCTION EFFICIENCY OF BRIDGES IN THE RECLAMATION STRUCTURES INVENTORY OF ROKIŠKIS DISTRICT <p>Most of the bridges in the reclamation systems of the territory of the Republic of Lithuania were built in the last century, Rokiškis district is no exception, the year of construction of the bridges in the records of reclamation structures ranges from 1960 to 1989. Due to insufficient funding for the maintenance of reclamation systems, the technical condition of bridges is deteriorating every year, so it is not surprising that in recent years we hear more and more about various bridge collapses. In order to reduce the number of disasters related to bridge collapses, technical maintenance must be carried out annually and repair or reconstruction works must be carried out at the appropriate time.</p> <p>In order to determine the state of the bridges in the Rokiškis district reclamation structures and to assess the efficiency of the reconstruction works, was assessed the technical condition of 55 bridges and was determined the concrete compressive strength of 11 bridge structures. During the visual inspections, were determined the parameters of the bridges, was assessed the condition of the reinforced concrete structures, and were fixed defects and gaps in the surface structures of the bridge. The most common defects and gaps are cracks of the protective concrete layer, cracks in the concrete, corrosion of reinforcement, gaps between bridge overlay panels and piles, lack of bridge railings, deformations and metal corrosion. After evaluating the compressive strength of concrete, it was found that 83,3% of the studied structures did not meet the requirements set for them.</p> Dovilė Markevičienė, Rytis Skominas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF DRINKING WATER FILTERS <p>The challenges of ensuring the quality of drinking water in water management companies depend on which chemical elements need to be removed from groundwater, which water treatment facilities to choose in order to work efficiently and ensure the safety and quality of drinking water. In order to choose effective water purification filters, it is necessary not only to know the composition of the chemical elements of the groundwater, but also to constantly monitor the change in their quantities. This article presents the results of water tests of open type and pressure filters operated by UAB "Tauragės vandenys" for the removal of ammonium, manganese and common iron. Filtered water test results are compared. The summarized results show that pressure filters are effective water treatment devices for removing ammonium, manganese and common iron.</p> Arūnas Martišius Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 IMPACT OF URBANISATION IN THE FLOODPLAIN OF THE NEMUNAS RIVER ON THE FLOOD RISK (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE SECTION FROM THE CONFLUENCE OF NEMUNAS AND NERIS RIVERS TO VIRBALIŪNAI) <p>Floods are one of the most commonly occurring natural phenomena, causing significant adverse impacts on human health and life, the environment, cultural heritage, economic activity and infrastructure. The study “Impact of urbanisation in the floodplain of the Nemunas River on the flood risk (on the example of the section from the confluence of Nemunas and Neris rivers to Virbaliūnai)” is carried out in order to assess the change of floods and floodplains of the Nemunas River, to analyse the main causes of maximum floods, to predict the change of the floods and the floodplains due to the impact of the climate change and the effects of the urbanization, and to assess the impact of urbanization on the selected section of the river by means of the hydrodynamic modelling.</p> <p>In developing the initial model of the section of the Nemunas River under study, its bathymetric data provided by Vidaus vandens kelių direkcija were used – a digital elevation model of the bottom and a model of the coastal elevation of this section. Also, data from natural measurements taken under steady flow conditions were used. The analysis of information sources examines the flood situation both in Lithuania and other countries of the world, flood management measures, possibilities, the impact of climate and urbanisation on the flooding of the Nemunas River, and the development of urbanisation in the stretch of the Nemunas River examined in this study. The software used and its capabilities are analysed in detail, and the results obtained during the study are presented, together with conclusions and recommendation.</p> <p>The performed hydrodynamic modelling showed that the change in the water level influenced by coastal development, namely urbanisation in the stretch of the River Nemunas under study, would not have a significant impact on the water level, which, even with a maximum flow of 3230 m3/s, in the case of intense coastal development, would only result in a flood of 0.46 m at the end of the stretch, upstream.</p> Rita Maziliauskienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ANALYSIS OF THE CONDITION OF DITCHES AND THEIR STRUCTURES IN KAUNAS DISTRICT <p>There is a tendency that melioration systems in Lithuania become unusable due to aging processes. There are 2,9 mln ha of reclaimed land in Lithuania, therefore proper field drainage has a critical impact on the cultivation of agricultural products. The depreciation of lithuanian melioration network is approx. 88.59% and the depreciation of hydrotechnical structures is approx. 80%. The area of drained land in Kaunas district covers 71884.5 ha, of which 5930 ha are in bad condition. The worst situation is recorded in Karmėlava and Rokai cadastral areas. According to the data of 2018–2022, the condition of the reclamation ditches of the Kaunas district deteriorated by 2.73%. There are 63699 culverts in Lithuania, of which 587 are located in Kaunas district. The state of deterioration of culverts in Kaunas district reaches 73.64%.</p> <p>Methods used for reserach: data selection, their systematization, methods of graphic expression of data.</p> <p> </p> Mantas Radučis Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 TECHNICAL CONDITION ANALYSIS OF PREFABRICATED REINFORCED CONCRETE BRIDGES ON ROADS OF LOCAL SIGNIFICANCE <p>When constructing bridges over regulated rivers, mistakes were made and the then-existing construction norms were violated due to imperfections in the production of precast reinforced concrete structures, lack of construction experience, inadequate technological equipment and machinery, and insufficient quality control during construction. Over time, the condition of the precast concrete bridges deteriorates, reducing their reliability and safety. They may fail to meet project requirements and essential requirements stipulated in construction law, the most important of which are mechanical resistance and stability. The article examines the condition of precast reinforced concrete hydraulic bridges located on local significance roads in the Kaunas district. After analyzing 15 hydraulic bridges on local significance roads, the main bridge defects and defects were identified, and deformation sizes were measured. The article analyzes surface defects of precast reinforced concrete bridges such as construction defects - construction corners, edges, exposed reinforcement, concrete spalling, longitudinal cracks in decking slabs, and more. It was found that poor condition of precast hydraulic bridges is due to poor bridge deck waterproofing, open porosity, high water absorption, use of low frost-resistant concrete, inadequate thickness of concrete cover protecting reinforcement, concrete carbonation and reinforcement corrosion, deformation of slope fixation plates, increased loads due to heavy agricultural machinery use resulting in sagging of decking slabs and tilting of column supports due to pressure from the soil behind them. It was also found that bridge maintenance is very poorly performed, as the slope fixation plates are overgrown with grass and spontaneous vegetation. The article presents the results of selected concrete specimen density and water absorption tests.</p> <p>Research methods used: desktop studies, visual - instrumental method for evaluating bridge condition, photographic documentation, determination of concrete strength by non-destructive method, laboratory tests.</p> Monika Stankevičiūtė, Vincas Gurskis Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS OF RECONSTRUCTION OF PLUNGĖ WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT <p>The analysis the feasibility of the Plungė wastewater treatment plant reconstruction, data on possible technological solutions were evaluated, changes in wastewater flows before and after reconstruction were determined, and possible upgrades were compared. The analysis of the expansion possibilities of the Plunge WWTP and the prospects for industrial development in the region identified the need to increase the capacity of the WWTP. A comparison of four options for the reconstruction of the Plunge WWTP identified the most attractive alternative in terms of treatment efficiency, investment needs, operational reliability, maintenance and control needs and land area.</p> <p>The assessment of the technological feasibility of phosphorus recovery from wastewater showed that all three proposed alternatives are not viable, as the investment costs for phosphorus recovery from wastewater are high and the revenue from this activity does not cover the cost requirements. However, the overall environmental benefits of phosphorus recovery (the amount of pollutants removed in the treatment process (kg/year), the amount of wastewater treated (m³/year), and the negative environmental impacts of each pollutant) would be higher in the case of the Plungė WWTP with the use of a phosphorus recovery plant than without the implementation of the process. A comparison of the three options for the installation of the phosphate plant has identified the most attractive alternative in terms of investment costs for the phosphate plant, maintenance and repair costs, reagent costs and electricity costs.</p> Mindaugas Vaukas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE IMPACT OF DIFFERENT SOIL TILLAGE METHODS AND THE USE OF BIOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS ON WINTER BARLEY YIELD AND GRAIN QUALITY <p>The experiment was conducted in the years 2022–2023, in the Jurbarkas district, in the Veliuona eldership, in the village of Česnakynė, on the farm of farmer A. Ambručius. A two-factor field experiment was conducted to investigate how soil preparation and a biological preparation affect the productivity of winter barley. Factor A – tillage method: shallow plowing (up to 10 cm) and shallow plowing (up to 15 cm). Factor B – biological preparation for agricultural plants (Biomas Grow 0.1l ha<sup>-1</sup>). The control crop was winter wheat. The soil plowing layer had a neutral to weakly alkaline reaction (pH – 7.4), medium humus content (2.41proc.), low phosphorus content (P<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> – 59 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>), and a high amount of available potassium (K<sub>2</sub>O – 244 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>). In autumn, one part of the field (1.5 ha) was plowed, while the other part (1.5 ha) was plowed using a disc plow. Winter barley was sown on September 5th. The seeding rate was 4.5 million seeds ha<sup>-1</sup>. When vegetation resumed (BBCH 27), barley was fertilized with micronutrient mixtures. In part of the winter barley crop where shallow plowing was used for soil preparation before sowing and in part where plowing was used, the biological preparation Biomas Grow 0.1 l ha<sup>-1</sup> was added to the micronutrient mixture.</p> <p>Winter barley sown in soil prepared by plowing showed significantly higher yield (5.2 t ha<sup>-1</sup>) compared to barley sown in soil prepared by shallow plowing. The use of the biological preparation did not affect the yield in plowed soil, while in shallow plowed soil, the yield was significantly lower. Winter barley sown in soil prepared by plowing formed grains with significantly higher protein content (2.3 and 2.1proc. units) and 1000-grain weight (1.0 and 2.3 g) compared to barley grown in soil prepared by shallow plowing.</p> Paulius Ambrutis, Ilona Vagusevičienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 INFLUENCE OF SOWING TECHNOLOGY ON WINTER WHEAT CROP <p>The experiments were made in 2022-2023 years at Training Farm of Vytautas Magnus University Agricultural Academy. Soil of the experiment field - <em>Calc(ar)ic - Epihypogleyic Luvisol</em> <em>(LVg – p – w - cc).</em></p> <p>During the experiment were evaluated winter wheat germination, productive crop density, grain and straw biomass productivity. The best germination was obtained by using arable technology. 3<sup>rd</sup> germination day in non-arable technology fields emerged winter wheat seedlings were 44,1 pct. and 10<sup>th</sup> germination day – 13,6 pct. less than arable technology. Productive crop density in the end of stem elongation and fully ripe stages higher (respectively 27,1 pct. and 29,7 pct.) using non arable sowing technology. There were no important differences in grain and straw biomass yields between sowing technologies under the experiment conditions, but greater results were gained in Strip-Till: grain yield higher 9,6 pct., straw biomass – 17,4 pct.</p> Dovydas Bartkus, Darija Jodaugienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 RESEARCH OF DIFFERENT WINTER WHEAT VARIETIES <p>In this research paper, different winter wheat cultivars were studied to investigate the effects of different winter wheat cultivars on weed germination, soil weed seed content and winter wheat grain yield. The study was conducted in 2022–2023. The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of different winter wheat varieties on the crop. The crop is the winter form of common wheat (<em>Triticum aestivum</em> L.). The selected winter wheat varieties - 'Angelus', 'Euphoria' and 'Informer' had no significant effect on the weediness of the crop, the amount of weed seeds in the soil and the yield of winter wheat grains, but it was found that the highest number of weed seedlings was in the 'Euphoria' variety, the most weed seeds found in the 'Informer' variety and the best grain yield was achieved by the 'Angelus' variety.</p> Gabrielė Černiauskaitė, Aušra Sinkevičienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT ORGANIC MULCH ON THE CARROT (Daucus sativa L.) CROP <p>This paper examines the influence of different organic mulches on the weediness of the carrot (<em>Daucus sativa</em> L.) crop throughout the growing season. Research is conducted in 2023. Vilkaviškis district in Giedriau village. The aim of the experiment: to evaluate and compare the influence of different organic mulches on weediness in the edible carrot crop. Weed seedlings were counted in each field in four permanent plots of 0.2 x 0.3 m every 10 days. During each census, weeds were uprooted, counted and their species composition determined.</p> <p>During the study, it was found that all organic mulches significantly reduced (between 1.3 and 1.8 times) the germination of short-lived and general weeds compared to non-mulched fields. A 10 cm thick layer of organic mulch significantly reduced (2.2 times) perennial weed germination compared to 5 cm thick mulched fields. The emergence of short-lived weeds was also reduced (1.4 times) by a 5 cm thick layer of mulch, but not significantly. During the research period, it was found that grass and straw mulch significantly increased the yield (between 2.1 and 2.2 times) of edible carrots (<em>Daucus sativa</em> L.), and a 10 cm thick layer of mulch had a significantly increased yield (1.4 times) of edible carrots (<em>Daucus sativa</em> L.) compared to a 5 cm layer of mulch.</p> <p> </p> Karolina Jackevičienė, Aušra Sinkevičienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 EFFECT OF DIFFERENT SOIL TILLAGE ON WINTER WHEAT CROP <p>This paper examines the influence of different tillage on weediness in the winter wheat crop. The research was conducted in a long-term stationary field experiment, which is located at the Experimental Station of the Vytautas Magnus University Agricultural Academy. The research was conducted in 2023. The purpose of the study is to evaluate and conpare the influence of different tillage on weediness in the winter wheat crop. Weed seedlings were counted in each field in 10 randomly selected locations in the experiment plots. The weeds were collected ant dried until air-dry. After analysing the species composition of weeds, each weed was indentified and weighed.</p> <p>During the study, it was found that different methods of tillage had an impact on annuals weeds, significantly more were found in the zero tillage crop of <em>Galium aparine</em>. Different tillage methods had no effect on perennial weeds. During the research period, it was found that deep and shallow loosening significantly reduced the crop of winter wheat, compared of other tillage methods.</p> Paulina Janonytė, Darija Jodaugienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 DEVELOPMENT AND PRODUCTIVITY OF FABA BEAN (VICIA FABA L.) UNDER DIFFERENT TILLAGE AND BIOLOGICAL DIVERSIFICATION CONDITIONS <p>A short-term field experiment was carried out at the Experimental Station of the Academy of Agriculture of Vytautas Magnus University (VDU, 54º52′N, 23º49′E) in 2023, aiming to investigate the development and productivity of bean crops in different tillage systems at different biodiversity conditions. Bean development was studied in control fields without any biological preparation and in fields where a biological preparation was applied in five different tillage systems: (1) deep ploughing (23-25 cm), (2) shallow ploughing (12-15 cm), (3) deep cultivation (23-25 cm), (4) shallow cultivation (10-12 cm), and (5) sowing in stubble on no-till land. The results showed that the biological preparation tended to positively affect most of the parameters tested in almost all tillage backgrounds, except for sowing in uncultivated stubble. It can be assumed that the cold spring and the lack of water during the growing season had the greatest negative impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of the biological product, and that, given that no-tilled soil warms up more slowly, sowing into stubble did not provide the optimum conditions for the activity of the micro-organisms either.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Lina Juodytė, Kęstutis Romaneckas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE EFFECT OF UNDERSOWN INTERCROP ROTATION ON SOIL PROPERTIES IN A MAIZE CROP <p>This paper investigates the effect of a change of under-sown intercrops on soil displacement properties and yield in a maize crop. The experiment was carried out in 2023 as a stationary field experiment located at the Experimental Station of Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy. In the year of the experiment, maize (<em>Zea mays</em> L.) is grown with bean (<em>Fabaceae</em>) intercrops. K1 is inter-row loosening (control 1); K2 is inter-row mulching with weeds (control 2); LUP is faba bean undersown; PUD is crimson clover undersown; PED is Persian clover undersown; MEL is blue-flowered alfalfa undersown. There are 6 treatments in total.</p> <p>When increasing the pressure in the (0–5 cm) and (5–10 cm) soil layers, significant differences only became apparent at the maximum pressure of 15500 hPa. The faba bean, crimson clover intercrop, and the first control retained moisture in the (0–5 cm) soil layer 25% better than the blue-flowered alfalfa treatment. Similar results were found in the deeper soil layer (5–10 cm) tested. The faba bean intercrop (42%) and the first control (33%) retained more moisture than the blue-flowered alfalfa treatment. In the deepest soil layer (15–20 cm), at a pressure of -15500 hPa, the second control, where inter-row mulching with weeds was carried out, had a 33% higher moisture content than the blue-flowered alfalfa undersown crop.</p> <p>Intercropping with beans tended to significantly reduce maize grain yields compared to the control. Maize grain yields were almost 1.5 times significantly lower when grown in combination with blue-flowered alfalfa.</p> Airmantas Kačiušis, Aušra Sinkevičienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE INFLUENCE OF COVER CROP MIXTURES ON WEED SPREAD IN CONVENTIONAL AND ORGANIC FARMING <p>Field experiments were conducted in 2023 at Alvydas Samaitis' farm (Joniškis district, Lithuania) under conventional farming conditions and at Mindaugas Kubilius' farm (Panevėžys district, Lithuania) under organic farming conditions. The aim of the research was to determine the influence of different cover crop mixtures on weed spread in conventional and organic farming. Experimental treatment: 1) without cover crop mixture, 2) undersown cover crop mixture TGS BIOM 1, 3) cover crop mixture TGS D STRUKT 1 sown after harvest, 4) cover crop mixture TGS GYVA 365 sown after harvest. In the cover crop mixtures dominated annual summer and winter weeds, while under the conditions of organic farming, the perennial weeds <em>Cirsium arvense</em> and <em>Artemisia vulgaris</em> were more common. In conventional agriculture, number of weeds was significantly from 2.6 to 3.4 times lower and dry matter biomass of weeds was significantly from 2.4 to 3.0 times lower in all cover crop mixtures, compared to the fields without cover crop mixture. Under the conditions of organic farming, the dry matter biomass of weeds in the undersown cover crop mixture was found to be significantly 2.3 times lower, compared to the fields without cover crop mixture.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Karolina Krištopaitytė, Aušra Marcinkevičienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 EFFECT OF A BIOSTIMULANT ON YIELD STRUCTURE ELEMENTS AND GRAIN QUALITY OF LATE SOWN, DIFFERENT VARIETIES OF WINTER WHEAT (TRITICUM AESTIVUM L.) <p>The two-factorial experiment was carried out between 2022 and 2023 years on the crop farm of farmer L. Kriukeliene in the village of Daukšiagirė in the district of Prienai, in the municipality of Pakuonis. The experiment involved late sowing of different winter wheat varieties 'Skagen' and 'Etana'. Part of the crop was sprayed with a bio stimulant, the other part was not sprayed with a bio stimulant. The trial was carried out in four replications, totaling 16 plots. The precursor is bean. Sown on 2 October. Winter wheat was sown at a depth of about 3 cm due to late sowing, with 5.2 million germinated seeds ha<sup>-1</sup>. The row spacing is 12.5 cm. Before sowing, the wheat was fertilized with the complex fertilizer N<sub>8</sub>P<sub>24</sub>K<sub>24</sub> - 200 kg ha<sup>-1</sup>. The soil was limed with granulated lime at a rate of 800 kg ha<sup>-1</sup>. The soil of the experimental field was unsaturated shallow loamy podzolic soil (<em>Dystric-Epihypogleyic-Albeluvisol</em>), the granulometric composition was sandy loam, the soil topsoil was slightly acidic (pH 5.2), with medium humus content (1.96 perc.), medium phosphorus content (145 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>) and high potassium content (236 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>).</p> <p>The application of fertilizer with bio stimulants at BBCH 27-29 had a significant effect on the number of grains per ear (4 pcs) and the weight per 1000 grains (1.7 g) of winter wheat variety 'Etana' compared to wheat without bio stimulant application. The 1000-grain weight of 'Skagen' was not significantly affected by the bio stimulant. The winter wheat of the variety 'Skagen' had a significantly higher protein content (1.0 perc. and 1.5 perc.) in the grain compared to the variety 'Etana'. The application of fertilizers with bio stimulants did not have a significant effect on the protein content of the grains of the varieties studied.</p> Mantas Kriukelis, Ilona Vagusevičienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE INFLUENCE OF WEED INFESTATION ON THE PRODUCTIVITY OF WINTER RYE IN VARIOUS CROP ROTATIONS <p>In the conducted experiment, the predominant soil was a deeply drained carbonatic shallow gleysolic cambisol (RDg8-k2) – (<em>Endocalcari-Epihypogleyic Cambisol</em> (sicco) (CMg-p-w-can)). The granulometric composition of the soil was loam on heavy clay, with a plough layer thickness of 20–25 cm. At the experiment site, the soil pH was closer to neutral, ranging between 6.6 and 7.0. The objective of the study was to determine the influence of weed proliferation on the productivity of winter rye in various crop rotations following different precrops. In the topsoil layer (0–15 cm) of the experimental site, the levels of mobile phosphorus ranged from 131 to 206,7 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>, and mobile potassium ranged from 72.0 to 126,9 mg kg <sup>–1</sup>. The results obtained from the experiment indicate that in different winter rye crop rotations, compared with monoculture, there were fewer weeds, but there were no significant differences, with the exception of a single field in a three-field crop rotation, which also stood out in comparison with the monoculture. The mass of dry weed matter was the highest in the monoculture, yet it was insignificantly different compared with the other crop rotations. The experiment applied an optimal use of mineral fertilizers and crop maintenance, and the productivity of the winter rye monoculture did not differ and was similar when compared with other crop rotations.</p> Daugvilė Labanauskienė, Lina Marija Butkevičienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT TILLAGE ON SOIL WATER CAPACITY <p>This research examines the effects of tillage intensity and straw incorporation on soil water content. The research was conducted in a long-term stationary field experiment, which is located at the Experimental Station of the VDU Agricultural Academy. The research was continued, presented in this paper in 2023. test results. The purpose of the research is to determine the influence of different tillage on soil hydrophysical properties and spring barley crop productivity. The crop is spring barley (<em>Hordeum vulgare</em> L.). Agricultural crops are rotated in the following order: winter rapeseed, winter wheat, beans, spring barley. Factor - tillage systems: 1. Conventional deep plowing 23-25 cm deep, control (CP); 2. Shallow plowing with a depth of 12-14 cm (SP); 3. Deep plowing with a cultivator with boom harrows at a depth of 23-25 cm (DC); 4. Shallow plowing with plate implements at a depth of 12-14 cm (SC); 5. Direct sowing into the stubble (NT). When applying a pressure of -30 hPa in all simplified tillage systems, at all studied depths of soil layers, a trend of increasing soil moisture was observed, compared to deep plowing. However, after using -15500 hPa pressure in all soil layers, at 0-5, 5-10 and 15-20 cm, the soil moisture content decreased in all simplified tillage systems.</p> Inesa Sinkevičiūtė, Aušra Sinkevičienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 GRASSLAND BOTANICAL COMPOSITION OPTIMIZATION IN PEAT SOIL <p>Research by farm production conditions by observation method in 2020-2021 to be carried out in Alfredas’s Stanevičius’s farm in Plungė district, in the eldership of Žemaičių Kalvarija, in the village of Pūčkoriai.</p> <p>The object of the research - saturated grassland is installed in the peat soil.</p> <p>The aim of the work: to optimize the botanical composition of old raw materials of the farm in A. Stanevičius's farm.</p> <p>Objectives of the survey:</p> <ol> <li>To evaluate the agrochemical indicators of the improved grassland.</li> <li>To form a mixture and install a grassland according to the needs of the farm soils and livestock.</li> <li>Compare the measures applied to the productivity of the new sown sward..</li> </ol> <p>Research methods: Soil acidity, agrochemical indicators, grass productivity.</p> <p>Research results: The soil of the experimental field grassland is acidic peat of organic origin, pH 5.6, very poor in phosphorus (P<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> 30 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>) and close to moderate potassium (K<sub>2</sub>O 130 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>). According to the agrochemical indicators of the soil, a mixture of 10 components of grasses, legumes and bellflowers, in the ratio of 40:60, was established in the area of 1.60 ha. In the control field, uncalcined and unfertilized grassland produced 8.11 t ha<sup>-1</sup> of green and 1.63 t ha<sup>-1</sup> of dry air in the year of sowing. Liming of peat soil significantly (3.05 t ha<sup>-1</sup>) increased the yield of green mass, air drought increased by 0.6 t ha<sup>-1</sup>. Then, fertilization of limed peat with complex fertilizers had an additional positive effect on the increase of green and air yields. In the limed and fertilized field, the grassland grew 12.33 t ha<sup>-1</sup> of green and 2.48 t ha<sup>-1</sup> of air-dry mass. The reaction of the saturated grassland in the unlimed soil did not change, the pH remained at 5.6. After acidification of the peat soil, the acidity of 330 kg ha<sup>-1</sup> decreased to pH 5.9, but this is not a favorable reaction for legumes. And after fertilizing the limed grass with an alkaline reaction complex fertilizer, one ton of which has the effect of 350 kg of lime. the soil reaction approached the beginning of the neutral soil range (pH 6.1). The field of the experiment is very poor in phosphorus, the liming of the soil increased the amount of mobile phosphorus by 6 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>, and the alkaline reaction of the limed peat fertilization with complex fertilizers increased the amount of mobile phosphorus by another 3 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>. Liming of acid peat did not have a significant effect on the increase in potassium, and complex fertilizers significantly increased the amount of mobile potassium (9 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>).</p> Alfredas Stanevičius, Evaldas Klimas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE INFLUENCE OF SOIL TILLAGE METHODS AND BIOPREPARATIONS ON WINTER WHEAT PRODUCTIVITY <p>The field experiment was carried out in 2022–2023 in the farm of farmer Virginijus Mačionis, located in the village of Kreipšiai, Kupiškis district. The soil of selected research site is carbonatic deep gleyic luvisol soil (<em>Hapli‑Endohypogleyic Luvisol</em>). The soil at the research site is neutral in acidity (pH 6.5), with moderate mobile phosphorus content (P<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> – 128 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>), moderate mobile potassium content (K<sub>2</sub>O – 120 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>), and high humus content (3.2 %). The winter wheat variety 'Etana' was chosen for the study. The field experiment involved two factors: Factor A - different soil tillage methods, Factor B - biological preparations <em>Biomas</em>. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of different soil tillage and biological preparations on winter wheat productivity. The objectives of the study were to evaluate the influence of different soil tillage methods and biological preparations on winter wheat crop density in spring and to assess the impact of this factors on winter wheat yield. During the study, it was found that soil cultivation significantly affected plant density in spring. A significantly 11 % denser stand was found in conventionally cultivated plots. The impact of biopreparations was not significant. There were no significant differences in wheat yield due to the studied different soil tillage methods or the used biological preparations.</p> Justinas Svetika, Aiva Stankaitytė, Rita Pupalienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE EFFECT OF MICRO-ELEMENT FERTILIZERS ON THE YIELD AND QUALITY OF WINTER WHEAT SOWN AT DIFFERENT TIMES <p><strong> </strong>The experiment is carried out in 2022–2023 at the Experimental Station of the Academy of Agriculture of Vytautas Magnus University. The granulometric composition of the soil was dominated by medium loam. The arable layer of the soil before the installation of the experiment had a neutral reaction (pH–7.0), moderate humus content (2.15%), high phosphorus content (226 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>) and moderate potassium content (143 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>). The experiment was carried out in four repetitions, the repetitions were randomly arranged. In a two-factor experiment, the influence of 4 different sowing times and additional fertilization with micronutrient fertilizers on winter wheat yield and grain quality was investigated. During the growing season, winter wheat is fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers three times the total rate of N<sub>160</sub>.</p> <p>When wheat was additionally fertilized with micronutrient fertilizers, grain yield was significantly higher compared to non-fertilized wheat. The highest yield (9.9–10.1 t ha<sup>-1</sup>) was determined on September 20, in the sown wheat fields where the application of micronutrient fertilizers significantly (0.2 t ha<sup>-1</sup>) increased the yield. The significantly lowest yield (9.0 t ha<sup>-1</sup>) was determined in fields where winter wheat was sown on September 13. and additional fertilization was not performed. Significantly the highest weight of 1000 grains (53.9 g and 52.3 g), but the lowest protein content in grains (10.9 g and 10.7 g) was found in early sowing (September 6) wheat. In the crop of the latest winter wheat sowing (September 27), the lowest mass of 1000 grains (44.2 g) was determined in the unfertilized, and the significantly highest protein content (12.8% and 13.0%) in both the additionally fertilized and unfertilized in wheat grains.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Modestas Stakvilevičius, Ilona Vagusevičienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE INFLUENCE OF FERTILIZING THROUGH THE LEAVES FOR WINTER RAPESEEDS PRODUCTIVITY <p>Research hypothesis: the application of biological preparations increases the productivity of winter rapeseed plants. The aim of the research: to evaluate various biological preparations used in autumn and their effect on the productivity of winter rapeseed.</p> <p>The object: to determine the influence of biological preparations on the yield of winter rape seeds and the elements of the crop structure.</p> <p>Biological preparations sprayed in the autumn on the rosette of winter rape in the pot had a positive effect on the productivity of winter rape seeds. The TerraSorb Complex (0.5 l ha<sup>-1</sup>) used significantly increased the average seed productivity of the plant, the number of seeds per plant, the weight of 1000 seeds and the maximum weight of seeds per plant. The biological preparation used in the rosette stage of winter rapeseed MillerPlex (0.5 l ha<sup>-1</sup>) had a positive effect on the density of the crop and the number of pods on the plant, but there were no significant differences, as the number of pods differed by 12 units from the other variants.</p> <p>The application of TerraSorb Complex (0.5 l ha<sup>-1</sup>) K-leaf (3.0 kg ha<sup>-1</sup>) mixture in the spring after winter rape reached the budding stage had the greatest impact on all studied seed productivity indicators.</p> Tautvydas Šeputis, Vytautas Liakas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 INFLUENCE OF SOIL TILLAGE AND SEED RATE ON THE PRODUCTIVITY OF COMMON WHEAT (TRITICUM AESTIVUM L.) <p>For spring wheat, proper preparation of the soil and seed rate plays a very important role. The field experiment was carried out in 2023 on the farm of farmer Stanislaus Šinkūnas, Anykščiai district, Kavarskas ward, Janušava village. The soil is a carbonate shallow loamy <em>Luvisol</em>. The arable soil layer before the installation of the experiment in 2022 was a low acid pH<sub>KCl</sub> - 6.1, a low humus content (about 2.1%), high phosphorus content (P<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> - 310 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>) and medium potassium content (K<sub>2</sub>O - 257 mg kg<sup>-1</sup> ). The experiment investigated the influence of tillage and seed rate on the yield and quality of spring wheat. After conducting a field experiment, it was found that different tillage methods and seed rate had a significant impact on spring wheat yield and grain quality. When spring wheat was grown using conventional tillage method and 5 million ha<sup>-1</sup> seed rate, the highest yield was obtained, which reached 4.02 t ha<sup>-1</sup>. The significantly lowest average grain yield was obtained in the crop grown in plot with used direct sowing – zero-tillage and 4 million seed rate per ha<sup>-1</sup> yield was only 1.12 t ha<sup>-1</sup>. When using direct seeding, due to the low amount of precipitation before sowing, the soil was extremely hard and dry, which was not suitable for inserting spring wheat seeds at a high quality and at the same depth with the direct seeding seeder. Tillage had a significant effect on the protein content of spring wheat grains. Seed rate had no significant effect.</p> <p>The yield and quality of spring wheat grains were significantly influenced by both tillage and seed rate. in 2023 in the conducted field experiment, the highest seed yield was obtained by applying conventional and reduced tillage in combination with a higher seed rate, and when applying a lower seed rate, the highest yield was obtained in reduced tillage.</p> Klaidas Šinkūnas, Rita Pupalienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 EFFECT OF HUMIC ACID AND SILICON ON WINTER WHEAT CROP <p>The total area of agricultural land available for crops is steadily decreasing worldwide due to soil erosion, degradation and urbanisation, leading to a steady decline in the amount of agricultural land available per capita. This changing situation makes it necessary to find ways to increase grain yields at the same cost, which depends on the biological potential of the plant, the nutrient content of the soil and its ability to absorb them. However, in agriculture, nutrients are not fully absorbed by the plant, leading to fertiliser losses that are neither good for the environment nor good for farmers, as they are more costly and have a negative impact on the environment. One alternative is to increase the uptake of fertiliser by using biostimulants such as humic acids and silicon. In order to investigate the effect of these products on the winter wheat plant, a study was carried out at the Experimental Station of the Vytautas Magnus University Academy of Agriculture in Kaunas district. The study showed that the use of fertilisers with humic acids and silicon resulted in a substantially higher biomass of winter wheat, which increased the photosynthetic surface area of the plant, and a substantial improvement in the quality of the grain of the winter wheat. Although significant effects of humic acids with silicon on winter wheat yields have been described in the literature, the study showed that under Lithuanian conditions, such fertilisation did not have a significant effect on winter wheat yields.</p> Rytis Šteinys, Darija Jodaugienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 EFFECT OF SOWING TIME AND SEED RATE ON THE PRODUCTIVITY OF WINTER WHEAT (TRITICUM AESTIVUM L.) <p>The main objective of the study was to determine the effect of sowing time and seed rate on the productivity of the common wheat crop. The experiment was carried out at the Experimental Station of the Academy of Agriculture of Vytautas Magnus University from 2022 to 2023. The two-factorial experiment investigated the effect of sowing time and seed rate on the productivity of winter wheat. Soil granulometric composition - medium loam. In 2021, agrochemical analyses of the topsoil showed that the topsoil had a neutral reaction (pH – 7.0), medium humus content (2.05 %), very high phosphorus content (241 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>) and high lime content (186 mg kg<sup>-1</sup>). The winter wheat variety 'Skagen' was grown in the experiment. The precursor was winter oilseed rape. The experiment was carried out in 6 replications. The total plot size was 40 m<sup>2</sup> and the reference plot size was 20 m<sup>2</sup>. The winter wheat was fertilised with ammonium nitrate three times: on 28 March - N<sub>56</sub> , on 13 April - N<sub>68</sub> and on 2 May - N<sub>40</sub>. The significantly densest pre-harvest crop was found in the winter wheat plots sown on 6 and 27 September at seed rates of 5 million units ha<sup>-1</sup> (672 and 678 units m<sup>-2</sup> respectively) and on 13 September at seed rate of 3.0 million units ha<sup>-1</sup> (600 units m<sup>-2</sup>), as compared with those sown at the other sowing dates and at the full seed rates. In the late sowing (27 September), there is a tendency for the density of the crop to decrease from 678 to 424 units m<sup>-2</sup> as a result of the reduction in seed rate. Significantly fewer stems were found in the 3 and 2 million units ha<sup>-1</sup> seed rate crops. The highest weight per 1000 grains (54.2 g) was found in winter wheat fields sown on 20 September at a seed rate of 3 million pieces ha<sup>-1</sup>. The significantly lowest 1000-grain weight (44.2 and 45.5 g) was found in winter wheat sown on 27 September at a seed rate of 4 and 3 million pieces ha<sup>-1</sup>. The significantly highest yields of winter wheat (10.0 and 9.8 t ha<sup>-1</sup> ) were obtained after sowing on 20 September at a seed rate of 4 and 2 million pieces ha<sup>-1</sup> and on 27 September at a seed rate of 4 million pieces ha<sup>-1</sup>. The lowest yields (8.1 and 7.7 t ha<sup>-1</sup>) were recorded for winter wheat sown on 6 and 27 September in the fields sown at a seed rate of 2 million pieces ha<sup>-1</sup>.</p> Greta Vitkutė, Ilona Vagusevičienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 PREPARATION PROBLEMS OF THE PROJECTS OF LAND EXPROPRIATION FOR PUBLIC NEEDS INTENDED FOR COMMUNICATION INFRASTRUCTURE. <p>The implementation of land acquisition projects for public needs is currently a very relevant topic, because the communication infrastructure (streets, roads) is being developed very rapidly throughout Lithuania, for the installation of which these projects are being prepared. Although the volume of project preparation is increasing, the problems of preparation and implementation of these projects are still large and have not been fully resolved legally. The purpose of this article is to analyze the features of land acquisition projects for the development of transportation infrastructure for public needs. In the course of the study, 2014–2023. 33 projects have been implemented and are currently being prepared, of which 33 were approved in Lithuania during the considered period. After a detailed analysis of 14 projects, the biggest problems faced not only by project developers, but also by initiators and organizers of these projects have been identified. Using the insights expressed by experts, the article presents suggestions that would contribute to a smoother project preparation and better meet the expectations of interested parties.</p> Iveta Apanavičienė, Jolanta Valčiukienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 PERSPECTIVES FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT AFTER THE RENEWAL OF THE NATIONAL LAND CONSOLIDATION STRATEGY <p>The aim of the article is to analyse the perspectives of rural development after the updating of the national land consolidation strategy in Lithuania based on the examples of other countries. To achieve the aim of the article, theoretical and empirical research methods were used: the methods of scientific, journalistic and public literature analysis, as well as the analysis of legal acts in order to clarify the principles of implementation of land consolidation projects in the analysed countries, and the method of comparative analysis was applied. North Macedonia was chosen for comparison with Lithuania, as it has become a flagship country in the region since 2014 and now has a fully operational national land consolidation programme. The study assesses the importance of assessing priority areas for land consolidation projects and suggests that this type of assessment based on criteria should be included in the Lithuanian National Land Consolidation Strategy as a supporting tool for the selection of project areas. The author proposes that the assessment in Lithuania should be carried out at the level of cadastral areas, based on the practice in N. Macedonia, where a multi-criteria assessment was carried out in 2017 across the country to identify the most appropriate land consolidation areas in N. Macedonia, and provides a reasoned set of criteria for carrying out this type of assessment in Lithuania.</p> Karolina Baranauskaitė, Giedrus Pašakarnis Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 TENDENCIES OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS AND DECLARED CROPS IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF PLUNGE REGION <p>The purpose of the study is to identify the peculiarities of the use of crop declaration in the municipality of Plungė district. The transformation of the agricultural sector and its role in the economy has always been a relevant topic, especially when it comes to the integration of the European Union member states. This article examines the importance of the agricultural sector, the impact of the common land policy on farmers, the change in declared crops in the Plunge district and the possible reasons for this change. During the research, statistical indicators describing the use of agricultural land, the types of crops grown on farmers' farms in the municipality of Plungė district in 2019-2023 were analyzed. Also a change forecast until 2030 was made. It was noted that half (50%) of the territory of the municipality of Plungė district is used for intensive agricultural activities, but the areas of farmers' farms are decreasing every year, and the decrease in areas is predicted in the future until 2030. It was also found that in the Plunge district, due to the decrease of livestock farms and the expansion of arable land areas of potatoes and perennial pastures, the areas of meadows are decreasing, while the areas of vegetables, winter cereals and legumes are increasing.</p> Jonas Brasas, Daiva Juknelienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 CHANGE OF BUILT-UP AREAS IN VILNIUS DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY <p>The aim of the article is to review the peculiarities of the change of the built-up area in Vilnius district municipality in the period from 2018 to 2022, to identify what has the greatest influence on the development of built-up areas. The study selected and analysed the criteria that may influence the change of built-up areas in Vilnius district. A correlation analysis has been carried out on the indicators and the relationships identified have been described. The analysis of the criteria shows that the built-up area in the rural areas of Vilnius district municipality is steadily increasing, which is mainly influenced by the number of registered private land plots for other purposes and the number of permanent residents in Vilnius district. Although the number of approved land formation and redevelopment projects in Vilnius district is increasing, these projects have the least impact on the development of built-up area in Vilnius district.</p> Romas Filipavičius, Vida Malienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 CHANGE OF AGRICULTURAL LAND USE (A CASE STUDY OF THE MUNICIPALITIES OF LAZDIJAI, VILKAVIŠKIS DISTRICTS AND MARIJAMPOLE) <p>State support for land use activities strongly affects agricultural processes. One of the priority goals in land use planning must be the preservation of agricultural land areas. After analyzing the 2013-2023 data, it was found that the areas of agricultural land fluctuated slightly in all the selected districts - Lazdijas r., Marijampolės and Vilkaviškis r. – in municipalities. The largest areas of agricultural land in the analyzed municipalities were in 2015. It was established that the number of farmers' farms since 2013 until 2023 decreased in all analyzed municipalities. A radical decrease in the number of farmers' farms occurred during 2021. Areas of declared crops in all municipalities since 2013. until 2023 tended to increase. Based on the forecasts of agricultural land areas until 2030. it was determined that the area of ​​agricultural land should increase in all three municipalities. The most reliable indicators and the biggest change in the increase of this area are predicted in Lazdijai district. weekly in the territory.</p> Dominyka Gavrilova, Virginija Gurskienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 URBANIZED AREAS AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT <p>The article analyzes urbanized areas and their development in the cities of Kaunas, Jonava, and Vilkaviškis, as well as in the municipalities of these regions, based on various statistical data such as population changes, changes in built-up areas from 2011 to 2023, and visual changes in built-up areas based on orthophoto maps from 1995 to 2020. It was found that during the period of 2011-2023, the population decreased: in Jonava municipality by 11.05% (5,155), in Vilkaviškis municipality by 19.4% (8,284), in Kaunas city by 4.55% (14,444), in Jonava city by 12.34% (3,799), in cities of Vilkaviškis municipality by 18.18% (3,341), except for Kaunas district municipality, where the population increased by 16.97% (14,578). Meanwhile, the areas of built-up territories increased: in Vilkaviškis city by 136.47% (323.99 ha), in Kaunas district municipality by 43.76% (3,074.98 ha), in Vilkaviškis municipality by 40.72% (1,265.17 ha), in Jonava city by 38.50% (200.61 ha), in Jonava municipality by 14.51% (461.90 ha), but in Kaunas city, the built-up areas decreased by 13.19%, i.e., 1,158.96 ha. During the analysis of the intensity of urban development, it was found that in Kaunas district municipality and Jonava district municipality, built-up areas are expanding intensively in suburbs around the municipal centers, i.e., Kaunas and Jonava cities. Suburbanization processes are taking place in these areas. Meanwhile, the situation in Vilkaviškis municipality is opposite - built-up areas are expanding in the center of the municipal district, namely in Vilkaviškis city, i.e., areas within the city limits are being built up.</p> Justinas Grėbliūnas, Jolanta Valčiukienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 OPTIMIZATION OF THE USE OF AGRICULTURAL PLOTS IN SPECIAL AREAS AFTER THE RESTORATION OF PROPERTY RIGHTS: STUDY AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT <p>The study examines the land restitution process in Lithuania for those whose real estate was unlawfully expropriated. The impact of the process is evident not only in the restoration of legitimate property rights but also in the structure and sustainability of agriculture. Irrational land use and fragmented plots can pose challenges to the agricultural sector. Utilizing a developed evaluation model, criteria such as plot size, shape, accessibility, and others are assessed to evaluate the selected territory. The results indicate a moderate assessment of the territory regarding rational land plot utilization and highlight issues regarding the application of land use protection zones for plots. The study, conducted using complex research methods, including literature review and spatial data analysis, provides a more comprehensive understanding of the topic. It is an important study from economic and social perspectives, aiming to strengthen the agricultural sector and promote efficient land distribution, thereby bringing added value to both society and farmers.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Ieva Komisoraitienė, Vida Malienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ASSESSMENT OF STATE CONTROL OF LAND USE IN 2021–2023 (EXAMPLE OF AKMENĖ DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY) <p>The purpose of this study is to perform an analysis of the performance of the state control function of land use in the years 2021-2023 in the municipality of Akmenė district. It is the duty of the state to ensure that land is used rationally and protected. One of the methods of land protection is to carry out state control of land use. Data analysis and evaluation of the implementation of state control of land use in 2021-2023 in Akmenė district municipality was carried out, comparing the data with the trends of this activity in Lithuania. During 2021 - in 2023 a total of 26,885 land use state control inspections were carried out, of which 315 were in Akmenė district municipality. At the most during 2021 - in 2023 Planned inspections (15153 land use state control inspections) were carried out in Lithuania and Akmenė district municipality on land plots of other purpose.</p> Janina Jonė Krumcholcaitė, Virginija Gurskienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ANALYSIS OF AGRICULTURAL LAND MARKET PRICES IN ANYKŠČIAI DISTRICT <p>In Lithuania, agriculture is still one of the main economic activity types, even after the years of independence, land restitution formed a relatively small amount of plots for agricultural use. For state, economic and social purposes, it is important to examine the criteria that determine the market prices of agricultural land plots. Natural conditions, relief and location of the plot change the least in terms of time, so it is important to find out their relationship with the market price of land plots. The purpose of the study is to determine the relationship between market prices of agricultural land plots and some criteria influencing that market price. The research was carried out on the basis of regression analysis, which determined the criteria most affecting agricultural market prices and the significance of these criteria. The results revealed that the market price of single large parcels per 1 ha is lower than that of smaller parcels, so there is a tendency in Lithuania to divide large parcels into smaller ones in order to win economic benefits. Also, the results showed that the criteria: land productivity score and relief changes have the greatest impact on land market prices in Anykščiai district.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Eglė Leonovaitė, Vida Malienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 CHANGES IN THE LEVEL OF URBANIZATION IN THE COUNTIES OF LITHUANIA <p>The aim of the study is to assess the change in the level of urbanization in the counties of Lithuania. The calculated level of urbanization, i.e., the proportion of the city's population to the total population of the county. Ten counties of Lithuania were analyzed, comparing data from 2012 to 2023. The change in the level of urbanization of the counties was determined and the forecasts until 2030 were calculated. After performing a mathematical statistical analysis, the connection between the change in the level of urbanization and the analyzed factors was established. Most of the factors have a strong connection with the level of urbanization in Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda and Šiauliai counties. The connection with the analyzed factors are very weak in Telšiai and Panevėžys counties. In the remaining counties the connection with some of the factors is of an average strength. An increase in the level of urbanization was found throughout Lithuania, although the population increased during this period only in Vilnius county. There is a tendency of migration to cities from rural areas. The highest level of urbanization was determined in Vilnius county in 2023 - 79.61 percent. The number of operating companies is increasing throughout Lithuania and the unemployment rate is decreasing. Although there is a visible tendency of population decline, the level of urbanization may increase in five counties, while the others will remain relatively stable or decrease. Key words: urbanization, change in the level of urbanization, counties.</p> Regina Lisovskė, Virginija Gurskienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS IN LAND MANAGEMENT AS A BASIS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT <p>The paper examines the main aspects that affect rational land use and protection as a basis for sustainable development. The main problem is identified as insufficient attention to soil cover and the use of chemical fertilizers, while ecologisation is seen as the main direction of agricultural development. The purpose of the study is to summarize theoretical knowledge on land management with due regard to environmental aspects and to design ways to ensure sustainable development and protection of economic entity land.</p> <p>Measures to increase soil fertility were considered, such as the system of soil cultivation, use of fertilizers, crop rotation, and others aimed at increasing soil fertility and reducing the negative impact on the environment. Support is also expressed for the implementation of effective systems, such as drainage systems and cultural engineering works, to achieve the set goals. Emphasis is placed on the further improvement of environmental monitoring systems and the use of sanctions for violators in order to ensure the sustainable development of agriculture and the preservation of natural resources.</p> <p> </p> Oleksandr Makarchuk, Iryna Koshkalda Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 CHANGES IN LAND OWNERSHIP DURING THE ACQUISITION OF LAND FOR THE PUBLIC NEEDS OF THE "RAIL BALTICA" PROJECT IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF PANEVEZYS DISTRICT <p>Recently, a lot of attention has been paid to the railway transport infrastructure project "Rail Baltica". This project is a greenfield project, therefore it affects a lot of land plot owners. The structure of land holdings is changing, farming conditions are changing, economic activity is being restricted due to the protection zones of the railway and its facilities. The land needed for the construction of the railway is purchased from the landowners according to the procedure of acquiring land for public needs approved in Lithuania. The purpose of this article is to analyze the changes in land holdings during the implementation of the project of special national importance "Rail Baltica" in the territory of Panevezys district municipality. In this study, a spatial analysis of land plots was carried out, comparing land plots before and after the project. The railway designed in the "Rail Baltica" project touched more than 500 ha of land plots, of which 76 percent. dedicated to railway track and 24 percent for local roads near the railway track. The railway track divides the plot of land into two or more plots, as a result of which the plots of land decreased and the structure of land holdings became irrational. In order to effectively use irrational land plots, it is appropriate to prepare complex land consolidation projects, to buy out small land plots.</p> Andrius Murauskas, Daiva Juknelienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 AGRICULTURAL LAND USE IN TELŠIAI DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY <p>Agricultural land is the main means of production of agricultural products, however their area and structure are constantly changing. The aim of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of use of the agricultural land in the municipality of Telšiai District. During the research the legislation and Lithuanian and foreign literature sources were analysed, and the results obtained during the research were systematized, analyzed, and summarized based on the data collected during the research. The agricultural land area was constantly changing in the municipality of Telšiai District, and the biggest change in the area was that of the land intended for other purposes, it increased by 721.88 ha as indicated by the provided statistical data, when compared from 2019 to 2023. It was also established that the largest area in the municipality is occupied by agricultural land, which accounts for more than half (52%) of the area of the District. Arable land accounts for the largest share of agricultural land, as much as 87.32%, and it is the main means for obtaining agricultural products. The number of farmers’ farms decreased by as many as 490 during the analysed period, but the area of their declared fields increased by 2276.07 ha. Meanwhile, organic farms made up only 4.59% of all farms during the analysed period and the number of these farms and the occupied area in the District had a decreasing trend.</p> <p> </p> Renata Navardauskaitė, Jolanta Valčiukienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 EVALUATION OF THE FUNCTIONS OF THE INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR THE PREPARATION OF LAND-USE PLANNING DOCUMENTS ŽPDRIS <p>The Land Development Planning Document Preparation Information System (hereinafter referred to as "ŽPDRIS") is designed to centralise and digitise the preparation of land development planning documents. The system can be used to submit applications, monitor the drafting, coordination, public consultation, publicity and other processes. A distinct advantage of the GPDRIS is its ability to cover a large number of participants in the process. The services provided by ŽPDRIS are: electronic service for the preparation of land parcel formation and redevelopment projects; electronic service for the preparation of land acquisition projects for public needs; electronic service for the preparation of land consolidation projects; electronic service for the preparation of rural development land management projects (launched until 31.12.2023). The ŽPDRIS also provides services for the lease, use and sale of state land plots. The main objective of the study was to identify and evaluate the functions of the system by means of an expert survey. The study found that the number of land plots in Šiauliai County has increased by 761 units over the period 2023, and that the ŽPDRIS system is sufficiently clear, with only some uncertainties in some places when working with the system. Suggestions were also made to complement and improve the system.</p> <p> </p> Raimonda Norvilytė, Daiva Tiškutė-Memgaudienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ACQUISITION OF PRIVATE AGRICULTURAL LAND IN LITHUANIA <p>Each nation has developed its own system of regulating the ownership, use and movement of agricultural land to ensure the most beneficial use of the land. The efficiency and competitiveness of farms, as well as the quality of the production, depend on the conditions for the acquisition of agricultural land. The purpose of the study is to analyze the peculiarities of the acquisition of agricultural land in Lithuania. Scientific literature analysis, document analysis, systematic analysis, and summarization methods were used for the research. The main restrictions on the acquisition of agricultural land provided by legal acts are the granting of the right of priority to related persons and to the owners of plots bordering the plot for sale. It is also established that one owner cannot own more than 300 ha of agricultural land purchased from the state, or 500 ha in total. The right of priority for the acquisition of agricultural land also exists in other member states of the European Union, such as Latvia, Poland, France, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, Hungary. Only in five countries of the European Union (Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Hungary, Lithuania), there are restrictions on the maximum area of agricultural land that can be purchased. Agricultural land in Lithuania can be purchased by natural and legal persons of the Republic of Lithuania, as well as natural persons of foreign countries that are members of at least one of such organizations and agreements as the European Union, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Agreement on the European Economic Area, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and legal entities.</p> Oksana Paškauskienė, Jolanta Valčiukienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 AGRICULTURAL LAND MANAGEMENT <p>The article examines the issues of agricultural land management in amalgamated territorial communities. The study is aimed at increasing the rationality of land use and accelerating the territorial development of the community. It is emphasized that in today's conditions of efficient management, the normative monetary evaluation of agricultural land is one of the most important aspects that allows planning and financing local projects and initiatives. The study can also highlight important aspects of land policy, such as ensuring a balanced land resources use, taking into account the needs of the community in the development of the agricultural sector, and protecting natural ecosystems. Emphasizing the importance of effective land management in communities reflects a strategic approach to addressing the problem of land resources as part of the overall economic and social policy. It is noted that effective land management of the Kushuhum community is an important factor in the development of the region and ensuring sustainable development of the country as a whole.</p> Daria Pavlyh, Kateryna Pavlenko Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ANALYSIS OF THE AREA AND BOUNDARIES OF LAND PLOTS IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF AKMENĖ DISTRICT <p>The article presents the main problems that emerge during the cadastral data determination of land plots. The goal is to perform an analysis of the discrepancies identified during cadastral measurements, compared to those in territorial planning documents. The research aims to examine the development of territorial planning documents and the legal regulation of their preparation, to find out the 2020– 2023 in the municipality of Akmenė district. the basis for the occurrence of errors or discrepancies in the examined cases, systematize them and identify the causes.</p> <p>The most common problems are: the difference in the area of the plot of land exceeding the maximum permissible error, inconsistencies in the length of the lines of the plot of land, the configuration of the plots of land. These issues depend on the approximate accuracy of the information provided in the original documents. After analyzing and evaluating the practical situations related to the mentioned problems, it is noticed that in the long run, the determination of cadastral data/discrepancies is not only influenced by technical defects and changing project authors, but also by designing plots on the cadastral map without considering and evaluating the original document.</p> Rimantė Rasickienė Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ABANDONED LAND INDENTIFICATION METHODOLOGY IMPROVEMENT USING LASER SCANDATA <p>Currently, abandoned lands in Lithuania are determined remotely by analyzing the spectral images of the Earth's surface from the Earth satellite, which are linked to the Lithuanian coordinate system - LKS-94. However, in many cases space images may not be suitable due to excessive cloud cover. Other remote sensing technologies, such as laser scanning for the determination of abandoned land, are not yet used in Lithuania, due to the lack of scientific justification of the method. Lidar is a laser-scanning technology that measures the time between the active sensor's laser energy being emitted and its recovery back. The received information is displayed in a cloud of 3D points, which allows you to determine the objects’ height, volume, density, etc. Received data are compatible, high relative scanning accuracy is obtained. In this work are evaluated opportunities for abandoned land detection using laser scanning data. In order to achieve the goals, the possibilities of using the identified abandoned lands are discussed by the method of literature and statistical data analysis. Autodesk and UAB InfoEra, GeoMap software based on AutoCAD Map3D was used for data processing. It stores and processes datasets, manual clasification was used. The Undet tool of the GeoMap program was used for data processing of digital spatial laser scans for conversion and efficient management of Lidar point arrays<strong>. </strong>After the investigation in the research areas, it was found that comparing the set of abandoned land areas and areas which were classified by manual methods according to the digital raster and digital laser data set size of the abandoned areas was different. The abandoned land difference by the digital laser data was from 0,01 to 3,03 hectares.</p> Valentinas Tiškovas, Donatas Jonikavičius Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 RESEARCH OF THE EFFICIENCY OF CAR BRAKING UNDER DIFFERENT LOADS <p>The article analyses car braking parameters under different loads, evaluating the values of deceleration and wheel braking forces, which were obtained during two separate tests. Both tests were carried out by simulating different numbers of passengers and their arrangement in the automobile. In the first, the measurement of the braking force of the automobile's tires was carried out, and in the second, extreme braking in real conditions. From the results of the car tire braking force tests, it was found that reducing the tire pressure reduces the braking force of the tires and, at the same time, the braking efficiency. Changing the number of passengers in the car has the greatest influence on the braking performance of the rear tires: the largest changes were obtained in the rear left wheel in the range of 4.63 %, the smallest in the front right wheel in the range of 0,58 %, at 3 bar tire pressure. In the extreme braking test, the lowest and highest lateral acceleration values were obtained with the maximum number of passengers in the car, 9,18 m/s<sup>2</sup> and 1,01 m/s<sup>2</sup>, respectively, which suggests that braking is the least stable and effective.</p> Mantas Abliauliūnas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 STUDY ON THE INFLUENCE OF BIOFUELS ON THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GASOLINE DIRECT INJECTION <p>In order to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by vehicles, more and more mineral fuels are replaced by biofuels. However, the physical and chemical properties of biofuels are usually significantly different from traditional fuels, which affects the performance of vehicle engines and fuel emissions. Engine performance is partly determinate by the preparation of the combustible mixture. This is especially important for engines with direct gasoline injection, which use is increasing in cars rapidly.</p> <p>The aim of the work was to study the influence of biofuels on the characteristics of the gasoline direct injection system. Tests were performed by injecting three different fuels: gasoline, a mixture of 85% bioethanol and 15% gasoline (E85), a mixture of 85% biobutanol and 15% gasoline. Injection characteristics were recorded using the Bosch method. The fuel was injected at pressures of 10,0 MPa, 17,5 MPa and 25 MPa, with the injector control pulse duration varying from 0,25 to 1,2 ms.</p> <p>Research has shown that when fuel flow rate for E85 is 5,07 % lower than when gasoline is injected. When B85 fuel was injected at the same pressure, the flow rate was 13,7% higher. When the injection pressure was increased to 17,5 MPa, the flow rate was 6,1% higher for E85 fuel injection and 11,3% higher for B85 fuel injection than for gasoline injection. When fuel pressure was increased to 25 MPa, E85 and B85 fuel flow rate was 19,03% higher than gasoline injection. In all cases the actual injection duration was longer than the injector control pulse duration.</p> Paulius Bružikas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE INFLUENCE OF TECHNICAL LIQUIDS ON THE PROPERTIES OF ELASTOMERS PRINTED USING 3D TECHNOLOGIES <p>One of today's technologies, 3D printing, known as adaptive manufacturing, can often be a successful solution for creating new products, restoring broken parts, re-modelling, refining, redesigning. 3D printing in polymeric materials is currently very popular. However, over time, depending on the operating conditions, polymer products age - change and deteriorate. For this technology to work, you need to know whether the printed parts will be reliable and durable. The manufacturer will usually provide the resistance properties of the raw materials for 3D printing to chemically aggressive environments. The properties of the printed product may be different. This research work presents the results of a study on the absorption of coolant and engine oil by FDM and SLA 3D printed elastomer parts and the effect of these fluids on the product properties. The parts were soaked for 36 days. The study showed that all the tested products absorbed the technical fluids with an increase in their mass. However, the properties of the materials printed with FDM and SLA technologies are different. FDM elastomers absorb coolant a little (0.08 - 0.09 g in 36 days), oil - more 0.14 - 0.21g. SLA-type resin products absorb more coolant (0.1 g per 36 days) and used oil (0.03 g to 0.22 g). Coolant and oil act as softeners for SLA printed elastomers.</p> Ernestas Jakas, Audrus Žunda Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ASSESSMENT OF THE RELIABILITY OF CARS DURING THE WARRANTY PERIOD <p>In conclusion, the study conducted at the Kaunas auto center confirmed the importance of the warranty service provided by manufacturers in ensuring the quality and reliability of vehicles. Consumers are increasingly looking for inexpensive, high-quality, reliable cars with low repair costs. By analyzing the reliability ratings of different car models, consumers can make informed decisions when choosing a vehicle that meets their needs and preferences. The article presents a study of two car models of the same manufacturer, Škoda Octavia and Škoda Superb, focusing on defects during the warranty period. During the study, the dependence of engine, chassis, transmission, cooling system, electrical system defects on the mileage during the entire warranty period was evaluated. The failure probability of each system was analyzed to calculate the overall probability that the cars will not experience defects. A statistical mathematical model was developed and plotted on charts while collecting data on the distribution of defects. In the course of the investigation, the accumulated information on the recorded main system failures was used: engine, suspension, electronic systems. The study was carried out when the mileage was divided every 20,000 km, based on these data, variation lines were created, which were assigned to the failure of a certain system. Failures were fixed according to service during the warranty period. Collected data from 448 cars. It was found that the electronic system had the most defects during the warranty period, in percentage terms "Škoda Superb" 0.459 and "Škoda Octavia" 0.489, the least - in the engine and suspension systems, where the total probability of failure of "Škoda Octavia" reaches 0.300, and "Škoda Superb" 0.305 percent. . Research data show that after driving 50 thousand Kilometers of all system failures are increasing. It was noticed during the research, the increase in the probability of failure of both car models after driving 20,000 km. Km, but the difference in repair costs remains. Repair costs are lower for the mid-range Škoda Octavia model, and higher for the higher-class Škoda Superb model.</p> Gediminas Jurgelaitis, Juozas Padgurskas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 RESEARCH OF BRAKE PADS PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTIC <p>The article presents a study of the operational properties of brake pads. During the test, brake pads from six different manufacturers are examined, which are suitable for the same vehicle. The tests shall be carried out on the GARLING brake pad test bench under the same test conditions for all the brake pads under examination. During the study, the values of the friction coefficient μ<sub>op</sub>, μ<sub>min</sub>, μ<sub>max</sub> of the brake pads, the variation of the friction coefficient during the cycle μ<sub>vid</sub>, the dependence of the friction coefficient on temperature and the coefficient of wear are recorded.</p> <p>Under normal driving conditions, the temperature of the brake discs and pads can vary from 100 °C to 300 °C. With strong or prolonged braking, the temperature may also rise above 400 °C. During the study, the brake pads of the sample T3 reached a temperature of 820.68 °C and maintained a stable friction coefficient of μ<sub>vid</sub> 0.438. As the temperature of the brake pads of the sample T1 increased to 857.80 °C, the friction coefficient μ increased from 0.4 to 0.599, respectively. Brake pads T2 achieved a maximum temperature of 573.3 °C and a decreasing friction coefficient μ varied from 0.475 to 0.275. During braking, the brake pads of the sample T4 reached a low temperature of 510.97 °C had a decreasing friction coefficient μ from 0.413 to 0.250. As can be seen, with increasing temperature, these pads did not retain a constant value of the friction coefficient, which indicates worse performance. The results of the study confirm that the quality and characteristics of the brake pads on the market can have a significant impact on braking efficiency, safety during emergency braking and travel comfort. These factors can be decisive for the driver to ensure optimal handling of the car and braking performance in various situations, including emergency brakes.</p> Vytautas Kryžius, Pauliukas Pauliukas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 INVESTIGATION OF ENGINE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND EMISSIONS CHARACTERISTICS OF SECOND GENERATION BIOFUELS AND TYRE PYROLYSIS OIL BLENDS <p>The article analyses the influence of second-generation biofuels and tires pyrolysis oil and their mixtures, on the indicators of diesel engine performance and exhaust emissions. Experimental studies were carried out with a single-cylinder, four-stroke, air-cooled, direct injection diesel engine. Second-generation biofuels (HVO), tyre pyrolysis oil (PPA) and their PPA15, PPA30, and PPA60 blends were used in the studies. During the test, the operating parameters of the engine were measured: the frequency of rotation of the crankshaft, engine air consumption, fuel consumption, engine torque, exhaust emissions and smokiness of gases.</p> <p>After analysing the results obtained during the experimental study, it was noted that in addition to all load modes, the lowest fuel consumption was obtained when the engine was running on HVO fuel. When the engine was running at full load, the lowest emissions of nitrogen oxides (NO<sub>X</sub>) were obtained when the engine was running on pure second-generation biofuels (1571 ppm). When the engine was running at full load, the maximum carbon monoxide (CO) emission (1288 ppm) was obtained by powering the engine with PPA fuel. When the engine was running in full load mode, the HVO-fuelled engine smoked 78.1% less compared to tire pyrolysis oil.</p> Paulius Montvydas, Tomas Mickevičius Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE RESEARCH OF FORWARDER PASSING IN HAUL <p>skidding, the number of drives and the amount of logging waste in the hauls are presented. The research was performed in regional unit of Dubrava. The research analyses the skidding and rut depth values of wheeled and semi-tracked chassis in three different ways: without branches; with 25 erdm branches laid in hauls and with 50 erdm branches laid in hauls.</p> <p>During the research it was found out that the differences in skidding values between wheeled and semi-tracked chassis are in the minimal range of 0,4 - 4 %. The highest skidding with half-tracked chassis was 22,2 %, with wheeled chassis was 18,2 % after 27drives without branches. The lowest result of skidding with semi-tracked chassis was 5,4 %, with wheels - 5 % using 50 erdm of branches in the hauls. After 27 drives without layer of branches the maximum rut depth was 342 mm with the semi-tracked chassis, 319 mm - with wheeled one. The minimum result of the rut depth after 27 drives was 49 mm with semi-tracked chassis and 167 mm with a wheeled chassis using 50 erdm branches in the hauls.</p> Ovidijus Pečkauskas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE INFLUENCE OF SURFACE-REPAIRING ADDITIVES ON THE LUBRICABILITY OF USED ENGINE OIL <p>Modern machines have different configurations friction hitches, which operate under different conditions and have different parameters. Intensive wear of the material in the tribopair occurs in the boundary and mixed lubricated rolling, where there is direct contact between the two surfaces. Lubricant in the tribopair performs several functions. One of the most important is the separation of two surfaces. The second is the cooling of the point of contact, because the heat resulting from friction has a lot of negative influence on the change of the surface material properties and the aging of the lubricants. The third is cleaning the point of contact from friction wear products. Engine oils are provided to consumers already with the necessary, optimally selected properties. However, there is a considerable supply of additional add-ons on the market. The question of the investigation was - at what point would it be beneficial to add additional supplements for new oil, already containing all the necessary additives, to improve the properties of lubrication during operation. The aim of the work was to investigate the influence of the engine oil additive on the lubricity of the oil used for a certain period of time. During the research, it was found that it is most practical to use the additive just after reaching a 3000 km mark. It was determined that the wear of the parts was 15-18% lower when using oil with an additive, compared to the control oil. </p> Lukas Radžiūnas, Andrius Žunda Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 STUDY OF TRAFFIC FLOWS IN THE CITY OF MAŽEIKIAI <p> </p> <p>As the number of vehicles in the city of Mažeikiai grows, the intersections become increasingly congested. As the load at intersections increases, street congestion, the probability of traffic accidents, and environmental pollution, which harms human health and leads to climate warming, increase. The highest load and congestion at intersections occurs during the peak hours: the morning peak and the evening peak. The morning and evening peaks occur when people go to and from work, and the afternoon peak occurs when people go to lunch. On weekend days, traffic jams usually occur at various centers of attraction: shops, cinemas, various entertainment centers, etc. Therefore, in order to improve the travel conditions of traffic flows, it is necessary to study exactly how big the congestion is at intersections and roundabouts.</p> <p>In order to adapt the intersections to the current traffic flows, it is necessary to reconstruct the current intersections. One of the ways is to increase the number of traffic lanes at intersections, but this is usually not possible because there are buildings, plants, and other objects at the intersections. Another way to increase the throughput of intersections is to adjust the traffic lights, choosing the optimal times of green, yellow and red signals, which helps to reduce traffic congestion at intersections. After finding out and analyzing the occupancy of traffic flows, solutions can be found to reduce congestion caused by traffic flows. The research revealed that in order for Žematijos - Naftininkų st. the throughput of vehicles at the intersection would be improved on Naftininkų Street at the intersection of Žemaitijos Street, the time of the green traffic light signal should be extended by 2 s - traffic congestion would be by 4 - 5% reduced. Meanwhile, on Žemaitija Street, if the time of the green traffic signal is extended by 7 seconds, vehicle congestion would by 20-22 % decrease.</p> Žygimantas Tereba, Tomas Mickevičius Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 INVESTIGATION OF THE LUBRICATING PROPERTIES OF NANO PARTICLE-MODIFIED OIL <p>In cars or other vehicles, the inside wears out, oil which has lubricating properties can stop mechanism wear off. Scientists have discovered that friction between parts can be reduced even less with nanoparticles. Thus, oil modification with nanoparticles was carried out and a study was carried out with DUCOM HFRR unit to check the friction coefficient and wear of modified and unmodified oil. During the study, results were obtained that show and confirm that the modified oil with nanoparticles has less friction and less wear. So it can be said that nanoparticles can really help to reduce friction between parts.</p> Rokas Žlabys Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 EFFECT OF ROAD SURFACE ON BRAKING PERFORMANCE <p>This study is carried out to determine the effect of road surface on braking performance when using off-road tyres. This is relevant for vehicles used for forestry work during the wet season (spring and autumn), which is the period when vehicles need to have a higher level of traction. Braking tests were carried out using two different types of tyres on different road surfaces at different speeds. In order to know the characteristics of the ABS system and its performance under different conditions, braking tests were carried out with the ABS system on, off and in the OFF-Road ABS mode. The study is based on well-defined experimental principles in order to obtain objective and reliable results. The results of the study should contribute to a better understanding of how the road surface can affect the braking performance of vehicles, in particular when using tyres specifically designed for off-road use.</p> Nojus Žygaitis, Artūras Kupčinskas Copyright (c) 2024 Young Scientist, Conference / Jaunasis mokslininkas, konferencija Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300